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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Junior Member
I saw it with 4 friends, all comic fans, and we all thought it was shit. The entire theater left pretty bummed, and some people walked out before the end.

Your ad hominem schtick about GAFers' avatars is also getting old.
Comic book fans hate movies on purpose so it gives them an excuse to demonstrate their useless knowledge about comic books when they argue to rational folks that the good movie they just saw was bad.

Come at me.


Comic book fans hate movies on purpose so it gives them an excuse to demonstrate their useless knowledge about comic books when they argue to rational folks that the good movie they just saw was bad.

Come at me.

Hey. I like comic movies. :(


People in the theater applauded and generally were excited as they left. I would say the general audience liked the movie more than I did. A lot of the audience comprised of mixed people so it wasn't all male, comic book type guys with Superman shirts on.

But I can understand people not liking the movie. What I can't understand is someone liking Returns over MoS... like I am just unable to see the perspective on that.


I can understand people not liking the film too. It was not clearly divided on defined acts and that will bug some, it was not funny in a marvel way and some people are expecting that, and most importantly it might bug some Donner fans, and there are a lot of Donner fans, almost a whole generation (our parents').
But I also think this i the movie to make Superman mainstream again and end the "he's not cool" shit.
Man of Steel is easily the best of all the Star Wars prequels.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I was actually surprised at how sci-fi it was. the kryptonian tech looked awesome.


Seriously, who really enjoys creepy stalker Clark Kent?

Me. I love to use X-Ray/See-Through vision on my Ex's house, eavesdrop on her conversation, and be a homewrecker.

Not really, that scene was weird as shit


I'd like to know what other movies are this divisive between the critics and the readers who rank movies on those sites.




Just saw it. The story was pretty weak in places and there are loads of pacing problems, but the action was pretty ace; I loved the "brute force" nature of the one-on-one fights. Overall, not the greatest movie I've ever seen, but pretty entertaining.



I can understand people not liking the film too. It was not clearly divided on defined acts and that will bug some, it was not funny in a marvel way and some people are expecting that, and most importantly it might bug some Donner fans, and there are a lot of Donner fans, almost a whole generation (our parents').

I think it's probably best to stop discrediting people's opinions (albeit in a friendly way) by claiming we had unfair or strange expectations. That kind of ad hominem stuff doesn't help your argument. Besides, who was expecting Marvel type humour? Who was expecting a Donner type film?

It seems to me that the entire fanbase/internet was pretty fucking overjoyed at Nolan's involvement, and at the prospect of a more action-oriented, serious take on the character. A Batman Begins for Clark Kent, so to speak. I would say the Donner hold-outs were the exception.

The film's flawed. That's why the fanbase is so divided. That's why critics don't like it. It's not because we wanted The Avengers and Snyder gave us something more like TDK. In fact, I'd say more people than not were completely sold on that aspect of the vision. It's unfortunate that all that amazing potential is wrapped in a mediocre film.


well not really...yet
The IMDB score will probably settle into a 7.6 - 7.8

Which is not bad for that when all is said and done.

Theres definitely a disconnect between audience reaction and critics on this film. The movie isn't perfect, but its not 58% on the RT meter either.
I think it's probably best to stop discrediting people's opinions (albeit in a friendly way) by claiming we had unfair or strange expectations. Who was expecting Marvel type humour? Who was expecting a Donner type film?

It seems to me that the entire fanbase/internet was pretty fucking overjoyed at Nolan's involvement, and at the prospect of a more action oriented, serious take on the character. A Batman Begins for Clark Kent, so to speak. I would say the Donner hold-outs were the exception.

The film's flawed. That's why the fanbase is so divided. That's why critics don't like it. It's not because we wanted The Avengers and Snyder gave us something more like TDK. I'd say more people than not were completely sold on that aspect of the vision. It's unfortunate that all that amazing potential is wrapped in a mediocre film.

Damn right!
I'll try to elaborate a little:

The general tone of the thing felt like Episode III, to me, more than anything. There's a sense of personality lurking just under the surface, and once or twice it made itself actually apparent, but for the most part, this was a super-formal, super-serious story about heroism gone wrong.

Also, the pacing is completely shot, and there's no sense of release at any point. It's all punishing buildup that climaxes in ultimate punishment.


I really did like how blatantly sci-fi it was, and the action was fucking astounding. Henry Cavill was rock solid, and the actors did their damndest (as did Snyder) to lend all this otherworldly craziness some personality and humanity.

