This movie is solid all around. I liked it plenty. IMAX definitely helped though. DAT SOUND SHAKE
But Returns is mediocre from start to finish, there is nothing in that movie that could be great or above average, thats my point here, you said Returns was better or that you liked that movie more but for the things you are saying it doesn't make sense to me.
At least MoS has great action going by what you say, Returns has NO action, well if you consider doing things that were done 30 years ago and lifting an island action then I don't know what to say.
Iron Man 3 was part of an established franchise with a massive built-in audience.
Man of Steel is a reboot with a lot to prove.
but people were excited of watching a transformers movie, people were wary of superman in the first placeRottentomatoes and boxoffice success:
Transformers 1 57% 709m, 2 36% 836m and 3 20% 1123m.
I wouldnt get too upset about the Tomatometer score ..
MoS has mostly bad, jumbled action. I picked out TWO MINUTES of what amounts to likely 1.5 hours of action. And a Superman movie doesn't need to have any action as long as its compelling. I don't think Singer's version is God's gift, but I certainly don't remember exiting the theater never wanting to see it again.
Completly disagree with this.
I respect your opinion man but I think our tastes are very different and what you thought its bad I may think is great![]()
I get that. Audiences haven't been introduced to Superman in decades now. Just don't see how in a dreadful summer, people are going to directly base it against the Avengers before seeing it? Just being realistic.
Either way, it's not making Avengers money. It's probably going to end up a little less than Iron Man 3, possibly a bit more if the viewer feedback remains this positive.
If you are talking worldwide, you do realize that Iron Man 3 is the fifth highest grossing film of all time right? The movie made $800M overseas, which is about 90% of The Avengers overseas total. I think WB would be pretty ecstatic if Man of Steel made $800M total.
but people were excited of watching a transformers movie, people were wary of superman in the first place
Rottentomatoes and boxoffice success:
Transformers 1 57% 709m, 2 36% 836m and 3 20% 1123m.
I wouldnt get too upset about the Tomatometer score ..
But it's undeniable that people are more aware of (and more influenced by) the critical consensus of films, and that a stellar critical reception can give a film a huge boost.
I think it's safe to say that this is significantly lower than WB would have wanted, and it's probably making them a bit nervous.
but people were excited of watching a transformers movie, people were wary of superman in the first place
Can anyone explain how Kalin the arctic? Did I miss something?went from being a waiter to a cargo guy assisting Lois off a chopper
Nobody was excited to watch TF3
Superman Returns. We want more action!
Man of Steel. Too much action!
Superman Returns. We want more action!
Man of Steel. Too much action!
In what universe was Sucker Punch "refreshing"?
In what universe was Sucker Punch "refreshing"?
This is going to be eviscerated. Some lady reviewer on the morning radio show said it's too dour, the sweetness is gone, and they missed the point of Superman. She said she's writing a bad review as well.
I am getting the sense that people are expecting a Donner film and feel like kicking this because they're sick of superhero films. Ugh.
I think I have a stick up my ass just from reading that review.
Superman Returns. We want more action!
Man of Steel. Too much action!
[B said:Marion Cobretti[/B];62874336]Because we're fans of the character obviously.
And because for the first time in 35 years (longer than a good chunk of us have been alive), we're potentially getting a proper Superman movie with all the bells and whistles.
Of course there's gonna be fans that reach insane levels of hype.
Me personally, my levels of hype are similar to that scene in the ending of 2001. Eventually it hit such a high note, that everything went silent, and I couldn't even be hyped anymore. All I could do was accept the wait and move on knowing I would soon be joining him in the sun.
Come Thursday, I'll walk out of my house in the morning, close my eyes, and bask in the sun like superman does, knowing, that I'll be seeing the movie finally that night.
If the movie ends up sucking, it'll be the biggest disappointment since Super Mario Sunshine.
Let us all hope that's not the case.
I don't think it's wildly out of left field to compare major summer movies, esp. in terms of giving people alternatives to see in theaters.
Solrac is on the defensive whenever some one badmouths (or simply dislikes) DC in any media.
RT score is down to 67%
This movie is solid all around. I liked it plenty. IMAX definitely helped though. DAT SOUND SHAKE
MoS has mostly bad, jumbled action. I picked out TWO MINUTES of what amounts to likely 1.5 hours of action. And a Superman movie doesn't need to have any action as long as its compelling. I don't think Singer's version is God's gift, but I certainly don't remember exiting the theater never wanting to see it again.
