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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

Saw the movie after work. It was entertaining, but it doesn't come above near the creme of the crop superhero movies for me. It was the best live-action anime movie ever though.
I'll say this: if you like seeing Superman and shit blowing up, this one's got it. Shit blows up real good. It's a spectacle, I'll give it that.

But it's all style, no substance. A cold, thoroughly mediocre blockbuster with a half-ass love story, one dimensional villains, flat characterization, generic destruction of non-descript buildings, and a metallic dour tone that sucked any amount of fun the movie attempts to do. It's not an enjoyable film to sit through, which makes it an failure as a Superman film and a summer blockbuster.

now you're just contradicting yourself.

you're a monster ViewtifulJC and i'm going to stop you!
now you're just contradicting yourself.

you're a monster ViewtifulJC and i'm going to stop you!

a LOT of shit blows up. If you like big shiny lights and shit blowing up, and since there's no Transformers movie out this year, this is the next best thing.

You won't care, mind you, because the movie doesn't care either. But hey, Superman was flying around punching people, that what people wanted, right.
a LOT of shit blows up. If you like big shiny lights and shit blowing up, and since there's no Transformers movie out this year, this is the next best thing.

You won't care, mind you, because the movie doesn't care either. But hey, Superman was flying around punching people, that what people wanted, right.

we got more than that and you know it.


How is this in Imax or Imax 3D? Worth it or should I just stick to 2D?
The kryptonian tech that looks similar to Necromonger tech from Chronicles of Riddick stood out for me in 3D as you have time to appreciate it since things are usually slower. If you think that might not be enough for you, the Imax in 2D is probably worth it for the sound.
a LOT of shit blows up. If you like big shiny lights and shit blowing up, and since there's no Transformers movie out this year, this is the next best thing.

You won't care, mind you, because the movie doesn't care either. But hey, Superman was flying around punching people, that what people wanted, right.

This is what I've come to bring myself to expect. It isn't out here in Aus until 27th so I've got a long wait but at least I won't be dying to see it.


My sister and I saw it together. We both loved it.

Dialogue could've been a bit better, but overall, I would say that this was a joy to watch. And well, my sister definitely loved herself some of the new Supe-baby.

And it seems like my parents will be next in line to see before this weekend is out, so I hope they like it as much as we do!

I'm hoping this is the start of a welcome trend where DC/WB doesn't rely on Batman so much. The more that they get comfortable with doing more with Superman, perhaps it'll inspire them to be more ambitious with others in their stable.


I can understand complaints about action overkill but i really don't understand the complains of the lack of that Chris Reeve humor and kiddie popcorn moments. We have seen this in the Donner films and it's time to move on. In the Donner films, Chris Reeve lives in a world of retards - dumb happy go lucky people who see superman for the first time and cheer him. I loved these movies but wanted a realistic take this time and MOS delivers.

Now shit gets blown up a lot? oh well, this is superman and Zod.. powerful beings capable of destroying the planet. I'm sure Snyder has gone overboard here, trying to put Superman back ontop with the biggest spectacle but big deal.. I much rather watch shit blowing up that those boring Returns scenes lacking action.

Looks to me, if a sequel is to be made.. they should have Goyer/Nolan chime in for the story but deny Goyer the chance to execute; have someone else do the screenplay. Then i think a substantive director like Ben Affleck should take the helm, with good special effects team behind him. Aflleck is known for substance over style so i think this could work. I believe he was considered for MOS...


Just watched it, and loved every second of the movie! Specially love the fights scenes, got damn!!! One of the best superhero movie of all time, IMO...


Crash. Boom. BANG!

The movie.

Plus Henry Cavill's gorgeous mug.

You need to love these two things. Then you'll have a good time with this one.

I'm glad I was warned to go in with absolutely zero expectations. Really allowed me to just have fun with this instead of expect something on the level of Nolan's Batman.


They've already hired Snyder and Goyer to do the sequel.

