This is good right?
Not usual at all. This is the first I can think of where it's even been tried, really. They essentially got Wal-Mart to buy 12 million dollars worth of tickets as part of their co-promotion. Most other promotional considerations stop at product placement, or licensing for their own product.
Essentially, Wal-Mart pitched in 12mil on the Opening Weekend. That's definitely worthy of consideration/asterisking. Especially since it's not likely the number of people who ACTUALLY went thanks to their promotion is going to come out.
I think Zack Snyder has said on record that MoS does not take place in the Dark Knight trilogy. The Batman that may exist in this universe won't be the same as Nolan Batman.
I don't think you can disqualify or push the goal posts because Walmart was the one who promoted/sold the tickets. The bulk of the movies sales will come Friday and Saturday, it will do well or fail based on that alone.
Yesh! I can see a different kind of Batman taking place on Earth-Snyder.
Great movie overall. Balls to the wall action, great story telling, Amy Adams looking delicious as always, and. My main minor annoyance isthose Kyptonian sequencesAt least Loisit is 2013 and they still didn't portray Clark/Superman of being Jewish, or hints of it. I a He should of been in a a synagogue dammit but then again most movie goers only know of the movie Superman and/or Smallville. At least I know that Clark's Kansas upbringing is a metaphor for 'assimilation' into America and a parallel with the story of Moses being raised by Egyptian royalty, but it is no longer 1940. Even though I am not Jewish, at least have some hints of the property coming from the minds of Jewish immigrants. One day, I would love to see a Kirby interpretation of the character, play up Luthor's hatred of Superman as a metaphor for antisemitism, hints involving Darkseid and/or Intergang, Dan Tuprin, and maybe have a Jerry Seinfeld guest appearance..was pretty damn tough, just like in the comics and DCAU
I would see this film again.
Not usual at all. This is the first I can think of where it's even been tried, really. They essentially got Wal-Mart to buy 12 million dollars worth of tickets as part of their co-promotion. Most other promotional considerations stop at product placement, or licensing for their own product.
Essentially, Wal-Mart pitched in 12mil on the Opening Weekend. That's definitely worthy of consideration/asterisking. Especially since it's not likely the number of people who ACTUALLY went thanks to their promotion is going to come out.
It was the least packed midnight show I'd ever been to, and I've been to a lot.
I know the creators are, but when has the character even been portrayed as so? I mean, maybe im just not familiar enough...?Yesh! I can see a different kind of Batman taking place on Earth-Snyder.
Great movie overall. Balls to the wall action, great story telling, Amy Adams looking delicious as always, and. My main minor annoyance isthose Kyptonian sequencesAt least Loisit is 2013 and they still didn't portray Clark/Superman of being Jewish, or hints of it. I a He should of been in a a synagogue dammit but then again most movie goers only know of the movie Superman and/or Smallville. At least I know that Clark's Kansas upbringing is a metaphor for 'assimilation' into America and a parallel with the story of Moses being raised by Egyptian royalty, but it is no longer 1940. Even though I am not Jewish, at least have some hints of the property coming from the minds of Jewish immigrants. One day, I would love to see a Kirby interpretation of the character, play up Luthor's hatred of Superman as a metaphor for antisemitism, hints involving Darkseid and/or Intergang, Dan Tuprin, and maybe have a Jerry Seinfeld guest appearance..was pretty damn tough, just like in the comics and DCAU
Central Illinois. And you might be right. We have two Walmarts close by that were selling for 7pm show. And I don't want to give impression it was ghost town at midnight show, but hardly anyone sat in front 4-5 rows.That might have been because of the Walmart premiere at 7. At my theater, that showing was packed. I don't know where you live, though, so it's possible that wasn't even available in your area.