I know a writer at Wired who told me yesterday her article on it (should be coming soon) is going to be REALLY negative, and that I dodged a bullet missing the press screening.
The gist was that she thought the movie entirely misses the point of the character, and in fact, damages Superman.
This is going to be eviscerated. Some lady reviewer on the morning radio show said it's too dour, the sweetness is gone, and they missed the point of Superman. She said she's writing a bad review as well.
I am getting the sense that people are expecting a Donner film and feel like kicking this because they're sick of superhero films. Ugh.
This is what I had feared.
The film was released here in Taipei today, so we saw a 2pm showing (with a nicely packed theater).
This really is the best of Superman on the silver screen for me, without question.
Yes, the action is epic in scope and begins to wear itself out towards the end...but each and every bit of this spectacle is earned, due in large part to the emotional threads that weave themselves in and out of the grand narrative.
Structure and pacing for this film are absolutely spot on, even if this seems to be a point of contention for many critics. People who are complaining about these things really are forgetting the whining and complaining about the pacing and structure of Superman Returns.
Snyder pulls off an extremely neat little trick in the editing room. He tells an origin/reboot story without allowing it to feel like an origin/rebot story. After the absolutely abysmal and utterly forgettable Amazing Spiderman, I can't thank him enough for that. It actually does manage to feel fresh and doesn't fall victim to "pointless retread" syndrome.
The film cuts back and forth, chronologically, and each scene layers in a bit of emotional weight before giving way to the next scene, and that's what worked so well for me. The mythology is there, beautifully realized, and it's shown more than told. So, yes, while it feels like Clark/Superman is seemingly given very little to work with in terms of dialogue, it's the focus on a decidedly "lost and confused" Superman that anchors the current events to the (suprisingly emotional) backstory.
The casting is also pitch-perfect. Russel Crowe as Jor-El just rocks so very, very hard. Doubly true for the always stellar Michael Shannon. Kevin Costner and Diane Lane are really effective as the Kents (Costner brings some genuinely tear-worthy moments to the film). Oh, and thank FUCK that Kate Bosworth can no longer be synonymous with "Lois Lane". Amy Adams wipes the bad taste left by her clean out the mouth.
There are some easy nitpicks that people will go for, as well as a couple of glaring flaws. The heavy use of CGI in the fight scenes is more hit than miss...but when it does miss, it can be an eyesore. Thankfully the bulk of the CGI overload doesn't arrive until close to the end, and when it does end...there's a scene that makes it VERY worthwhile.
Just to elaborate, with SPOILERS:
The fight scenes between Supes and Zod's army were exhilirating chunks of BADASSERY all of their own (and Faora-Ul was such a slick villain, almost as intense and effective as Zod himself). The fights in Smallville were just rock-solid. People made jokes about Superman Returns in that we never get to see Superman really "punch the living fuck out of someone"...well they asked for it, and they got it, BIG TIME. It's really, really awesome stuff.
But then something odd happens, by the time we get to the final showdown between Superman and Zod, one-on-one, the action scenes and the CGI overload had already kind of worn me down. Then it nearly shits the bed, almost going full-on video game with these two God-like behemoths duking it out against every backdrop imaginable, leaving the most jaw-dropping path of destruction in their wake. We're talking hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in property damage, for sure. Then I find myself thinking "Please, please stop before you ruin everything good that has come before this..."
And then the movie totally and utterly saves that climax from CGI hell with the best scene in the movie. Superman is forced to snap Zod's neck to save the lives of a family (HUGE criticism to interject with on this, though, Superman's battle with Zod has definitely already killed thousands at this point, from the path of destruction alone). Regardless of that criticism, the scene still works in such a tremendous and profound way that I've never seen in a superhero movie before. The hero is forced to kill the villain, and he is utterly devastated for having to take that life, even if that life is inherently evil.
Caville REALLY sold that scene, for me. That was the heart of the movie right there. That's who Superman is, in a nutshell. It's the movie's journey to find the character and understand him and for him to understand his place on Earth. His love for mankind and his sacrifices. It's a tremendous moment, and a huge victory for the movie. My wife and I, along with the rest of the theater, were stunned into silence. That and the final few minutes really take the movie home.
