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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Had to ask myself while scrolling the last page.


Saw it. I wasn't blown away in all regards. Most of the characters are thin archetypes, despite the great acting.

I would have liked some characters removed and more focus on Zod and Superman's relationship/rivalry and motivations.

Dialogue was...yeah, some rough spots. The script, overall, was pretty strange. The first act takes a while to find its footing and stuff just HAPPENS with little concern for momentum or tension.

However, it was extremely entertaining and had enough good parts to outweigh the bad. I definitely don't think it deserves the hate it's getting.

Also, the ending:
sooooo are those his super glasses or something? Everyone at the office saw him making out with Lois.

RT score is baffling to me. Seems like the kind of movie that would easily get 70% or more.
Eh, I went into this movie with low expectations and it delivered on them. Fights were fucking awesome, but the rest just didn't connect with me. I might have more on the movie in the morning after I get some sleep. Also, the theater I saw this in was only filled a 3rd of the way for the midnight release, which is discouraging since the Avengers and Dark Knight Rises premieres were packed on every screen they had playing it, so those expecting this to be a massive success might want to lower their expectations.
Was okay. For the most part I enjoyed it. Visuals were great, casting was good, script was spotty, and the last 1/3, the movie just seemed to go "okay, next set piece."
Back from the midnight screening...great fucking movie.

That final act.. oh my. Comic book action scenes eat your fucking heart out.

Zimmers score was great. This might be my favorite comic book origin movie since Batman Begins.

Eat shit rotten tomatoes


sounds like the movie may be a lot of fun thanks to the visuals and action...but that it's a huge missed opportunity in terms of storytelling and won't stand the test of time.


I thought it was poor Superman film. The first half drags on too much and the action sequences weren't memorable. Loved the soundtrack though.


I thought it was poor Superman film. The first half drags on too much and the action sequences weren't memorable. Loved the soundtrack though.


This sounds like a rotten tomatoes critic review. Everyone seems to be one nowadays.

Storytelling was great, you feel for Clark. I suspect a lot of people forget Superman is an alien. I thought they did a good job showing us where he came from and his struggles as a kid with incredible powers. Was easily one of the best superhero movies.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Back from the midnight screening...great fucking movie.

That final act.. oh my. Comic book action scenes eat your fucking heart out.

Zimmers score was great. This might be my favorite comic book origin movie since Batman Begins.

Eat shit rotten tomatoes


This is my favorite of all impressions just cause of what I put in bold.



This sounds like a rotten tomatoes critic review. Everyone seems to be one nowadays.

Storytelling was great, you feel for Clark. I suspect a lot of people forget Superman is an alien. I thought they did a good job showing us where he came from and his struggles as a kid with incredible powers. Was easily one of the best superhero movies.

They didn't spend enough time with Clark as a kid. They did the most serviceable job possible in establishing his character, as if Goyer and Snyder hate the Clark component of Superman and just wanted to get back to the action.

This sounds like a rotten tomatoes critic review. Everyone seems to be one nowadays.

Storytelling was great, you feel for Clark. I suspect a lot of people forget Superman is an alien. I thought they did a good job showing us where he came from and his struggles as a kid with incredible powers. Was easily one of the best superhero movies.

Wow, dudes can't even have a negative opinion without being called a tool.

The movie wasn't perfect. I'd easily hesitate to call it one of the best. I think it was good, and great at times, but it has some obvious flaws.

They didn't spend enough time with Clark as a kid. They did the most serviceable job possible in establishing his character, as if Goyer and Snyder hate the Clark component of Superman and just wanted to get back to the action.

Yup. Most of the reason I liked adult Superman was the performance, which did everything it could with a bare script.
I got back from the midnight showing a little while ago. I personally loved the movie. It was everything I've ever wanted in a Superman movie. I just don't get its RT score, but it doesn't really matter to me. I really liked Henry Cavill and Amy Adams in their roles.

I just hope it does great at the box office so we can get another and get the Justice League ball rolling. Can't wait to see it again soon.

