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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


OMG hot toys did it again. Put these up for pre-order now!

Honestly thought it was another movie poster for a second.


This movie was fucking epic. Really enjoyed it! Definitely would like to buy the blu-ray whenever it comes out. Soundtrack was amazing btw!

Just preorder the man of steel vinyl.
Just got back. Go in with adjusted expectations and you should enjoy it just fine. Doesn't deserve the vitriol that critics are giving it.

It was a little too long and should have toned down some of the sci fi elements. There were, I felt, missed opportunities to do something deeper with the narrative. The action is undeniably great, especially the
fight in the middle.

At the end of the day I would probably have been just as happy watching that one action sequence over and over again for two hours. This is a very ambitious film and it falls short of that ambition, but I give them credit for trying.


I have to read what people are complaining about but I thought the movie was amazing. I have no complaints about anything. Awesome.


it was alright, I guess.

seemed very disjointed and lacked cohesion. awful shaky cam employed at even the most unnecessary of scenes. the fights were usually pretty cool, though.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
So the general consensus is...


Seems everyone tonight but one person here has loved it or really liked it. Fresh on GAF so far.
Two words: utter disappointment.

I would not go so far as to say it was bad, but it was not that good either. It just simply was.

There is a LOT to like in the film. The visuals are top notch for most of the film, but a few action scenes reminded me of the burly brawl in Matrix Reloaded.
The casting was spot on for most of it, but I honestly could give less than a shit about Zod. Faora was badass though. Cavill and Adams were great together, but the best person in the movie was Russell Crowe. I would watch the shit out of a Jor-El movie with him, because he was awesome.

The action and destruction reminded me a lot of Roland Emmerich. The scale and audacity of it is staggering, but it is empty and soulless. I didn't care about anything going on.

Mark Waid wrote up his review of it, and his views and mine line up almost completely. The only part we don't agree on is Zod. He loved him. I didn't.
Oh it's about a million times better than Returns but Returns was utter dogshit so that doesn't say much.

Really. I went in with adjusted expectations because of the mediocre reviews, and I still left feeling disappointed.

I mean, all the ingredients were there, but someone didn't bake it properly. The story was fine, as were the visuals and acting. It just did not gel together in the end.

The score, on the other hand, was phenomenal.

This film has convinced me once and for all that Zack Snyder cannot handle depth in narrative. He's just not equipped for it.

For example that scene near the end
when Superman flies into the gravity shit to save Lois
should have been a callback to
the scene where Pa Kent dies in a tornado
but there were no visual cues or narrative attention paid to this at all. It's like Snyder himself didn't even notice the parallel. A better storyteller would have done something with that.


Sigh. I should probably expand my opinion on the movie. I do think the critics were wrong about one thing, there is a lot of humor in the film. It's more sarcastic and dry but it is there.

I'll start off with the positives. Mainly I though the soundtrack was pretty decent for the most part even though it became overbearing at times. It's very 'loud' and is definitely Zimmer through and through. I think it's better than TDKR but I'm not sure where I would rank it.

I also thought the action was flat out amazing in the later half of the movie. The first few bits actually felt like they were directed by Nolan due to all the quick edits and cuts everywhere. The later two major fights are some of the best action fight sequences I've seen in awhile. I have absolutely no clue how they're going to top this for a sequel. It actually ties into one of my complaints, I think there was too much action.

I think there was too much action because it cut into the character development of Clark and the relationships around him. They really don't flesh out his relationship with Jonathan Kent that well and focus more on Jor-El. Lois is also just there. She feels so out of place in the movie and feels like the token love interest.

The dialogue is fucking horrid. There are multiple lines in the film where I laughed out loud due to how cheesy and horrible it is. It's ASM bad at times and is just some of the most generic shit I've seen in a long time as well. The narrative as a whole is pretty bland and they don't really do the 'concept' justice mostly because of how little time is paid to Clark himself.

Zod I thought was alright but I wish they had more moments of him interacting with Kal-El rather than Jor-El. There isn't much chemistry between the two characters themselves and there isn't that personal element. Russel Crowe is really the star of the movie.

The way the movie itself was edited isn't that great and does interrupt the flow at a few junctions early on but it gets better once they get to the action in Smallville. The early scenes really feel just thrown into place at times and there is little attention paid to buildup or flow. I don't think they earned a few of the 'high' points early on.

