So it was a Zack Snyder film all along
Some of the negative reviews kinda go after both of them. I laughed at one lengthy review on forbes (pretty well articulated) where the reviewer thought this movie combined the worst out of Nolan and Snyder:
"With Man Of Steel, Nolan and Snyder have combined to make a film that plays to their worst stereotypes. It’s full of big and stupid action at the expense of character while drowning itself in self-serious grimness, on-the-nose thematic exposition, and shoe-horned James Bond riffs."
but then again, there are reviews out there claiming this is the best superman movie ever and that it exceeded even 'astronomical expectations'. It is interesting how we can look at the same thing through totally different lenses. For instance, I liked Immortals yet RT scored it at 35% and i didn't like DK yet RT scored it at 90+! crazy...
I think i will enjoy MOS a lot cause i'm a big superman fan! and RT of 70 is not aweful, just disappointing for a film which had so much promise...oh those those trailers