Also, don't know if anybody mentioned it yet, but I caught two interesting Smallville TV series related things in the movie. The person that played Emil Hamilton on the show was in the movie in a small part on a computer in a scene with movie Emil Hamilton. The other thing is a mention of a "Fordman" boy seeing what Clark did on the bus, which would be Whitney Fordman from the show, who has never had an appearance in the comics I believe.
Saw it. I wasn't blown away in all regards. Most of the characters are thin archetypes, despite the great acting.

I would have liked some characters removed and more focus on Zod and Superman's relationship/rivalry and motivations.

Dialogue was...yeah, some rough spots. The script, overall, was pretty strange. The first act takes a while to find its footing and stuff just HAPPENS with little concern for momentum or tension.

However, it was extremely entertaining and had enough good parts to outweigh the bad. I definitely don't think it deserves the hate it's getting.

Also, the ending:
sooooo are those his super glasses or something? Everyone at the office saw him making out with Lois.

That's one thing I really liked that they got right,
when Clark is talking to people other than his loved ones as Superman, he really has that Superman persona.
The man nailed it. As
Clark, he changes his manner of speech, his manner of dress covers his muscle. I feel that in that context, it works fine. Either way, no one really got too close to him save for Lois.


Yup. Most of the reason I liked adult Superman was the performance, which did everything it could with a bare script.

Part of it is the script in that they just take highlights out of his life, and it feels like a 'Greatest Hits' edition at a certain point, instead of fleshing his character out and letting it breathe before they decide to go crazy with the action. I also think part of it is due to the direction in that the way Snyder decided to 'edit' the film makes it feel very interrupted and abrupt, primarily in the first half. Going for a more conventional form might have made for a slower middle part but I think it would have done a better job establishing the character and made the audience feel for Clark before, again, going insane with the action.


I feel like I should walk in expecting a crappy film.

I really disliked the first half but the second half is amazing and does compensate for the first half to a degree. I have a feeling people are going to be lenient on the film due to how good the action is and how much action there is but that's really all there is to the film.
Hey SupesGAF,

So I'd gotten hyped by the trailers, remembered that that's the one thing Snyder consistently does well, and then got put off by the falling RT score. But--some former coworkers were going to see the midnight show, so I thought I'd tag along and went in hopeful but expecting to hate it.

There's some blatant issues with it, but I had a lot of fun anyway.

I'd say it's about 2/3s pretty great, with around 1/3 "this could've been handled better."

Flawed, but not deserving of its current RT score. I'll likely see it again.


I really disliked the first half but the second half is amazing and does compensate for the first half to a degree.

Sounds good. Like the talk of good action, but I wouldn't expect less from Snyder!

^ TAO tak , you'll love how they used the song " if you love these people"

I keep being told this and it's great to hear! It's definitely my favorite song on the OST. Fell in love with it my first listen.


I feel like I should walk in expecting a crappy film.

Nah, it's great. Some people just want to see an hour long kid Clark Kent going to high school sitting in a class doing absolutely nothing besides getting bullied cause hes different.

They showed enough of his struggles as a kid growing up. Everyone cares about Superman whooping ass not attending school. Action is top notch. Go see it and decide for yourself.


I got back from the midnight showing a little while ago. I personally loved the movie. It was everything I've ever wanted in a Superman movie. I just don't get its RT score, but it doesn't really matter to me. I really liked Henry Cavill and Amy Adams in their roles.

I just hope it does great at the box office so we can get another and get the Justice League ball rolling. Can't wait to see it again soon.

Also, don't know if anybody mentioned it yet, but I caught two interesting Smallville TV series related things in the movie. The person that played Emil Hamilton on the show was in the movie in a small part on a computer in a scene with movie Emil Hamilton. The other thing is a mention of a "Fordman" boy seeing what Clark did on the bus, which would be Whitney Fordman from the show, who has never had an appearance in the comics I believe.

I completely agree. I loved it. I had no issues with the pacing or flashbacks, it fleshed out quite enough of his struggles as a kid for me. I also loved Pa Kent in this too.

Personally, it was exactly the movie I hoped it would be, and I can't wait to see it again.
I do understand some of the destruction complaints, but I didn't really have any major issue with it.

Growing up with the Donner film and loving 1 and 2, I've waited 20 years to see Superman punch a dude on screen. And holy shit does he ever. The action was insane.

But I also felt there was enough story too.