I also want to say that I'm not sure about this interpretation of Superman as a whole. The reason being is that there isn't any balance to it. They neglect a key component of his character to focus on his abilities. It thus screws up a big choice Superman has to make and makes the narrative feel wonky.

In general, I think it's a decent movie but mainly due to the action. If the action wasn't as good as it is, this movie would be trash. It feels like a poorly directed movie with a subpar script but saved by great visual effects and camerawork for the fights.


The score, on the other hand, was phenomenal.

Of course it is. Blasting "If You Love These People" right now.

GAF, I loved the shit outta The Dark Knight Rises, I'll find this entertaining at least, right?

'Cause since the first trailer, that's been my only expectation for this film.
Mark Waid perfectly explains my biggest issue with the final battle. It is not really spoilery at all, but I will black bar it just in case:

Mark Waid said:
See, everyone else in Zod’s army has been beaten and banished, but General Zod lives and so, of course, he and Superman duke it out in what, to everyone’s credit, is the very best super-hero fight I’ve ever seen, just a marvel of spectacle. But once more–and this is where I knew we were headed someplace really awful–once more, Superman showed not the slightest split-second of concern for the people around them. Particularly in this last sequence, his utter disregard for the collateral damage was just jaw-dropping as they just kept crashing through buildings full of survivors. I’m not suggesting he stop in the middle of a super-powered brawl to save a kitten from a tree, but even Brandon Routh thought to use his heat vision on the fly to disintegrate deadly falling debris after a sonic boom. From everything shown to us from the moment he put on the suit, Superman rarely if ever bothered to give the safety and welfare of the people around him one bit of thought.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Really. I went in with adjusted expectations because of the mediocre reviews, and I still left feeling disappointed.

I mean, all the ingredients were there, but someone didn't bake it properly. The story was fine, as were the visuals and acting. It just did not gel together in the end.

The score, on the other hand, was phenomenal.

Hey I have no problem with your impressions, this movie isn't gonna please everyone that's for sure. I do like the fact that people seeing it on GAF even if they like it or not are judging the movie based on the Superman Snyder/Goyer and Nolan have made and not the past Donner films.

then again I have no clue if it's being compared to them in the spoiler thread.
I will say that if you superfans expected this film to be the one that makes the mainstream "get" what you see in the character, it will almost certainly fail on that account. There is simply not enough development in that department.


Mark Waid perfectly explains my biggest issue with the final battle. It is not really spoilery at all, but I will black bar it just in case:

They were fighting pretty fast & furious for Supes to give a shit. But, I did felt the same way too, just like the chase sequence at the end of Fast Five.

Hey I have no problem with your impressions, this movie isn't gonna please everyone that's for sure. I do like the fact that people seeing it on GAF even if they like it or not are judging the movie based on the Superman Snyder/Goyer and Nolan have made and not the past Donner films.

then again I have no clue if it's being compared to them in the spoiler thread.

I went in with a mostly empty slate. I went in with a few bedrock notions about Superman, the chief one was addressed in that spoiler box posted above. That was the thing that bothered me most during the film. And it is a damn shame, because the entire first hour or so that is all Clark is doing. Helping others because he cares. But that seems to go right out the window once the destruction ramps up.


Why do people care so much about the Donner films when going to see this one? MOS is trying to be it's own thing, isn't that obvious?


Great movie. First one of the summer that I actually thought was worth the hype.

There were some parts of the plot that just never make sense, for example:

The whole colony thing just didn't make sense. Did they just leave whole colonies to die during the expansion - never support them or ever recall them back home?

but there is so much goodness going on in the movie that they never really bother you much. Certainly a worthy relaunch of the franchise.


That wasn't directed at you or anyone here, but just in general.

It's our generation's Superman, it's gonna be different.

The problem is that they neglect Clark and focus on Superman. They don't try and strike a balance at all. That's a problem for multiple reasons but the first one is that this is a reboot. This would be a much better Man of Steel 2 instead of it being the first movie in a reboot. They don't develop Clark as an individual but rather just him as Superman. This also becomes an issue into how it ties into the narrative.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Why do people care so much about the Donner films when going to see this one? MOS is trying to be it's own thing, isn't that obvious?

Cause most "professional" movie critics just do that shit with reboots. They did it with Batman begins when it first came out and couldn't stop comparing it to Burton's Batman.

With Returns they really didn't have to do that. Since it was basically a cosplay of the Donner films.

