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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Is this the Hulk of Steel?
I enjoyed the movie, but it's got issue, mainly in the story telling aspect.ie:
The commander notes that Zod is terraforming Earth to turn into Krypton, which neither Sups or Zod never actually tells them they are from Krypton

Liked Zod, Russell Crowe's performance. Not a big fan of Amy Adams. Cavill. Good enough job, keep him. Did a better job than Brandon Routh....( UGHHHHH awful ).

What I absolutely loved :

Faora... damn i'd love to tango with that girl. ;) She's fierce, menacing, badass and sexy.

The first fight scene between
Faora, Nameless Gigantic Kryptonian and Kal El.
Intense! Loved how it was shot. They go all out. And I liked how Sups fight.

For me this movie is not a revelation like Batman Begins was for me. Though it's certainly my favorite Superman movie.Definetly not a super cheezy Richard Donner movie like some people here like.(Ughhh why?)


I imagine the biggest reason people are disappointed is because the fact of the matter is the trailers misrepresented the movie. They made it seem like the movie was this deep, emotionally gripping, almost artsy sort of thing. And it's nothing like that, lolz.

Well that and the host of real issues it has beyond whatever preconceptions people might have had.

I think people's biggest issue is with the non linear narrative structure. We spend the first twenty minutes or so in Krypton. We witness baby Kal's birth, we see Jor-El make an impassioned plea to flee and then we are introduced to Zod and learn of his plans. Baby Kal ultimately escapes to Earth.
We expect that once that ship enters earths atmosphere that the film will continue on in linear fashion. We expect to meet the Kent's and see their discovery of the crashed pod. but no we never see this. Instead the movie makes a jump cut to Clark in his 20s working as a fisherman and then we see him save the crew of the oil rig
. There is no gradual build up or introduction to who this man is. For a moment there i thought the theater I waa in was missing an entire reel of film. I said to mysel What the Fuck??

This is the moment in the film where audiences accept this method of storytelling or begin to tune out. If you don't accept this then you will have a problem with the rest of the movie because the rest of the movie will follow this jarring method of cutting.
This style of cutting also really undermines the moment in the movie where Clark finally dons the cape. In one scene hes in the fortress and in the next hes walking out in the suit... we get that awesome shot of the doors opening with his cape billowing behind him. But it all just.... happens. There is no dramatic build-up. nothing .. shit just happens.

This is where the movie is very similar to Batman Begins BUT Begins actually made it work. If the movie had followed a traditional, linear 3 act structure with a Campbellian hero's journey at the center, then I think people would
have been fine with it. I am not sure all this cutting around actually improves the movie. This is in my opinion the biggest aspect of the movie that turns people off - the feeling of displacement and a lack of gradual exposure to the character. This is also what is causing the complaints about lack of character development. I personally believe that the movie recovers from this but this is, in my view, the source of all the negative reactions.

Also the movie poses some very interesting themes about the kind of cultural shock that a Superman would have on the world and I'm quite disappointed that the movie did not capitalize on that. It was an aspect of the story that I never gave much thought and I found that very intriguing. It's too bad the filmmakers preferred to go route of action spectacle in the final half rather than give that theme the insight it deserved

Also wanted to add that in typical Nolan fashion the movie has heavy handed scenes of exposition that completely stop the story in its tracks. Information dumps are usually the first sign of a failure of storytelling and in this movie there is about 2 or 3 of them, which again probably would have not been necessary if the narrative structure wasnt so scattered
I think people's biggest issue is with the non linear narrative structure.

I think you nailed it in your post and are exactly right. Nonetheless, this is also exactly why I enjoyed the movie so much as it almost felt like a highlights reel and cuts out all the filler.
Definitely worth a watch. Kinda long, but great action. A tad overly orgasmic on the effects - there's no subtlety to it whatsoever, it's super over-the-top, in-your-face and can get desensitizing after awhile. But overall it's great fun - a perfect summer ride.
I think people's biggest issue is with the non linear narrative structure. We spend the first twenty minutes or so in Krypton. We witness baby Kal's birth, we see Jor-El make an impassioned plea to flee and then we are introduced to Zod and learn of his plans. Baby Kal ultimately escapes to Earth.
We expect that once that ship enters earths atmosphere that the film will continue on in linear fashion. We expect to meet the Kent's and see their discovery of the crashed pod. but no we never see this. Instead the movie makes a jump cut to Clark in his 20s working as a fisherman and then we see him save the crew of the oil rig
. There is no gradual build up or introduction to who this man is. For a moment there i thought the theater I waa in was missing an entire reel of film. I said to mysel What the Fuck??