Nah, it's great. Some people just want to see an hour long kid Clark Kent going to high school sitting in a class doing absolutely nothing besides getting bullied cause hes different.


They showed enough of his struggles as a kid growing up. Everyone cares about Superman whooping ass not attending school. Action is top notch. Go see it and decide for yourself.

Exactly what I planned to do. Loved Wolverine Origins and TDKR, expected IM3 to be crap and loved it, too.

Still super excited for this movie just need to level myself a little bit more before Saturday.


Superman and Batman have had their time.

Time for the others to join them in the sun (or cave in Batman's case :p).

They didn't spend enough time with Clark as a kid. They did the most serviceable job possible in establishing his character, as if Goyer and Snyder hate the Clark component of Superman and just wanted to get back to the action.

Haha I'm actually glad for that. Hate kids in my movies because most of the time they can't act.

And I disagree about the Clark/Superman component. I felt the movie didn't make a distinction; there was only Clark in the movie.


Liked it as I've been a fan of Superman since I was a kid. Loved Adventures of Superman, Lois and Clark, Smallville, and despite the flaws I really enjoyed Superman Returns.

This movie is definitely missing something though. There was little tension and too many action scenes. The movie couldn't decide which secondary characters were important and what their purpose was. Superman Returns as a film was much better despite the plot holes, but I can see why the ADHD culture would respond to this type movie.

At this point they should just wait a few years and reboot it with proper storytelling and Lex Luthor as a bad guy.


Haha I'm actually glad for that. Hate kids in my movies because most of the time they can't act.

And I disagree about the Clark/Superman component. I felt the movie didn't make a distinction; there was only Clark in the movie.

Since the first two trailers, this was really the reason why I got hooked onto this film to begin with. I hope it's true.


Haha I'm actually glad for that. Hate kids in my movies because most of the time they can't act.

And I disagree about the Clark/Superman component. I felt the movie didn't make a distinction; there was only Clark in the movie.

That is true, I just finished The Road and the kid couldn't act worth shit in that film either. I might have been fine with the amount of scenes that we got if they weren't just flashbacks and quick ones at that.

There wasn't Clark at all. It was pretty much non-stop Superman. They only really established Clark at the very end.


Got back from the film a while ago.....Loved how they changed up a few of the Superman tropes, made things feel pretty fresh for me, and yeah, that 3rd act is insane. Only thing that really bugged me was that they really had to rush aspects of the story just so they could do that 3rd act, hopefully in the sequel they get some more breathing room. Overall I give it:

4 Ghost Doggies

Out of 5
That is true, I just finished The Road and the kid couldn't act worth shit in that film either. I might have been fine with the amount of scenes that we got if they weren't just flashbacks and quick ones at that.

There wasn't Clark at all. It was pretty much non-stop Superman. They only really established Clark at the very end.

I'm not sure what you mean - Clark, his civilian persona?

The feeling I got from the movie - he was just one person throughout the movie; when he revealed himself to the world for the first time, it was just Clark meeting them in appropriate attire - clothing from his home planet. And then it became Clark in his battle attire.

Well, that's the feeling I got anyway.


I'm not sure what you mean - Clark, his civilian persona?

The feeling I got from the movie - he was just one person throughout the movie; when he revealed himself to the world for the first time, it was just Clark meeting them in appropriate attire - clothing from his home planet. And then it became Clark in his battle attire.

Correct. They didn't even bother trying to flesh out his normal everyday persona at all during the film. They didn't do it when he was a kid and they sure as hell didn't bother trying when he was an adult. There was not even an attempt at some sort of balance. Even the Dark Knight stuff tried at least a little. That's partly why the ending of the movie feels kinda weird in that Clark didn't give a shit throughout the film but suddenly tries at the end despite pretty much everyone having a good guess as to who he is.
Nah, it's great. Some people just want to see an hour long kid Clark Kent going to high school sitting in a class doing absolutely nothing besides getting bullied cause hes different.

They showed enough of his struggles as a kid growing up. Everyone cares about Superman whooping ass not attending school. Action is top notch. Go see it and decide for yourself.

It isn't about going in with some expectation, all I want is to be entertained. Watching ungodly amounts of money up on the screen was somewhat interesting when Avatar came out, but it doesn't cut it for me anymore. The story in this film, and films like it, is just a vehicle to get to the next spectacle. At least in Avatar you had Cameron directing the action, Snyder comes from the Bay school of "fucking the camera" cinematography where everything is frantic and confused.