So many great ideas with MOS but execution was apparently a bit faulty and this is screenplay problems. Warner Bros will take a close look at the critic reviews and even if MOS does really well at boxoffice, i think there will be pressure to shuffle things up a little bit.. For a movie with 200mm budget, WB can't risk a bad reception for a sequel. I think MOS will be big but in part cause people had already made up their minds to watch it based on a terrific marketing job by WB. Having said this, people will read less into the trailers and marketing for the next movie and so WB will have to ensure that the same team isn't calling the shots.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
After watching this film... good lord Antje Traue was stunning, hope this film launches her career she absolutely killed it. Looked more menacing and badass than Michael Shannon as Zod. The highlight of the film for sure.

Overall the rest was ok. The Smallville battle was the best part of the film.


So many great ideas with MOS but execution was apparently a bit faulty and this is screenplay problems. Warner Bros will take a close look at the critics and even if MOS does really well at boxoffice, i think there will be pressure to shuffle things up a little bit.. For a movie with 200mm budget, WB can't risk a bad reception for a sequel. I think MOS will be big but in part cause people had already made up their minds to watch it based on a terrific marketing job by WB. Having said this, people will read less into the trailers and marketing for the next movie and so WB will have to ensure that the same team isn't calling the shots.

If it's a hit, they won't give a shit about RT scores man. Why risk a successful formula to please critics if it doesn't matter how much money you make?


Sounds like they just need another writer.

Goyer strikes me as an ideas man. You can count on him to come up with plot points and story ideas and concepts that are gold, but you better have someone else on hand to handle the writing of the screenplay and actually realize those ideas.
So many great ideas with MOS but execution was apparently a bit faulty and this is screenplay problems. Warner Bros will take a close look at the critic reviews and even if MOS does really well at boxoffice, i think there will be pressure to shuffle things up a little bit.. For a movie with 200mm budget, WB can't risk a bad reception for a sequel. I think MOS will be big but in part cause people had already made up their minds to watch it based on a terrific marketing job by WB. Having said this, people will read less into the trailers and marketing for the next movie and so WB will have to ensure that the same team isn't calling the shots.

The Transformers movies are similarly mediocre explosion-fests and they make tons of money. That's all that matters in the end.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Just got back from seeing it. Its good, but not great. Here's my review basically:

The Good
Its pretty. Its really really pretty. Its the prettiest superhero film I've ever seen by a large margin, manifesting in two specific ways:

-All of the Kryptonian technology, from their architecture to their ships to the big piece of technology that forms the main threat is fucking gorgeous. Incredibly consistent vision, great visual style, it really made me feel like I was looking at an alien culture.

-They took the fact that they had the most indestructible (well-known) superhero of all time and used modern effects and all of their money to basically show us that over and over. Seriously, throughout this film Superman (and other characters) basically fly through or get thrown through buildings, trains, skyscrapers, you name it. I am not joking when I say that probably upwards of seventy buildings get this treatment and it doesn't stop looking cool. They need a new trick for the next movie, but for this movie it was enough.

Henry Cavill really looks the part, and acts it for the most part as well. I like seeing him on screen, I like seeing him talk, I like seeing him in the role. Just about everything I didn't like about him I would chalk up to the script, which I'll get too in my complaints.

Lack of plot holes. Okay they're there but their all minor, and while this stuff usually really bugs me in this movie it didn't. This movie has nothing like a "how did Batman get to Gotham" movie.

There's a speech at the end by the villain thats really good and almost touching. Its immediately followed up by some cartoonishly evil lines, but its a good speech while it lasts.

The Bad
Genrally speaking the problems I have with this movie are the same problems I had with The Dark Knight Rises. If you thought TDKR suffered from underdeveloped themes and poor pacing, well, you're probably going to notice that here.