This is the moment in the film where audiences accept this method of storytelling or begin to tune out. If you don't accept this then you will have a problem with the rest of the movie because the rest of the movie will follow this jarring method of cutting.
This style of cutting also really undermines the moment in the movie where Clark finally dons the cape. In one scene hes in the fortress and in the next hes walking out in the suit... we get that awesome shot of the doors opening with his cape billowing behind him. But it all just.... happens. There is no dramatic build-up. nothing .. shit just happens.

This is where the movie is very similar to Batman Begins BUT Begins actually made it work. If the movie had followed a traditional, linear 3 act structure with a Campbellian hero's journey at the center, then I think people would
have been fine with it. I am not sure all this cutting around actually improves the movie. This is in my opinion the biggest aspect of the movie that turns people off - the feeling of displacement and a lack of gradual exposure to the character. This is also what is causing the complaints about lack of character development. I personally believe that the movie recovers from this but this is, in my view, the source of all the negative reactions.

Also the movie poses some very interesting themes about the kind of cultural shock that a Superman would have on the world and I'm quite disappointed that the movie did not capitalize on that. It was an aspect of the story that I never gave much thought and I found that very intriguing. It's too bad the filmmakers preferred to go route of action spectacle in the final half rather than give that theme the insight it deserved

Also wanted to add that in typical Nolan fashion the movie has heavy handed scenes of exposition that completely stop the story in its tracks. Information dumps are usually the first sign of a failure of storytelling and in this movie there is about 2 or 3 of them, which again probably would have not been necessary if the narrative structure wasnt so scattered

That was the biggest surprise for me.
The cast and producers constantly echoed this theme of "first contact" and the anxieties it would cause for Earth. The Kent's constantly referred to it - his father sacrificed himself to protect Clark from the world, and yet the world readily accepted him - very same complaint Synder had about previous films. This aspect that was being drummed up throughout the entire narrative was instantly jettisoned the moment Zod is introduced. It's a such because I was really looking forward to seeing that theme explored.
I think many of the analyses miss the point. The movie was nothing more than a graphic novel come to life, in every way. All the way down to the mind numbingly simple dialogue. It took a little while for it to click for me, but it's a presentation I think worked really well for Superman. Over the years people have kind of given up on Supes as a viable superhero, but this movie did well to communicate what really sets him apart...and why his diehard fans are fans. The comics are where he always shined and this was just that - a motion comic book. I thought it was brilliant.
Saw it last night. I really liked it. Its rare for me that a movie actually gets better as it goes on. It usually is good in the beginning, great in the middle, then meh. This movie gradually got better for me.

Agreed that the
storytelling takes away from the film.

But OH MY GOD at the fighting. So well done i can't explain it. The sheer sense of velocity and power and speed is so good. Would watch again just for all the fighting.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
um, what?

All of the emotional, heartfelt, inspiring stuff that the trailers built the movie up to have were rushed into the first forty minutes or so. I ended up being mostly fine with that because the movies real action-heavy plot was pretty damn good, but its not really what the trailers built it up to be.

Worst paced movie I've ever seen. I don't think I could ever watch that first hour again. Stupid
mumbo jumbo. A lot of the dialogue is lol worthy.

The pacing in the first half was pretty poor yeah, but once it got into the movies true plot it became alright IMO. Its certainly not a pacing and editing disaster like TDKR, its just not particularly good.