what am i reading
Change of plans. Now seeing it tomorrow![]()
Great movie overall. Balls to the wall action, great story telling, Amy Adams looking delicious as always, and. My main minor annoyance isthose Kyptonian sequencesAt least Loisit is 2013 and they still didn't portray Clark/Superman of being Jewish, or hints of it. I a He should of been in a a synagogue dammit but then again most movie goers only know of the movie Superman and/or Smallville. At least I know that Clark's Kansas upbringing is a metaphor for 'assimilation' into America and a parallel with the story of Moses being raised by Egyptian royalty, but it is no longer 1940. Even though I am not Jewish, at least have some hints of the property coming from the minds of Jewish immigrants. One day, I would love to see a Kirby interpretation of the character, play up Luthor's hatred of Superman as a metaphor for antisemitism, hints involving Darkseid and/or Intergang, Dan Tuprin, and maybe have a Jerry Seinfeld guest appearance..was pretty damn tough, just like in the comics and DCAU
I would see this film again.
That sucks quite a bit. Hope no serious damage.Tried to go to an IMAX with my friend and we get rear ended on the way![]()
Not trying to clown, but reading the end of Mark Waid's review, all I could imagine was this.
That sucks quite a bit. Hope no serious damage.
I have faith you will love this, don't know why.
Where is Krytonian?
The OT title sure turned out accurate btw...lol
i have no issues with that... I have an issue with what apparently happens during the tornado scene..
Clark lets his dad die cause his dad pleads with him not to show his powers in front of others. What does this make Clark? a complete deuchebag, won't save his own dad cause of the fear that everyone will find out who he is, seriously?
The OT title sure turned out accurate btw...lol
The OT title sure turned out accurate btw...lol
If it didn't have copious amounts of action then there would be a serious problem.The OT title sure turned out accurate btw...lol
that's not what happened.
will write my review later. all I can is that all my (girl) friends want to see it as well. I honestly thought that the Cavill effect was meaningless, the ladies love him here at my office and this really cute girl at the office loves Superman and my friend's wife does as well (her name is Lara so there you go) oh man oh man oh man! hey Matrix, there was an empty seat next to me, you were there buddy!
One thing I really liked about the action in this though is just how brutal and violent it was. Snyder delivers on action whether its R or PG-13...
Compared to Nolan's TDKR, which was a much bleaker and darker film, the violence and grit was sorely lacking.
There was a certain point where me and a buddy of mine turned and looked at each other, nodding "awww yisssss motherfucker!"Well that's a good thing, right?
There was a certain point where me and a buddy of mine turned and looked at each other, nodding "awww yisssss motherfucker!"
Total symphony of carnage
That scene is already perfect, but a little blood might have made it even better.I agree with TDKR's violence lacking, but I always thought Nolan had a good grip on it in TDK. The interrogation beatdown is brutal, and I'm glad they didn't go with the original idea with blood on Jokers face. It just touched the line between gritty and gratuitous.
Perfection.There was a certain point where me and a buddy of mine turned and looked at each other, nodding "awww yisssss motherfucker!"
Total symphony of carnage
These women don't know who Cavill's gf is do they?that's not what happened.
will write my review later. all I can is that all my (girl) friends want to see it as well. I honestly thought that the Cavill effect was meaningless, the ladies love him here at my office and this really cute girl at the office loves Superman and my friend's wife does as well (her name is Lara so there you go) oh man oh man oh man! hey Matrix, there was an empty seat next to me, you were there buddy!
that's not what happened.
will write my review later. all I can is that all my (girl) friends want to see it as well. I honestly thought that the Cavill effect was meaningless, the ladies love him here at my office and this really cute girl at the office loves Superman and my friend's wife does as well (her name is Lara so there you go) oh man oh man oh man! hey Matrix, there was an empty seat next to me, you were there buddy!
Warner Bros has hopes that there will be more Man Of Steel films, and that this will be the beginning of a shared universe. We could meet Batman, or Wonder Woman, or the Justice League in these movies. But they all hinge on box office reception.
this must be the most polarized movie ever!
boxoffice.com is reporting that MOS is on pace for at least 120mm now... pretty darn good!