I liked it. I agree with most of the criticisms that have been discussed before. The final conflict really feels like Spider-Man 2, Transformers, Star Trek 09, Avengers, and so on. On top of the conflict being shallow, it's been done before by equal or lesser movies (ex: all three Transformers). The main conflict is aggressively average.
That's really unfortunate, since most of Superman's material predates those other series.
The plot's somewhat redeemed by the adherence to Superman lore. I loved how Krypton was portrayed. It's a living, breathing world in an age of science fiction. Aside from Earth, we have another world that is also being fought for. We see how a civilization lives and even delve into its history and political strife. It's not just treated as Cybertron or Romulus, which were only name-dropped in their respective movies. Furthermore, Jor-El not only delivers exposition, but he's really useful throughout the movie.
Secondly, we know who Superman fights against and where they come from. Zod and his crew were not just a bunch of grunts like in some of the movies I mentioned. It starts to approach that territory with a certain masked giant, but thankfully attention is brought back to mostly Zod and Faora. Faora was especially menacing.
I was grinning ear-to-ear when Superman flew for the first time. It's too bad that this is really the only time he seems to enjoy being Superman. I wish I could see him resolve some petty crimes or reverse some natural disasters though.
About the military. Let's just say the sheer adversity created a need for a certain League.
The human cast. I wish there was more of the Daily Planet doing their usual thing. It's filled with charismatic actors but their time is mostly diverted by an action sequece.
I've got nothing to say about the Kents. They're clearly two people that really loved their son. The flashbacks the Kents star in are well executed, if not inserted into strange spots of the main continuity. I understand the non-linear nature of the flashbacks; they're to create an organic sense of memories, rather than just backing up plot points. It's disconcerting as to why the present tense can't breathe as much.
Like most of the human cast, Lois's role is swept up into the general arc of the fight for Earth. She's a reporter and does it well, but the action comes at the cost of her connecting to anyone. There just isn't time for it.
I liked General Zod. He has a solid foundation, but being bred as a violent warrior leaves little room for surprise. At least he gets into some badass fighting.
I'd give the plot a C or B-, but the portrayal of Krypton and seeing SUPERMAN in action again makes all the difference for me. This IS a Superman movie, just in a different flavor. The conflict is standard, but unlike a lot of franchise movies, the source material is treated with utmost respect.
While I say,
"Screw the critics!" there's lots of room to improve for the inevitable sequel. I can't wait.