It's just that Goyer damn sure isn't allowing for anything but portentiousness. That's Goyer/Nolan, through and through. In fact, when it was announced Goyer was writing, I IMMEDIATELY had reservations because looking at his filmography - dude does NOT know how to have FUN if it isn't dark-edged, angry "fun." He just doesn't. And that follows here, too.

Snyder is trying so damn hard to imbue the whole thing with the sort of sentimentality and emotion that it obviously NEEDS, and he manages to score a couple moments, but they're fleeting, and they never last as long as they should, nor do they stick as strongly as you want them to. Again - I don't blame him, because I really feel they wouldn't exist AT ALL if he hadn't shot them the way he did.

My problems aren't with the story/plotting, or even the conception of this particular Superman. I don't mind his characterization, and the things he does that seem "un-Superman" feel that way in the same way Batman felt a little "un-Batman" in Begins. There was plenty of reason for him to do what he did, and I never felt like the character was betrayed at any point.

It's mostly that the tone is stilted, the pacing is stilted, and there are too few moments where the film feels like it's legitimately alive. It's detached and it's cool, with a hurting heart under that S that beats very loudly.

I guess if I had to letter grade it? B-

I hate letter grades, though.

And that's why I said "Man of Steel is easily the best of all the Star Wars prequels." :)


^ Great review.

I think it's probably best to stop discrediting people's opinions (albeit in a friendly way) by claiming we had unfair or strange expectations. That kind of ad hominem stuff doesn't help your argument. Besides, who was expecting Marvel type humour? Who was expecting a Donner type film?

It seems to me that the entire fanbase/internet was pretty fucking overjoyed at Nolan's involvement, and at the prospect of a more action oriented, serious take on the character. A Batman Begins for Clark Kent, so to speak. I would say the Donner hold-outs were the exception.

The film's flawed. That's why the fanbase is so divided. That's why critics don't like it. It's not because we wanted The Avengers and Snyder gave us something more like TDK. In fact, I'd say more people than not were completely sold on that element of the project. It's unfortunate that all that amazing potential is wrapped in a mediocre film.
I'm not denying that, people are in their right of not liking the film, at all, I can see why. And according to many revies some were really expecting a Dark Knight or an Iron Man or a Donner film :p But people could go with no expectations or whatever and not like it. However I couldn't see what was mediocre in the film," I can see its flaws but in the big package I got more than I wanted (probably because I used to think Superman was like the most boring stuff ever). Can it shine more? Sure, but its foundations are one of the most solid I've ever seen, and I can foresee a great franchise in the making. And personally I thought the film was awesome, and of the best super hero movies ever, trumping many others in its first attempt.


I imagine the biggest reason people are disappointed is because the fact of the matter is the trailers misrepresented the movie. They made it seem like the movie was this deep, emotionally gripping, almost artsy sort of thing. And it's nothing like that, lolz.

Well that and the host of real issues it has beyond whatever preconceptions people might have had.
I saw it with 4 friends, all comic fans, and we all thought it was shit. The entire theater left pretty bummed, and some people walked out before the end.

Your ad hominem schtick about GAFers' avatars is also getting old.

That's wonderful. My theater applauded. Easy to take a small sample size and imply it means something about the movie, huh?


I imagine the biggest reason people are disappoiinted is because the fact of the matter is the trailers misrepresented the movie. They made it seem like the movie was this emotionally gripping, almost artsy Malick-inspired sort of thing. And it's nothing like that, lolz.

It did, but the tv ads kinda cleared that assumption away.

Remember all the worries about it lacking action?


Movie was actually good, here are some of my thought of the movie:

-General Zod's ship looked like the Reaper ship from the Mass Effect series, but much less impressive.

-Superman being the son of Maximus Decimus Meridius aka Gladiator was pure awesomeness.

-Introduction was very epic, kinda reminds of the epic intro of THOR and the bond between the parents leaving their newly born son behind like in the beginning of Star Trek by JJ Abrams.

-Clark having flashbacks of his early childhood struggles was a nice touch.

-The fight scenes between Superman and Faora-Ul (Zod's wife) was the most impressive, and shes the hottest character in the entire movie!

-Ending was definitely a WTF moment.

-Was expecting something to be shown after the credits, preview of the Next Superman movie or Justice League movie and then realized this isn't a Marvel film.
I think it's probably best to stop discrediting people's opinions (albeit in a friendly way) by claiming we had unfair or strange expectations. That kind of ad hominem stuff doesn't help your argument. Besides, who was expecting Marvel type humour? Who was expecting a Donner type film?

