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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


The movie was everything that I hoped it would be! Now let me be clear, Hamlet this movie is not. Summer blockbuster it is. It had amazing action scenes, super special effects, and a truly epic story.

In the movie theater I was in, people clapped on several occasions. I have not been in a full movie theater that clapped like that in years! Whatever the critics might say, this movie will make a lot of money.
Well I'm certainly contributing to opening weekend, am getting ready to go to my second viewing of the day in IMAX 3D in an hour. My first was earlier this morning at 3:15. I'm going to the same screen only a few seats over, very last row.

Am so glad this is doing well despite the mixed reviews.


MoS2 sure, JL still not convinced they can pull it off
It doesn't matter if they pull it off.. they are going to try anyway.

I forgot to add in my impressions that I dug the sci-fi alien invasion vibe they had going. The movie at times felt like Independence Day with Superman. And I dug the soundtrack although it was used improperly and too much at certain scenes that didn't really need it.


The movie is going to make bank, the "general audience" loved it. MoS2 and Justice League is pretty much confirmed.

JL needs a succesful WW movie first. I can't see them banking a JL movie on just the TDK trilogy and MoS. A World's Finest move on the other hand....


The movie was insanely awesome. I don't really understand all of the mediocre reviews, as Zack Snyder brought out the big guns and unleashed an unforgettable action-epic underlined with powerful amounts of emotional resonance. I thought it was his best movie to date and easily the best Superman movie ever imagined.
If Marvel doesn't bite the bullet and pay up for the cast of Avengers 2, they could lose Whedon. I'm sure he'd be interested...

Keep him away from it. Last thing you need is a movie where Superman goes around being witting and everyone bands together because the guy that sweaps the Hall of Justice's entrance dies.


WW movie, MoS2, Flash, World's Finest (to introduce the new Batman) and then JL.

I would say merge MoS2 with World's Finest.

Batman/Bruce is going after Lex Luthor, him and Superman cross paths. Both Batman and Lex view Superman as a potentially frightening threat due to the whole Kryptonian invasion, though Bruce actually begins to trust him. Lex on the other hand builds Metallo.

Ends with Superman seeing how he could be viewed as a threat, and trusts Batman enough to give him the piece of Kryptonite "just in case".

But yeah, Wonder Woman movie for sure, maybe a Green Lantern reboot, and use Justice League to introduce Flash and view this whole team up from his perspective as someone who has never had to go up against all this super crazy shit.
Just got back from it, absolutely loved. Antje Traue was the best actor imo. One thing I thought that the movie could have used, was one slow motion segment after a punch strikes just so you can see the shock-waves/the person's face all ripely/the destruction.


If Marvel doesn't bite the bullet and pay up for the cast of Avengers 2, they could lose Whedon. I'm sure he'd be interested...

Disney/Marvel will pay up.
too much already invested.

It doesn't matter if they pull it off.. they are going to try anyway.

I don't see the need to have a team up movie to ape marvel at all. You can have individual franchises make billions
But if they don't go the Marvel route, a JL movie can very easily crash and burn. You cannot do justice to most of the roster by introducing them in a 150 minute movie


Disney/Marvel will pay up.
too much already invested.

You say that, but they've said openly before that even Robert Downey Jr. is replaceable, with Tony Stark being "like James Bond. Anyone can play him." That's probably not the internal conversation, but they're trying to have a very tough front to the public. Who knows.


Super Member
Keep him away from it. Last thing you need is a movie where Superman goes around being witting and everyone bands together because the guy that sweaps the Hall of Justice's entrance dies.
Forget Joss Whedon. Hire Kevin Smith.

Batman beats the Legion of Doom AND the Justice League. Turns down an offer of worldwide monarchy.

Batman's the best.


Batman's the best.

I have been thinking about Man of Steel a lot today, and I think Mark Waid really had the best description for it: HEARTBREAKING.
I didn't really realize just how much the Superman character meant to me on a personal level until leaving the theater. The film was not bad per se, but what was missing from the character on screen was the inherent need to protect everyone. To do the right thing to protect everyone, no matter the cost. That was missing from Man of Steel.
It was there early on in the film, but once the tights went on, Superman seemed to give less than a shit about the regular people around him. It was all about the destruction from that point on.
The entire final hour or so, it was just endless destruction, but it was empty and hollow. There was no humanity or emotion to it whatsoever. It was disaster porn. The only thing I could think about (and this is the only time I will compare this movie to the Donner originals) is a line General Zod had in Superman II: "This Superman is nothing of the kind. I know his weakness. He cares. He cares for these people."
Never once during the final hour did I feel that Superman cared for the people. Not once. And that realization was truly heartbreaking for me, and I never realized just how much it affected me until after this film. To think that we now have a film version of Superman that does not care about the common man breaks my heart, and I never thought I would have this type of feeling from a Superman movie.
I guess I can thank this film for finally putting into perspective just what Superman means to me on a deep, personal level. I have read a fair amount of the comics, but am nowhere near an aficionado on the character. But there is a deep core to the character that was absent from the last hour of the film (that was present in the first half) that just breaks my heart.
It may seem strange to some people that a superhero film could make me feel that way, but many of you will probably understand as well. But it has been weighing on me all day.
I walked out of Dark Knight Rises with a deep sense of disappointment and annoyance, but never have I left a superhero film feeling heartbroken. So I send my thanks out to Christopher Nolan, David Goyer, and Zach Snyder, for reminding just what Superman means to me deep in my soul. And why you three should stay away from the character.