Amazing film, easily one of the best of the year. I could put this above the most recent comic book film offerings without hesitation, and I'm not even a Superman "fan".
This is what I had feared.
The film was released here in Taipei today, so we saw a 2pm showing (with a nicely packed theater).
This really is the best of Superman on the silver screen for me, without question.
Yes, the action is epic in scope and begins to wear itself out towards the end...but each and every bit of this spectacle is earned, due in large part to the emotional threads that weave themselves in and out of the grand narrative.
Structure and pacing for this film are absolutely spot on, even if this seems to be a point of contention for many critics. People who are complaining about these things really are forgetting the whining and complaining about the pacing and structure of Superman Returns.
Snyder pulls off an extremely neat little trick in the editing room. He tells an origin/reboot story without allowing it to feel like an origin/rebot story. After the absolutely abysmal and utterly forgettable Amazing Spiderman, I can't thank him enough for that. It actually does manage to feel fresh and doesn't fall victim to "pointless retread" syndrome.
The film cuts back and forth, chronologically, and each scene layers in a bit of emotional weight before giving way to the next scene, and that's what worked so well for me. The mythology is there, beautifully realized, and it's shown more than told. So, yes, while it feels like Clark/Superman is seemingly given very little to work with in terms of dialogue, it's the focus on a decidedly "lost and confused" Superman that anchors the current events to the (suprisingly emotional) backstory.
The casting is also pitch-perfect. Russel Crowe as Jor-El just rocks so very, very hard. Doubly true for the always stellar Michael Shannon. Kevin Costner and Diane Lane are really effective as the Kents (Costner brings some genuinely tear-worthy moments to the film). Oh, and thank FUCK that Kate Bosworth can no longer be synonymous with "Lois Lane". Amy Adams wipes the bad taste left by her clean out the mouth.
There are some easy nitpicks that people will go for, as well as a couple of glaring flaws. The heavy use of CGI in the fight scenes is more hit than miss...but when it does miss, it can be an eyesore. Thankfully the bulk of the CGI overload doesn't arrive until close to the end, and when it does end...there's a scene that makes it VERY worthwhile.
Just to elaborate, with SPOILERS:
The fight scenes between Supes and Zod's army were exhilirating chunks of BADASSERY all of their own (and Faora-Ul was such a slick villain, almost as intense and effective as Zod himself). The fights in Smallville were just rock-solid. People made jokes about Superman Returns in that we never get to see Superman really "punch the living fuck out of someone"...well they asked for it, and they got it, BIG TIME. It's really, really awesome stuff.
But then something odd happens, by the time we get to the final showdown between Superman and Zod, one-on-one, the action scenes and the CGI overload had already kind of worn me down. Then it nearly shits the bed, almost going full-on video game with these two God-like behemoths duking it out against every backdrop imaginable, leaving the most jaw-dropping path of destruction in their wake. We're talking hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in property damage, for sure. Then I find myself thinking "Please, please stop before you ruin everything good that has come before this..."
And then the movie totally and utterly saves that climax from CGI hell with the best scene in the movie. Superman is forced to snap Zod's neck to save the lives of a family (HUGE criticism to interject with on this, though, Superman's battle with Zod has definitely already killed thousands at this point, from the path of destruction alone). Regardless of that criticism, the scene still works in such a tremendous and profound way that I've never seen in a superhero movie before. The hero is forced to kill the villain, and he is utterly devastated for having to take that life, even if that life is inherently evil.
Caville REALLY sold that scene, for me. That was the heart of the movie right there. That's who Superman is, in a nutshell. It's the movie's journey to find the character and understand him and for him to understand his place on Earth. His love for mankind and his sacrifices. It's a tremendous moment, and a huge victory for the movie. My wife and I, along with the rest of the theater, were stunned into silence. That and the final few minutes really take the movie home.
Amazing film, easily one of the best of the year. I could put this above the most recent comic book film offerings without hesitation, and I'm not even a Superman "fan".
I accidentally read that big spoiler. :/
If that is really what is causing some of the bad reviews then I am just... I don't know what to say. It's not even comparable to the Superman Returns super child story line which in fact ruined that movie far more.
lol I love the meltdown here. It's only an "honest" review when it's a positive one.
lol I love the meltdown here. It's only an "honest" review when it's a positive one.