I missed that one. However, most reviews I have read emphasize Snyder and Goyer as the lead storytellers. Some don't even mention Nolan, and when they do it's in passing or to give him a nod as the "grandfather" of the reboot.
This is hilarious tho. lolThere was already that Forbes review that completely ethered BOTH Snyder and Nolan :lol
Skewered. One sympathizes.
It is getting more level headed. Which makes me want to read it again.This thread isn't fun anymore.![]()
This thread isn't fun anymore.![]()
Well it seems from impressions that the writing IS on the level of Nolan's Batmans, so Solo isn't that far off the mark...!
Thankfully I'm quite sure I will like it a lot, so there will be no need for such shenanigans!I mean, if it does suck, I guess you could blame Nolan for hiring Snyder in the first place.
Being serious, F&F1 is alright, then 2, 3 and 4 blow copious amounts of phallus. I went to go see number 5 with a bunch of mates for cheap, just going out for something to do and expecting to dislike the film
it fucking BLEW my mind. Like serious, the best action film since Bad Boys II (fuck the h8rz). It was just amazing, so much fun.
6 was almost as good, but still top top top entertainment. Watch 1, 5, 6. Fuck the rest.
Join us in the sun.
Being in the sun wasn't supposed to be like this Solo.
I mean, arguing about the legitimacy of reviews for a movie 98% of us haven't even seen? Declaring the film doomed because it isn't the second coming? I'd rather stay in the bus.![]()
This thread isn't fun anymore.
This is hilarious tho. lol
Being in the sun wasn't supposed to be like this Solo.
I mean, arguing about the legitimacy of reviews for a movie 98% of us haven't even seen? Declaring the film doomed because it isn't the second coming? I'd rather stay in the bus.![]()
This is the dark side of hype. Being excited about something means you scrounge for every speck of info. And when you find info saying something that doesn't line up with your expectations of it, it's offputting, so people tend to try to falsify that information somehow.
This is the price you pay for a ticket onto the hype train.
I wonder how long it will take solo to start speaking in MoS quotes.
Fast Five is on HBO. Hmm..
Yep. I've been burned far too many times which is why I try not to get hyped for any movies any more. It's so much easier when you have no expectations or delusions of grandeur. I would say a good 90% of films I succumbed to hype for ended up disappointing. The absolute worst phase of this is denial. When you try to convince yourself that what you saw lived up to expectations. Ultimately its followed by acceptance.
It's weird that this is getting lukewarm reception. I mean, a week ago I was led to believe that this was going to be on the level of the Nolan Batmans. Where did that notion come from?
Yep. I've been burned far too many times which is why I try not to get hyped for any movies any more. It's so much easier when you have no expectations or delusions of grandeur. I would say a good 90% of films I succumbed to hype for ended up disappointing. The absolute worst phase of this is denial. When you try to convince yourself that what you saw lived up to expectations, when deep down you know it didn't. Ultimately its followed by acceptance.
I think you have to hold all three of them "responsible" (I hate saying that because I haven't seen it and don't know how good or bad it is yet) almost equally. Goyer for writing it, Snyder for directing it, and Nolan for approving it.
And of course, you flip that around if the movie turns out great: split the praise almost equally.
Watch World War Z instead...it's at 80%.
Watch World War Z instead...it's at 80%.
Oh man, the product placement in this one is laughable. IHOP gets more screentime than a few characters and 7-11, Sears, Nokia and Nikon are blatantly throughout.
I haven't seen those movies in a hell of a long time, but I certainly remember liking Superman Returns a great deal more.
Man, that always annoys me.
I thought STiD and IM3 were meh (with IM being worse), so if this is worse I'll be very disappointed.
Trolled again by Superman trailers. Should be some sort of crime, with jail time.
Now we know why Henry almost cried during his screening. That bad. Dat bad.
I still have some hope though. The tomato-meter is so far based on 42 reviews, IM3 and STID have 250+. Hopefully it normalizes.
John Carter says nope.
Edit: Oh, this summer. My mistake.
Oh how did that movie turn out? I never watched it and I don't know anyone who did. And neither did any of my employees and we all work at a theatre.
Carter bombed, but I thought it was a lot of damn fun. Is it anything deep or meaningful? No. But do I feel like a kid while watching it and have a blast? Fuck yes!Oh how did that movie turn out? I never watched it and I don't know anyone who did. And neither did any of my employees and we all work at a theatre.
Normalizing doesn't mean increasing in score.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the RT score continues to drop. Almost all comic movies start higher than they end up.
Eh, I've been a little skeptical of critics lately. I don't think my opinions align with theirs very often. For instance I enjoyed The Hobbit quite a lot, and it only has like a 65% rotten. And I enjoyed Mud well enough, but the 99% positive or whatever is a little baffling to me. So I'll continue to wait for more impressions from GAFfers before I decide if I'll watch MoS.