It seems to me that the entire fanbase/internet was pretty fucking overjoyed at Nolan's involvement, and at the prospect of a more action-oriented, serious take on the character. A Batman Begins for Clark Kent, so to speak. I would say the Donner hold-outs were the exception.

The film's flawed. That's why the fanbase is so divided. That's why critics don't like it. It's not because we wanted The Avengers and Snyder gave us something more like TDK. In fact, I'd say more people than not were completely sold on that aspect of the vision. It's unfortunate that all that amazing potential is wrapped in a mediocre film.

there are/were a lot people who reviewed with a Donner slant/bias.

People walked out of my showing as well.

ok, didn't for mine and it was four showings.
I wanted to love it but just ended up liking it. It does a lot right, but there are some major missteps. It felt like it rushed over some really important parts in the build up, and then the destruction at the end was just too much for me.

It felt like a connect the dots picture that was rushed - all the elements and beats were there, but it wasn't always clean getting from point to point.

Also Holy Exposition Batman.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
The final fight when Supes was flying around with this playing in the background gave me goosebumps. So good.
Also, that rumor about Snyder directing a Star Wars spinoff? Make it SO. The style he shot this with would fit Star Wars so perfectly, it ain't even funny.
Movie was actually good, here are some of my thought of the movie:

-The fight scenes between Superman and Faora-Ul (Zod's wife) was the most impressive, and shes the hottest character in the entire movie!

Pretty sure she wasn't his wife, just one of his captains. Maybe that's why he's always so angry, lol


For those who had problems with the writing, are there any writers you think would be a fit to bring out the potential in the script for the sequel. I know people keep saying Jonah Nolan, but I imagine there are others.

(It's hard participating in this now. Everyone's seen it but me. lol)
For those who had problems with the writing, are there any writers you think would be a fit to bring out the potential in the script for the sequel. I know people keep saying Jonah Nolan, but I imagine there are others.

(It's hard participating in this now. Everyone's seen it but me. lol)

Lindelof would be a good fit.
I know it's super-obvious:

Brad Bird.
Paul Dini

Also, even though I liked the movie, this film really REALLY reinforced my belief that DC would best be served making their superhero films 100% CG Animated, with similar tone/styles as The Incredibles or Monsters Incorporated.


For those who had problems with the writing, are there any writers you think would be a fit to bring out the potential in the script for the sequel. I know people keep saying Jonah Nolan, but I imagine there are others.

(It's hard participating in this now. Everyone's seen it but me. lol)

David Goyer has some great concepts and ideas, but he has a hard time piecing them together and fleshing them out. If he's coupled with Jonathan Nolan, then that could turn out great I'm sure.
For those who had problems with the writing, are there any writers you think would be a fit to bring out the potential in the script for the sequel. I know people keep saying Jonah Nolan, but I imagine there are others.

(It's hard participating in this now. Everyone's seen it but me. lol)

Graham Yost, man.


Justified has perfect pacing, brilliantly realized villains, a cool fucking hero, and a great laconic writing style.


I had a feeling that after I got back from seeing the movie that gafs reactions would be very mixed.

and it turned out that I was right.


I'm back. I'll post more detailed impressions later and talk about what I felt worked and what didn't, but in general I was disappointed. The movie turned out to be everything I feared from the initial trailers and director/writer choices. The positive vibes I felt from the more recently promotional material turned out to be huge red herrings. Meh. :(

On a lighter note, it was hilarious to see how much of the Jon Peters crap Kevin Smith mentioned years ago was in the film:

- Polar bears
- Cute robot sidekick
- Doors opening like King Kong
- Eyes of a violent caged animal, a fucking killer
- Giant fucking spider

I'm back. I'll post more detailed impressions later and talk about what I felt worked and what didn't, but in general I was disappointed. The movie turned out to be everything I feared from the initial trailers and director/writer choices. The positive vibes I felt from the more recently promotional material turned out to be huge red herrings. Meh. :(

On a lighter note, it was hilarious to see how much of the Jon Peters crap Kevin Smith mentioned years ago was in the film:

- Polar bears
- Cute robot sidekick
- Doors opening like King Kong
- Eyes of a violent caged animal, a fucking killer
- Giant fucking spider


The film had no relationship to its trailer. It's like watching "mad world" and then playing gears of war.


Sad to see the hype of this moving turn into shitting on it. Probably will see it Sunday or sometime next week. Hopeful.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
omg what a horrible movie. i waited 2 years for this? so disappointing. i was ready to walk out half way in but i didn't drive so i had to stay. pure garbage.
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