I haven't seen those movies in a hell of a long time, but I certainly remember liking Superman Returns a great deal more.
He was strong and has some fun moments where he chews the scenery.
They're still here in the thread, sniping at reviews for "doing it wrong"
Perhaps I should have said "polarizing" instead of lukewarm. The reception is all over the place. I've seen it called a great on the level of Batman Begins, only to turn around and see it called worse than Superman Returns.
The extended action sequence, starting with Hulk punching the wurmship and ending with Tony's heroic save, is nothing but fun to watch.
This is my first midnight premiere, and as gruesome as it is, I can't help but get the disaster at Aurora last year out of my head. I know logically speaking, I shouldn't be worried as the odds are pretty low that out of the millions of theaters mine would get hit, but just making the mental connection that this is another big tentpole DC film is bothering me.
good grief.
well sorry if I think a reviewer is an idiot for knocking something for not having cats in trees.
anyways most reviews are still quite positive.
This was a very mediocre movie. Snyder has some neat visual touches placed throughout, but the entire last half is a mindless headache -- think of the worst parts of The Avengers without any of the fun camaraderie. Henry Cavill is very strong, as is most of the rest of the cast, but the script is poor. It's mostly exposition and the most banal, forced kind. I didn't necessarily mind the flashback structure, but it undercuts some momentum. There are a few bad-ass moments...and that's about it. More to come.
Right now I'd go C or C+.
iron man 3>>>>man of steel?
Two people I know saw the movie already.
One thought it was the best Superman movie since the first Superman (Donner). No hard comparisons were made to the Batman movies but he said "it's up there, at least as good or better than TDKR".
Another thought it was good not godly. Said that there was some pacing issues in the start and at the end there was TOO much action. He said that Superman Returns is a good litmus test for if you would like this movie... if you hated Superman Returns you would most likely like this movie a lot but if you liked/loved Returns then you will not like this movie a lot.
Anecdotal I know but I generally trust both these people in terms of if they like something then I usually like it too. I personally have rarely seen an action movie where I can say "there was TOO much action" in it... I guess I am an action junky.
If this is worse than Great Gatsby then Zack Snyder should stop making big budget movies.Yes, Iron Man 3 is better. So is Star Trek Into Darkness, Fast & Furious 6 and especially The Great Gatsby.
I did enjoy those movies... minus Hulk.If you like the action in Fast n Furious 5/6, STID, Avengers, Hulk, you'll really enjoy the action in MoS.
Yes, Iron Man 3 is better. So is Star Trek Into Darkness, Fast & Furious 6 and especially The Great Gatsby.
Oh I forgot you loved Gatsby. This improves my hopes that our contrasting opinions on summer films might hold true on this one.
Rotten Tomatoes has ruined life
Metacritic has ruined life
Humans have ruined life
Expendable's twitter:
"Man of Steel is a large-scale headache, esp. the last half. Cavill & cast are impressive, but Snyder's direction is rarely invigorating."
Waiting for full review.
iron man 3>>>>man of steel?
Star Trek is my #1 blockbuster so far. I would have said Fast 6, but the second viewing of Star Trek was much more fun than the first time.I really enjoyed STiD and especially Furious 6. Hearing they are better than MoS isn't concerning. But hearing Iron Man might be too is concerning. I enjoyed IM enough for what it was, but I sure as hell hope MoS is better than it. Never saw Gatsby.
Furious 6 is likely the blockbuster of the year, just like Fast 5 was 2 years ago.
Fuck Fast and the Furious. You guys are really going to make me watch this shit.
Fuck Fast and the Furious. You guys are really going to make me watch this shit.
Fuck Fast and the Furious. You guys are really going to make me watch this shit.
Oh shit Movie of the Summer confirmed.
Is WB still thinking about a sequel helmed by Snyder and Goyer?
I see you forgot to put X2 and Spidey 2 anywhere on there. Probably near the top I would hope.Batman Begins > The Dark Knight > Iron Man> TDKR > Batman Returns > Batman (1989) > Ang Lee Hulk > Superman Returns > Iron Man 3 > Thor > Cap America > Edward Norton Hulk > Avengers > Iron Man 2 > Schumacher puke >>>>>> Green Lantern
MoS is somewhere between Iron Man 3 and Edward Norton Hulk
Star Trek is my #1 blockbuster so far. I would have said Fast 6, but the second viewing of Star Trek was much more fun than the first time.
It's weird that this is getting lukewarm reception. I mean, a week ago I was led to believe that this was going to be on the level of the Nolan Batmans. Where did that notion come from?
We agree on a lot of things. STiD is definitely my favourite blockbuster thus far and the second viewing was indeed even better. Not a fan of the F&F films though.
I really enjoyed STiD and especially Furious 6. Hearing they are better than MoS isn't concerning. But hearing Iron Man might be too is concerning. I enjoyed IM enough for what it was, but I sure as hell hope MoS is better than it. Never saw Gatsby.
Furious 6 is likely the blockbuster of the year, just like Fast 5 was 2 years ago.
I wasn't a fan either, but Fast Five was just fucking nuts. Fast 6 was close to its awesomeness, but came just a little short. Just barely.We agree on a lot of things. STiD is definitely my favourite blockbuster thus far and the second viewing was indeed even better. Not a fan of the F&F films though.
BTW, I haven't seen MoS yet obviously, but Furious 6 may have the best Superman leap found in movies this summer. For real :lol
There's still Pacific Rim. In Del Toro we trust! (pleaseeee)
Well it seems from impressions that the writing IS on the level of Nolan's Batmans, so Solo isn't that far off the mark...!I blame Dead.
I see you forgot to put X2 and Spidey 2 anywhere on there. Probably near the top I would hope.
How long until the criticisms shift from Snyder and Goyer to Nolan?
Forbes said:With Man Of Steel, Nolan and Snyder have combined to make a film that plays to their worst stereotypes. It’s full of big and stupid action at the expense of character while drowning itself in self-serious grimness, on-the-nose thematic exposition, and shoe-horned James Bond riffs.
BTW, I haven't seen MoS yet obviously, but Furious 6 may have the best Superman leap found in movies this summer. For real :lol
There was already that Forbes review that completely ethered BOTH Snyder and Nolan :lol
Hey now, I really liked Gatsby. I wouldn't use the other L word.