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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

Quick check in:

Yes, everyone's seen that Kevin Smith story
No, Jon Peters had nothing to do with any part of Man of Steel creatively
Also - that's not even a fucking spider.


I think it shares a lot of its flaws (too many characters, thinly developed characters, bad dialogue, some "what the?" script moments), but it's not as plodding as TDKR. However, I think it lacks ambition as far as themes/motifs go, which was already pretty low in TDKR. MoS is basically "Who am I? Oh, I'm a person who does good things to people, because that's who people say I am/need to be."

I haven't revisited TDKR in a while, but I'd give MoS an edge due to overall entertainment value.

EDIT: You know, I'm not sure now...TDKR was pretty clumsy and I think it had a lot more gaps in logic. Need to rewatch. I don't think it's near Batman Begins or TDK, though.

I would've assumed it couldn't touch BB or TDK, but I loved Rises.

Come on, son. At least the first two make it a debate.

Yeah, Iron Man 3 shouldn't be in that list (I actually only saw it on Tuesday).

Even though the human element and background of the story is the weak point of Man of Steel for me - it still shits all over Avengers and Iron Man. The action in this was at least as good as The Avengers, and I found it more entertaining.

I really enjoyed Iron Man 3. Probably because I wasn't expecting much after IM2.

I thought IM3 was a lot better then the by the numbers Thor and Captain America.
I really disliked the first half but the second half is amazing and does compensate for the first half to a degree. I have a feeling people are going to be lenient on the film due to how good the action is and how much action there is but that's really all there is to the film.

I am the opposite. I loved the first half, and while the action was done very well, it just left me feeling nothing. It was all hollow and meaningless. Much like Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich's action.

Yeah, a few days ago. Impressions all over. It's a mediocre, occasionally thrilling, movie.

Yup. Some moments of brilliance, but overall just meh. It hurts more as I think about it. Just this crushing disappointment.


I am the opposite. I loved the first half, and while the action was done very well, it just left me feeling nothing. It was all hollow and meaningless. Much like Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich's action.

I like the stuff the first half covered. I just don't like the way they edited it. Made some emotional scenes feel like setpieces.


Also this movie has humour but not teh in your face humour liek IronMan 3 or Avengers, this movie humour is like if you get it you will laugh or if you have certain sense of humour.

A face, a expression, a sequence, but not a straigh up joke and I'm thankfull for that.

We can now say that we have a Superman movie that should be taken seriously and a great start for a new Superman Series of movies, for modern times.

The Action dear God almighty!!



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Yeah, a few days ago. Impressions all over. It's a mediocre, occasionally thrilling, movie.

I might have been a bit too drunk when I entered the theater and my attention span wasn't up to snuff being past midnight at all, but mediocre, occasionally thrilling is a perfect way to describe it.

I also felt that some of the action was reminiscent of the Matrix sequels :|
Also this movie has humour but not teh in your face humour liek IronMan 3 or Avengers, this movie humour is like if you get it you will laugh or if you have certain sense of humour.

A face, a expression, a sequence, but not a straigh up joke and I'm thankfull for that.

We can now say that we have a Superman movie that should be taken seriously and a great start for a new Superman Series of movies, for modern times.

The Action dear God almighty!!


I did like the visual joke during the final fight.
The construction site with the sign that says "106 days since last accident" or something, and Zod throws Supes into it and it says "0 days" as he falls.

I also felt that some of the action was reminiscent of the Matrix sequels :|

How I felt about many shots during the action as well.


well not really...yet
Decided to sleep on it before solidifying my thoughts after a first watch...

First off...the movie shits on Superman Returns from great heights...not even a question. And I did not even hate Returns. Now that that is said...

I really liked the movie, and enjoyed it a lot, but with some pretty serious reservations.

First off, the movie is clearly designed as an apocalyptic science-fiction film, rather than a superhero one.

The opening 15 or minutes on Krypton (maybe 20 min?) completely went balls deep in showcasing an alien planet, moreso than I anticipated, but I'm kind of conflicted on the opening though...visually it is extraordinary, being able spend that much time on Jor-El was really cool, and overall I really dug that entire sequence...but that is a lot of screen time that could have also been used to further flesh out Clark before him finding the suit.

I would have liked to see Clarke in his travels around the world for a bit more, scenes of him trying find himself, better develop his character on screen. On one hand, the character arc IS clear, and the movie is not muddled at all in terms of what its trying to do with Clarke's character, its just that there is not enough time spent with him on screen to really convey it authentically. The movie just assumes you understand what its about, and its trying yo move through things at a pretty brisk pace. Yeah the film was long, but if they did not want to cut any of the Krypton stuff, I think it would have only benefit from another 10-15 minutes early on.

Moving on to the other stuff...there is no two ways about it, the action in this film is IMMENSE. The action is fast, yet full of impact. It is kinetic, violent, epic in scope and scale and gives us sights no one has ever seen in a superhero related film before. There is no two ways about it, this is THE BEST action ever seen in a film like this. And even aside from the action, the overall cinematography and look of the film is beautiful. I don't see how anyone can argue that Snyder isn't insanely gifted with the camera. Hans Zimmer knocks it out of the park with the score, loved it. The main action theme in the film is just balls to the wall awesome and memorable.

