So im not sure if i'm at a place where this was OMG BEST MOVIE EVER but wow this was one wild ride from the second half on.
Before that, while i was enjoying parts of it, i was having problems with how it was paced amd their are some cringe inducing lines but once zod makes his broadcast it's a lot of fun.
I'll expand upon my thoughts in the spoiler thread later, I want to reflect.
I think, love it or not, there's a lot of cool ideas here ripe for more expansion in a sequel. I also agree with whoever said this is very scifi and im glad the superman property Is versatile and allows for something like this to exist
I'm a much bigger Superman fan than anything else and this shits on Marvel movies to me. And i say those as someone who loved them all, there isnt one of them i'd say I didn't enjoy but this is on another level in terms of spectacle.
Shannon was great imo, and i thought there was quite a lot of humor too.