My second biggest problem is one that I recognize is pretty subjective, but man, this movie really isn't fun. I like my superhero movies to be fun. This is really why I like almost everything Marvel has done in the last few years and why I really didn't enjoy TDK, TDKR, and to some extent this movie. I mean, I recognize that TDK is very good but I don't particularly enjoy watching it. And in the same way this movie is at times awe-inspiring, at times breath-taking, at times pulse-pounding but its not particularly entertaining and that hurts it for me. I get that there are people for whom which the very serious attempt at the superhero genre is desirable, but I'm not one of them.

But my biggest problem is a complete lack of thematic development. At all.
The movie spends like an hour building up the theme to be something about "how will the people of Earth react to Superman revealing himself" and it doesn't get any kind of resolution at all. We get two scenes where we get to see how the military reacts to him, what with them greeting him with some tanks and later opening fire on him for about thirty seconds, but we get absolutly no exploration of the thing they keep harping on over and over in the first half of the movie about how "the people of earth" will deal with Superman. I get that it was overshadowed by the Zod plot, and the Zod plot was good, but they shouldn't have set it up if they couldn't deliver on it.

Note that this is different to me from what the Marvel movies do, which is not try to have any kind of social theme or commentary at all. They embrace the fact that they aren't trying to be about anything more then entertainment and a human story about the main character going through some kind of turmoil. But the last two Batman movies and this movie both do this thing where they make some pretensions of being about something deeper and more thoughtful, and they all fail pretty badly at it. TDK comes closest to doing anything interesting with it, but TDKR and this are both really bad at it. That goes for the whole "what kind of man will you be" thing as well.

The pacing isn't great. I mean, its not bad, but the initial development and Clark's childhood feel pretty rushed. They're rushed to get to the pretty damn good main plot, but they feel rushed nonetheless.

Its a solid movie. I enjoyed it for the action and the visuals and I think anyone who sees it will also. But there's not much more too it, and because it tried to set itself up as having more it feels a little....flat
I can understand complaints about action overkill but i really don't understand the complains of the lack of that Chris Reeve humor and kiddie popcorn moments. We have seen this in the Donner films and it's time to move on. In the Donner films, Chris Reeve lives in a world of retards - dumb happy go lucky people who see superman for the first time and cheer him. I loved these movies but wanted a realistic take this time and MOS delivers.

Now shit gets blown up a lot? oh well, this is superman and Zod.. powerful beings capable of destroying the planet. I'm sure Snyder has gone overboard here, trying to put Superman back ontop with the biggest spectacle but big deal.. I much rather watch shit blowing up that those boring Returns scenes lacking action.

Looks to me, if a sequel is to be made.. they should have Goyer/Nolan chime in for the story but deny Goyer the chance to execute; have someone else do the screenplay. Then i think a substantive director like Ben Affleck should take the helm, with good special effects team behind him. Aflleck is known for substance over style so i think this could work. I believe he was considered for MOS...

it worries me that they'd bring in someone like Affleck who while a dman good director, I worry he may bring it back to the campier Superman.
IMO, this movie was amazing, it was pure fun. The story was about Superman, duh, his origin, his development. Character development, there was enough, I think people are going overboard with this belief of not enough character development. Actions, was amazing, complaining about slo-mo, superman is way too fast. Zod, superman and super-father's relationship was great. Take for example 5 cars being excellent, 1 car being horrible; I give this movie 10 dinosaurs out of 5 cars. I would give it 10/10.

For those that haven't watched this yet, I highly recommend this movie to you.

FRIDAY 7:30 PM, 3RD UPDATE: It’s already setting records for the biggest opening for June and the second biggest weekend openingr of 2013 as Warner Bros’ and Legendary Pictures’ Man Of Steel (4,207 theaters with 3D in 3,357 venues) is flying high at the domestic box office today. My sources have now increased their estimates to $51M Friday, $124.4M for the three-day weekend, and $134.4M for the four-day cume through Sunday. The only other movie in the North American marketplace in wide release, Sony/Columbia Pictures’ This Is The End (3,055 theaters) which opened Wednesday as a counter-programming apocalyptic comedy is looking like $8M for Friday, $20.8M for the 3-day weekend, and $33.1M for the 5-day cume. Refined numbers later.