Character wise, as I said before, the film desperately needed more on screen development for Clarke, but on the whole, the cast for the most part nails it. Henry Cavill does a very good job with what he is given, when he is talking as Superman, he has an authority that Brandon Routh could never hope to match. Russel Crowe is just great as Jor-El, and Kevin Costner, who I would have liked to have more screen time, nailed it as Jonathan Kent. Amy Adams was a perfect Lois Lane as well, and I felt pretty comfortable with her relationship with Superman, overall she was very likeable and I liked that they kept her involved in the action of the film. Micheal Shannon was also pretty beast as Zod, physically imposing and menacing, was a great villain (with an awesome henchwoman :D) and enjoyed that he was mostly operating on his own principles that he felt were just.

There is something I really did not like about the last couple of minutes of the film, obviously I won't go into it here, sort of awkward...but not bad enough to sour me on the ending, just a little...puzzling.

Also, just because Nolan produced this and helped come up with the story, I do want to rank this with his Batman flicks. Man of Steel is better than Dark Knight Rises, but definitely not to the level of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight :p

Overall...8/10. Jaw dropping visuals and actions don't even do justice to describe what is seen on screen, it is some next level shit, but the movie desperately needed more intimate character development on screen. If the movie had hit that balance far better, this would be on a whole other level.


just got back. just want to confirm there is no post credit scene? when the movie ended I quickly did a google search on my s4 for "man of steel credit scene" and the first few links said no scene so I left. is this correct?


Overall...8/10. Jaw dropping visuals and actions don't even do justice to describe what is seen on screen, it is some next level shit, but the movie desperately needed more intimate character development on screen. If the movie had hit that balance far better, this would be on a whole other level.
Same score I gave to it :)


I don't know man if there was a Batman cameo at the end credits sequence I would've crapped my pants.

Bruce analyzing the power levels and biology of this alien humanoid on his Bat Cave computers, looking grim, computer screen says "Potential Threat". End scene.


My favorite parts of the movie weren't even the action scenes (which were great). Those Pa Kent scenes, damn, right in the feels. I loved all the Jor-El and Kent's scenes the best. Van Alden as Zod was fucking great, but man Faora stole the show. Cavill, besides being a hot piece of ass (and I say that with no shame being straight) was good, I think think they were very careful with his portrayal and demeanor for this reboot, but the potential is there. Hoping to see him more fleshed out as Clark and maybe a little more classic Superman humor. Overall I liked it a lot, the opening Krypton scenes were fantastic. Snyder, admittedly not my favorite, did a fine job artistically. I'm more than fine with his take on Superman and look forward to what more he can do.


well not really...yet
I would assume that in this world, Batman must already be active, maybe a nice Easter egg would have been a newspaper lying around with a vague mention of a vigilante in Gotham.

Because I mean, if Bruce Wayne, before becoming Batman, saw on the news what had happened in this movie...he would probably just say "fuck that!" and go on with his life, :lol


Also, just because Nolan produced this and helped come up with the story, I do want to rank this with his Batman flicks. Man of Steel is better than Dark Knight Rises, but definitely not to the level of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight :p

Basically what I concluded too. Batman begins and TDK are at another level entirely, but MoS easily shits on SR and TDKR.
I can't get this movie out of my head. That soundtrack is all that goes in my head right now.

I want to go see this again, probably in a week or two.


I think Zack Snyder has said on record that MoS does not take place in Dark Knight trilogy. The Batman that may exist in this universe won't be the same as Nolan Batman.

No! Screw that. Nolan Batman or bust.
I guess more of the second, but honestly, neither all that much.

Having seen the movie I would say the Nokia Trailer.

The movie is wall to wall action.

The Nokia trailler? Wat a twist.
Deadline said:
Not even torrential downpours in NYC could dampen enthusiastic crowds forming long lines for Thursday late shows. Warner Bros and Legendary Pictures just announced its hotly anticipated Man Of Steel opened with a midnight show of $9 million. Combined with $12M from a corporate group sale screening program at 7 PM, this third Superman franchise begins its North American run with a cume of $21M. “Off to a flying start!!!” A studio exec gushed to me just now. The number ranks 7th among late show records, behind only the Harry Potter and Twilight franchises, but ahead of The Hunger Games. It’s also the all-time highest superhero late show record, surpassing The Avengers’ remarkable $18.7M and The Dark Knight‘s $18.5M. The more equal comparison would be June 2005′s Batman Begins which was the first of the trilogy and grossed $1.6M at midnight while June 2006′s Superman Returns reboot made $4.9M and July 2012′s The Amazing Spider-Man redo earned $7.5M. Of course, any such record must come with an asterisk because Hollywood studios recently have interpreted ‘midnights’ as beginning at 7 PM Thursday through midnight and sometimes into early dawn. So that prevents any accurate movie-to-movie direct comparison of late show grosses. IMAX hauled in $1.6M domestic from Man Of Steel late shows from 327 North American locations.
Good start. Let's see how it holds since reaction seems to be mixed.