Studios pump these things out because it doesn't really matter if they are good or not, its just leaning on familiar characters and existing properties with bloated and for me ineffective visual effects budgets, which is why these movies all tend to feel the same when I watch them.
Just saw it. The first half was soooo bad. Just terrible. I actually laughed out lout when they showed the whales. The second have was better though, but mostly just because anything was better then the first half. Also, the CG and cinematography was surprisingly bad. Normally, at least, you can expect a Zach Snyder movie to look good. The fight scenes were good, though, especially the middle one.


I really enjoyed it, but the major thing that bothered me is that he took no damage during all of those fights. Like, how does he not at least get scraped? C'mon.


Overall, I didn't really like the movie all that much. It wasn't terrible but I thought it was mediocre for the most part and decent at best. The script by Goyer was fairly poor. A lot of the dialog was straight up exposition and I didn't enjoy many of the story moments.

Characters and their interactions with each other didn't feel particularly well developed. The performances from the cast are probably as good as the script allows them. The flashbacks interrupted some of the momentum at times and certain parts/moments weren't emphasized enough. It contained some weird pacing plus the tone was too self serious for me. Wasn't a big fan of the hand held camera style of shooting and I personally didn't like the soundtrack.

The action which is getting a lot of praise didn't really affect me much because by that point I didn't feel emotionally invested or cared much about the narrative. However, there were a few really impressive action sequences throughout that I liked but other than that it was a tiresome action exercise to me for the most part.

It's pretty amusing that I was always pining for an action packed Superman movie where he punches someone but I end up not caring all that much. lol
Went to the premiere in Mexico. Overall, i loved the first half of the movie until shit starts happening. The main problem for me was that every other character besides superman was better written/more fun. Russel Crowe steals the movie easily. I wanted more out of his character. Zod was a great villain, and so was his sidekick girl. Amy Adams was hit or miss. She was everywhere in the fuckin movie, at times here, and suddenly shes at another place. It pissed me off. Superman also couldn't fuckin fight. All he did was fly through the sky and tackle. The CGI was good for most part of the film. The music is godly. I think this movie lags a lot in the last 20 minutes, but overall it's a 7/10. They can make an excellent sequel, since they already set up the universe. I might see the movie one more time, just for the fuckin amazing first 15 minutes.

Edit: Read in the spoiler thread that parts of this movie felt like they could easily be from The Amazing Spider-man. I agree completely.


I'm waiting for someone to start a thread "Nolan destroyed Superman".

Most GAF impressions have been pretty damn positive from what I've read. I expect that to continue. It will be interesting to see how the hardcore Superman geeks respond though. I know exactly what Mark Waid's beef is but that's just a losing battle, imo. Fans have to accept change, unfortunately. I've learned to separate the comic book and screen iterations of my favorites heroes (of which Superman is one) so I never get too pissed or disappointed.
Just saw it. The first half was soooo bad. Just terrible. I actually laughed out lout when they showed the whales. The second have was better though, but mostly just because anything was better then the first half. Also, the CG and cinematography was surprisingly bad. Normally, at least, you can expect a Zach Snyder movie to look good. The fight scenes were good, though, especially the middle one.

Went to the premiere in Mexico. Overall, i loved the first half of the movie until shit starts happening. The main problem for me was that every other character besides superman was better written/more fun. Russel Crowe steals the movie easily. I wanted more out of his character. Zod was a great villain, and so was his sidekick girl. Amy Adams was hit or miss. She was everywhere in the fuckin movie, at times here, and suddenly shes at another place. It pissed me off. Superman also couldn't fuckin fight. All he did was fly through the sky and tackle. The CGI was good for most part of the film. The music is godly. I think this movie lags a lot in the last 20 minutes, but overall it's a 7/10. They can make an excellent sequel, since they already set up the universe. I might see the movie one more time, just for the fuckin amazing first 15 minutes.

Edit: Read in the spoiler thread that parts of this movie felt like they could easily be from The Amazing Spider-man. I agree completely.

This movie.

Looks like I'll either love or hate half of this film.
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