Sounds like they just need another writer.

Goyer strikes me as an ideas man. You can count on him to come up with plot points and story ideas and concepts that are gold, but you better have someone else on hand to handle the writing of the screenplay and actually realize those ideas.

Jonah Nolan

No one is even close


Maybe I need to rewatch Begins, but I thought this was easily on part with the characterization in Begins. Overall it was Begins but with much better action obviously.


After watching this film... good lord Antje Traue was stunning, hope this film launches her career she absolutely killed it. Looked more menacing and badass than Michael Shannon as Zod. The highlight of the film for sure.

Overall the rest was ok. The Smallville battle was the best part of the film.

Great news.


If it's a hit, they won't give a shit about RT scores man. Why risk a successful formula to please critics if it doesn't matter how much money you make?

it will be a hit but maybe it cou;d've been much greater. Imagine if the RT scores would be around 85-90 right now? You would be talking about a 250mm opening w/e and why not more?

MOS will make lots of money but i feel that moviegoers will be more skeptical next time around. I think folks, like me, are watching it this w/e no matter what (bad RT or not) just to see what Snyder/Nolan have done with this entirely new take on superman. For a sequel though, it will be different.
I'll say this: if you like seeing Superman and shit blowing up, this one's got it. Shit blows up real good. It's a spectacle, I'll give it that.

But it's all style, no substance. A cold, thoroughly mediocre blockbuster with a half-ass love story, one dimensional villains, flat characterization, generic destruction of non-descript buildings, and a metallic dour tone that sucked any amount of fun the movie attempts to do. It's not an enjoyable film to sit through, which makes it an failure as a Superman film and a summer blockbuster.

Going to have to agree with this. MOS was definitely disappointment of the year for me thus far.

Sure the action sections were neat, but there was just too much pointless exposition (was Kojima involved with this?), too many awkward flashbacks, too much Lois Lane (but god dayum, Amy Adams is fine), etc. The pacing in general was just awful. It managed to feel rushed, even at 143 minutes.

And now that I think about it, I think Jor-El, Zod, and even Lois had more lines/screen-time did Superman did.


Just got back, didn't like it. I don't know if it was the disjointed story or the shaky cam or just to long. All of it got old real quick. Characters were underdeveloped and I groaned at the ending. No more Synder please. The style over substance will kill the comic book movies for the average movie goer in my opinion. I think there will be a fairly quick drop off for this movie.

I will say one positive, it did have a few pretty scenes.


Saw it. Loved it. Actually, with all the complaining I was expecting more action.

I was waiting to see it for myself, but it was great to see Bruce Wayne shares the universe because
of the Wayne Enterprises satellite they demolish =D

Action movie 11/10

General movie 8/10

Tear jerker movie 7/10 - had more feels moments for me than any comic movie except for Spiderman 2.

IMO, best sci-fi action movie ever. Haven't been this anxious to go and pay to see the same action sequences again since the first Matrix.

Gave me the feels too man. And for that and all the action I feel it's a 8/10 movie.

And it's a lot more sci-fi than I thought it would be. That's a plus!

I really hope this becomes a trilogy.


‘Man Of Steel’ Soars With $134.4M Through Sunday Including $51M Friday And $122.4M Weekend





Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I liked it more than most of Marvel efforts like Capt, Thor,IM2 and IM3 but a notch below Avengers and IM1. Not as good as the TDK trilogy, though.

Oh and it shits all over Superman Returns easily.


Bull on a Donut
IMO, this movie was amazing, it was pure fun. The story was about Superman, duh, his origin, his development. Character development, there was enough, I think people are going overboard with this belief of not enough character development.

This. I think Zod, Supes, and Jor-El are very developed, sympathetic, and awesome characters. Jonathon just a notch less. I empathized with all four. It's just people upset that the side characters (Lois, Perry, daily planet crew, etc...) don't get much screentime. Wait for #2 peeps! This one was about the Kryptonians and Kal!
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