I saw this today and I liked it. Not the perfect movie but will suffice for now.

Will see it again tomorrow.

Also, FUCK cant get that OST out of my head. Best OST since Inception? Yeah.


Guys, the Marvel method isn't exactly foolproof. That shit could have fallen apart at any moment.

The main problem Justice League is going to have is getting the characters out of Batman and Superman's shadow and giving each character equal time to shine and be badass. It's always going to have these problems getting in, whether they go straight to it, or spend the next six years leading up to it with a bunch of origin movies. Nothing about lead up movies guarantees a good JL movie; a good script, solid casting and directing guarantees a good JL movie. Same as...every other movie ever.
I have been thinking about Man of Steel a lot today, and I think Mark Waid really had the best description for it: HEARTBREAKING.
I didn't really realize just how much the Superman character meant to me on a personal level until leaving the theater. The film was not bad per se, but what was missing from the character on screen was the inherent need to protect everyone. To do the right thing to protect everyone, no matter the cost. That was missing from Man of Steel.
It was there early on in the film, but once the tights went on, Superman seemed to give less than a shit about the regular people around him. It was all about the destruction from that point on.
The entire final hour or so, it was just endless destruction, but it was empty and hollow. There was no humanity or emotion to it whatsoever. It was disaster porn. The only thing I could think about (and this is the only time I will compare this movie to the Donner originals) is a line General Zod had in Superman II: "This Superman is nothing of the kind. I know his weakness. He cares. He cares for these people."
Never once during the final hour did I feel that Superman cared for the people. Not once. And that realization was truly heartbreaking for me, and I never realized just how much it affected me until after this film. To think that we now have a film version of Superman that does not care about the common man breaks my heart, and I never thought I would have this type of feeling from a Superman movie.
I guess I can thank this film for finally putting into perspective just what Superman means to me on a deep, personal level. I have read a fair amount of the comics, but am nowhere near an aficionado on the character. But there is a deep core to the character that was absent from the last hour of the film (that was present in the first half) that just breaks my heart.
It may seem strange to some people that a superhero film could make me feel that way, but many of you will probably understand as well. But it has been weighing on me all day.
I walked out of Dark Knight Rises with a deep sense of disappointment and annoyance, but never have I left a superhero film feeling heartbroken. So I send my thanks out to Christopher Nolan, David Goyer, and Zach Snyder, for reminding just what Superman means to me deep in my soul. And why you three should stay away from the character.

Except they only borrowed segments from a number of comic influences like birthright without making a birthright movie. The movie is simple. Introduce the new clark kent the new superman and show the audience why he is Super. That is the simple genius behind this movie. If you wanted more clark i guess you should wait for the sequel because this movie was about the creation of superman the superhero not clark the alter ego. This is why mark waid is so wrong


Saw it. Loved it.

It's got flaws like every other Snyder movie, but the highs make up for the lows. Most of the flaws stem from being too ambitious. It really feels like they wanted to make the ultimate Superman movie because they crammed in so much of what defines Superman: Krypton, Jon and Martha, love interest in Louis Lane, building destruction, lightning speed flying, heat vision,
Phantom Zone
, etc.

Everything is there.

It's a lot of stuff to wade through and it reminds me a lot of what Batman Begins tried to do. I don't really think it stacks up against BB in any way besides action, but MoS is a hell of a lot better than any of Marvel's B-tier hero movies. I want to see it again.



I have been thinking about Man of Steel a lot today, and I think Mark Waid really had the best description for it: HEARTBREAKING.
I didn't really realize just how much the Superman character meant to me on a personal level until leaving the theater. The film was not bad per se, but what was missing from the character on screen was the inherent need to protect everyone. To do the right thing to protect everyone, no matter the cost. That was missing from Man of Steel.
It was there early on in the film, but once the tights went on, Superman seemed to give less than a shit about the regular people around him. It was all about the destruction from that point on.
The entire final hour or so, it was just endless destruction, but it was empty and hollow. There was no humanity or emotion to it whatsoever. It was disaster porn. The only thing I could think about (and this is the only time I will compare this movie to the Donner originals) is a line General Zod had in Superman II: "This Superman is nothing of the kind. I know his weakness. He cares. He cares for these people."
Never once during the final hour did I feel that Superman cared for the people. Not once. And that realization was truly heartbreaking for me, and I never realized just how much it affected me until after this film. To think that we now have a film version of Superman that does not care about the common man breaks my heart, and I never thought I would have this type of feeling from a Superman movie.
I guess I can thank this film for finally putting into perspective just what Superman means to me on a deep, personal level. I have read a fair amount of the comics, but am nowhere near an aficionado on the character. But there is a deep core to the character that was absent from the last hour of the film (that was present in the first half) that just breaks my heart.
It may seem strange to some people that a superhero film could make me feel that way, but many of you will probably understand as well. But it has been weighing on me all day.
I walked out of Dark Knight Rises with a deep sense of disappointment and annoyance, but never have I left a superhero film feeling heartbroken. So I send my thanks out to Christopher Nolan, David Goyer, and Zach Snyder, for reminding just what Superman means to me deep in my soul. And why you three should stay away from the character.