PhoncipleBone, I'd like to the discuss the movie more with you, but I'm fearing of spoilers and don't see it till next Thursday. I'll keep your impressions in mind.
Great movie. First one of the summer that I actually thought was worth the hype.

There were some parts of the plot that just never make sense, for example:

The whole colony thing just didn't make sense. Did they just leave whole colonies to die during the expansion - never support them or ever recall them back home?

but there is so much goodness going on in the movie that they never really bother you much. Certainly a worthy relaunch of the franchise.

I think when the 'Council' decided to settle on Krypton(?) for good, the colonies that were too far away got cut off and never called back


Okay, again, never been into Superman AT ALL. Only know him from the Justice League shows and Superman I, II, & Returns.

Question: When Superman is Clark (bumbling reporter) doesn't he put on that persona, as in he fakes "being" Clark Kent, and Superman is the real deal. Superman being the real guy behind the persona?

Just a general Superman question. A clueless guy here.


Mark's spoiler review, which I had to skim, expands on his problems. He says there is a lot to love, but there are problems with the character development and lead up to the climax. Also, the movie felt too "cold" for him.

Okay, again, never been into Superman AT ALL. Only know him from the Justice League shows and Superman I, II, & Returns.

Question: When Superman is Clark (bumbling reporter) doesn't he put on that persona, as in he fakes "being" Clark Kent, and Superman is the real deal. Superman being the real guy behind the persona?

Just a general Superman question. A clueless guy here.

I think of it like this: there's two Clark Kents. "Clark Kent" is the bumbling reporter he pretends to be at work and around strangers. So yes, this is a persona. The normal Clark Kent is just him being himself, but usually only around loved ones. The real Clark Kent = Superman.
Meh, its an origin film He's only just starting out as Superman. I can forgive that stuff.
When it contradicts the way Clark behaves when he is not in costume? They set up his caring and his wanting to help others. Kids saw what he did on the bus. But once that cape is on, it is like that stops.
Mark's spoiler review, which I had to skim, expands on his problems. He says there is a lot to love, but there are problems with the character development and lead up to the climax. Also, the movie felt too "cold" for him.
He is absolutely correct. There is a lot to love throughout. And it is "cold."



I dont care how much it differs from this or that or fucking writing or anything, that movie was balls out action packed fun. Like I said the whole point of a movie is to have fun and holy fuck was this fun!!!
You can go nitpick the accuracy of whatever you want but for an action movie with Superman fighting Kryptons and Zod, this was sublime. It was goddamned awesome.


I think when the 'Council' decided to settle on Krypton(?) for good, the colonies that were too far away got cut off and never called back

Yeah, that's where things get weird for me. Zod cruises to all of these spots and finds everyone dead, but nobody could be bothered to go grab these folks when they were still alive.... or give them a ride back home?

Its also so weird and convenient that this space faring species has nowhere else to go
That movie was bad.
I mean the fighting was sick, and there a few quality quotes, but overall...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mark Waid must be on a suicide watch. He hated Returns after being hyped for that as well, hated the shit out of the kid plot. I do wonder which one he prefers though.
That movie was bad.
I mean the fighting was sick, and there a few quality quotes, but overall...
This movie fights in the shade.

Mark Waid must be on a suicide watch. He hated Returns after being hyped for that as well, hated the shit out of the kid plot. I do wonder which one he prefers though.
I am going to guess he liked Returns more.
Yeah, that's where things get weird for me. Zod cruises to all of these spots and finds everyone dead, but nobody could be bothered to go grab these folks when they were still alive.... or give them a ride back home?

Its also so weird and convenient that this space faring species has nowhere else to go

I guess they just needed an explanation for where he got all his awesome weapons, lol.



Man of Steel was phenomenal. Love the art direction, story telling, fight screens and the camera work. This is the Superman I've always wanted.



Man of Steel was phenomenal. Love the art direction, story telling, fight screens and the camera work. This is the Superman I've always wanted.

I dont know what I want in a Superman movie since I just saw the original one yesterday, but its definitely in this direction!


Is it bad that part of the reason I want this to succeed is that I know if it doesn't, there won't a Justice League movie?

I mean, I want a good Superman movie (which is sounds like I'm getting more or less), but seeing my favorite superhero team (well, 2nd favorite. Teen Titans for life yo) on screen would be heaven and so much of that relies on this movie.

Hay guys.

What am I looking at here?
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