Is that corporate group sale usual for midnight shows? First time I see the distinction made in midnight earnings.

Good start regardless. I imagine MoS will be breaking 100 mill this weekend.


Is that corporate group sale usual for midnight shows? First time I see the distinction made in midnight earnings.

Good start regardless. I imagine MoS will be breaking 100 mill this weekend.

It should hit at least $250 during its run methinks.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Not that I ever jumped off the hype train but you guys are making me so pumped. 21st can't come soon enough! :(

20th for me! :(

Dm... you better like it or I'll throw you under a bus :)
Is that corporate group sale usual for midnight shows? First time I see the distinction made in midnight earnings.

Good start regardless. I imagine MoS will be breaking 100 mill this weekend.

Not usual at all. This is the first I can think of where it's even been tried, really. They essentially got Wal-Mart to buy 12 million dollars worth of tickets as part of their co-promotion. Most other promotional considerations stop at product placement, or licensing for their own product.

Essentially, Wal-Mart pitched in 12mil on the Opening Weekend. That's definitely worthy of consideration/asterisking. Especially since it's not likely the number of people who ACTUALLY went thanks to their promotion is going to come out.
It was the least packed midnight show I'd ever been to, and I've been to a lot. It was nice though. No one annoying in the crowds

I can't type much as I'm on a phone, but I'll give my quick thoughts. The action was amazing. People have hit on it enough, so I'll say no more other then hot damn, it was good. The acting seemed awkward in a few scenes....not many, but there were a couple scenes with just two people standing in front of a camera, and they rubbed me wrong. Something about not only how Cavil and Adams delivered their lines but how they were arranged in front of the camera, in a very fake feeling way. I don't know how to describe, so I'll stop on that one.

My biggest complaint is the structure. The film seemed haunted in how aware it was of previous Supermen films, causing it to take a different approach to overall structure to break free from previous iterations. I'll never know if this was case, but either way, it was terribly organized with weak transitions between early scenes.

Now for the good. As said before, the action was amazing. Faora actually stole the show for me, in many aspects other than just fighting. The music gets you pumped every second of each fight. The overall casting paid off amazingly well, with top honors going to Pa and Ma Kent, Jor-el, Zod and Superman. And best yet, the movie has already grown on me. I was left feeling "that was pretty good" to this morning feeling "that was damn good". I'm ready to see it again.



Not usual at all. This is the first I can think of where it's even been tried, really. They essentially got Wal-Mart to buy 12 million dollars worth of tickets as part of their co-promotion. Most other promotional considerations stop at product placement, or licensing for their own product.

Essentially, Wal-Mart pitched in 12mil on the Opening Weekend. That's definitely worthy of consideration/asterisking. Especially since it's not likely the number of people who ACTUALLY went thanks to their promotion is going to come out.

I don't think you can disqualify or push the goal posts because Walmart was the one who promoted/sold the tickets. The bulk of the movies sales will come Friday and Saturday, it will do well or fail based on that alone.


Also this movie has humour but not teh in your face humour liek IronMan 3 or Avengers, this movie humour is like if you get it you will laugh or if you have certain sense of humour.

A face, a expression, a sequence, but not a straigh up joke and I'm thankfull for that.

We can now say that we have a Superman movie that should be taken seriously and a great start for a new Superman Series of movies, for modern times.

The Action dear God almighty!!


Yes yes yes. Liking all that in reading in this.
It was the least packed midnight show I'd ever been to, and I've been to a lot. It was nice though. No one annoying in the crowds

I can't type much as I'm on a phone, but I'll give my quick thoughts. The action was amazing. People have hit on it enough, so I'll say no more other then hot damn, it was good. The acting seemed awkward in a few scenes....not many, but there were a couple scenes with just two people standing in front of a camera, and they rubbed me wrong. Something about not only how Cavil and Adams delivered their lines but how they were arranged in front of the camera, in a very fake feeling way. I don't know how to describe, so I'll stop on that one.

My biggest complaint is the structure. The film seemed haunted in how aware it was of previous Supermen films, causing it to take a different approach to overall structure to break free from previous iterations. I'll never know if this was case, but either way, it was terribly organized with weak transitions between early scenes.

Now for the good. As said before, the action was amazing. Faora actually stole the show for me, in many aspects other than just fighting. The music gets you pumped every second of each fight. The overall casting paid off amazingly well, with top honors going to Pa and Ma Kent, Jor-el, Zod and Superman. And best yet, the movie has already grown on me. I was left feeling "that was pretty good" to this morning feeling "that was damn good". I'm ready to see it again.



As I posted few posts above, I want to see this again.

Captain N

Junior Member
When I would walk out of a Super Hero movie as a kid I had this great sense of wonder about the world. Growing up, that wonder went away. That was until I saw Man of Steel. Hands down the best Super Hero movie I've ever seen.
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