Hmm I'm trying to understand your points about Supes not caring, but it's not happening. To me he cared deeply for the human race, and did everything possible to protect them by declining Zod's offer and in stopping the
world engine
. There was no way he could save everyone with that amount of destruction going on. The part where he
killed Zod
to save the innocent people also nailed it for me.


I saw this today and I liked it. Not the perfect movie but will suffice for now.

Will see it again tomorrow.

Also, FUCK cant get that OST out of my head. Best OST since Inception? Yeah.

Oh hell yeah. This and Oblivion are the years best OST's for sure.
I have been thinking about Man of Steel a lot today, and I think Mark Waid really had the best description for it: HEARTBREAKING.
I didn't really realize just how much the Superman character meant to me on a personal level until leaving the theater. The film was not bad per se, but what was missing from the character on screen was the inherent need to protect everyone. To do the right thing to protect everyone, no matter the cost. That was missing from Man of Steel.

I felt differently.

This, to me, was Clark Kent's Batman Begins. Clark was still sorting through his feelings and had never really been in a fight. He was a young man wrestling with how he felt about protecting people which ran somewhat counter to the years of direction his father gave him. It was always on my mind, so presumably always on his. Who he will become -- like Bruce in Batman Begins -- was something we were only to see flashes and glimpses of in this film. We saw it when he went out of his way a few times in the film to save people, but at a certain point, the reality was that he had to fight and he had to stop them. The badguys weren't interested in fighting him in some pastoral fields devoid of people. They weren't looking to fight him in space. They wanted to do what they wanted to do and as such (coupled with the ability to match him as equals in strength and power), they dictated the terms and locations of the battles. Considering those were the first people he ever fought at that level, he may have not even anticipated the scale of damage that would follow until later.

Sometimes you can't control where and how much damage follows the effort to eliminate a threat of that magnitude.



Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
Does the
family get killed by Zod's eye beams at the end?


I have been thinking about Man of Steel a lot today, and I think Mark Waid really had the best description for it: HEARTBREAKING.
I didn't really realize just how much the Superman character meant to me on a personal level until leaving the theater. The film was not bad per se, but what was missing from the character on screen was the inherent need to protect everyone. To do the right thing to protect everyone, no matter the cost. That was missing from Man of Steel.
It was there early on in the film, but once the tights went on, Superman seemed to give less than a shit about the regular people around him. It was all about the destruction from that point on.
The entire final hour or so, it was just endless destruction, but it was empty and hollow. There was no humanity or emotion to it whatsoever. It was disaster porn. The only thing I could think about (and this is the only time I will compare this movie to the Donner originals) is a line General Zod had in Superman II: "This Superman is nothing of the kind. I know his weakness. He cares. He cares for these people."
Never once during the final hour did I feel that Superman cared for the people. Not once. And that realization was truly heartbreaking for me, and I never realized just how much it affected me until after this film. To think that we now have a film version of Superman that does not care about the common man breaks my heart, and I never thought I would have this type of feeling from a Superman movie.
I guess I can thank this film for finally putting into perspective just what Superman means to me on a deep, personal level. I have read a fair amount of the comics, but am nowhere near an aficionado on the character. But there is a deep core to the character that was absent from the last hour of the film (that was present in the first half) that just breaks my heart.
It may seem strange to some people that a superhero film could make me feel that way, but many of you will probably understand as well. But it has been weighing on me all day.
I walked out of Dark Knight Rises with a deep sense of disappointment and annoyance, but never have I left a superhero film feeling heartbroken. So I send my thanks out to Christopher Nolan, David Goyer, and Zach Snyder, for reminding just what Superman means to me deep in my soul. And why you three should stay away from the character.

I can appreciate this line of thinking. However I do want to point out that he does what he can. He saves multiple people and when he's not saving, he's fighting a hard ass battle against dangerous mother fuckers. I also want to remind u that he is only superman for what, 2 days? Allow this movie to be the origin of his morality.

Edit: dreams visions beat me to it. Basically said the same thing


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Even in the animated series Supes punches Darkseid and he goes flying through like 4 buildings.


Even in the animated series Supes punches Darkseid and he goes flying through like 4 buildings.

Yeah, but I think most of the city is abandoned at that point, he even mentions he can finally let loose in that scene because he doesn't have to worry about collateral.

EDIT:^ yeah that's the scene, still one of the show's best.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I'm sure the level of destruction and even when (big spoilers)
kills zod
will play a big part in the sequel specially if lex is the villain considering how manipulative he is, it's almost a certainty he will use those to sway the people's opinion on superman.


BTW... that final scene that puts an abrupt end to the action scenes... I expect that to get the gif treatment in the future.
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