I think an origin story and a reboot of superman is very very challenging guys. Nolan and Goyer came up with a story which starts in Krypton, shows young Kal-El's life, loner/drifter Clark's inner struggles as an adult and then mix in Zod and all the other characters, with lots of action. IMO, to get this right, you more time than Snyder had and also 3.5 hours in movie time. How else can you make a good movie with good character development? How could've Snyder fit all of this in and develop all characters fully? It was impossible... So this is why they decided on the flash backs as it's an efficient way to tell parts of the story of Clark's upbrining..highlighting the most important parts that shaped him up. If Snyder would've taken the time to develop Pa and Ma Kent's characters, really showed us a good boy Kael-El journey into adulthood and keep all the cool Kryptin scenes, he would've had like 30-40 mins of adult Clark/Superman. Then how does Snyder handle only 30-40 mins of adult Clark/Superman and introduce the other characters whilst providing action worthy of a big spectacle? I'm telling you, this was very challenging and why this non-linear structure with scenes which appeared to be cut fast, come fast etc.. Blame Goyer and to a degree Nolan for asking Snyder to fit all of this. There were GREAT ideas here but the ask was too big given the time constraints and the movie running time; screenplay was the by far the biggest problem here. I think a sequel will be much easier to handle given that the origins are already taken care of...


CG and Action scenes are really well done and tops any film so far.

It surprises me that there's no mention of
though. But I guess since they're all Kryptonian they hated it the same.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
CG and Action scenes are really well done and tops any film so far.

It surprises me that there's no mention of
though. But I guess since they're all Kryptonian they hated it the same.

I kind of like that that thing wasn't involved at all. It was refreshing.


Can't wait for the Bluray release.

If only we could get some gif of Faora destroying those ground troops like an Anime.


Oh, I see what you did there....


It'd be the most brilliantly quotable movie ever, that's for sure.

You know what they say, Supes. You meet a Kryptonian asshole in the morning, you met a Kryptonian asshole in the morning. You meet Kryptonian assholes all day, you're the Kryptonian asshole.


Just got back from the movie, and knowing all the negativity going around, I had to stop by here and post.

All I have to say to all the negative reviews is a big WTF. This movie was AWESOME. I hate to say it but my wife and I enjoyed the entire thing through and through, so much so that I'm giving it a 10/10. Yes, a 10/10. MAYBE a 9/10 if I have to really nitpick.

The script was awesome, and I actually LOVED the pacing of the movie. Whereas most people say the action was the best part of the film, I actually thought it was just 'good enough'...and the last fight sequence didn't feel that long at all like everyone is claiming.

I also loved the acting so I have no idea why people think it was bad. The chemistry between Lois and Clark was dead on. Jonathan, Martha, Perry White and Jor El were all phenomenal.

I honestly DON'T GET why almost everyone hated it. I guess there must be something wrong with me :

If there is one thing that I wish could've been even better in this film is the action. I guess after everyone hyping up the action I expected A LOT.

Anyway, again, 10/10.



Was thinking of entering the cinema in my batman jammie bottoms and just cranking them down so I can flagellate my penis with wild abandon, but it's Father's Day and it'll be weird with my family there

But Blu ray oh man

I'm gonna go to town on that kryptonian anus

Kneel before knob

My sides hurt.


Oh, I see what you did there....


I just wanted a reason to talk about that hottie :/

But seriously I'm going to be watching this movie soon. Can't wait. Hype slightly deflated but I believe I'll enjoy it more with expectations in check.


I think an origin story and a reboot of superman is very very challenging guys. Nolan and Goyer came up with a story which starts in Krypton, shows young Kal-El's life, loner/drifter Clark's inner struggles as an adult and then mix in Zod and all the other characters, with lots of action. IMO, to get this right, you more time than Snyder had and also 3.5 hours in movie time. How else can you make a good movie with good character development? How could've Snyder fit all of this in and develop all characters fully? It was impossible...

Krypton to 2 minutes, cut the oil rig scene. That saves 20 minutes.

Use an extra 10 minutes to nicely fit the 'flashbacks' together into a childhood. Use an extra 10 minutes to show more with putting on the suit and developing powers (rather than two big jumps into the sky).

I think that is easily doable whilst maintaining a similar length.
You could also play around with the Lois bit in antarctica, scrapping that in favour of a meeting which involves the Daily Planet to better establish the characters there so that we actually care about them.

Though, I would be interested if anyone would ever be bold enough to do an origin story without a big villain. Could you not make an awesome film about growing up and developing powers, without actually facing a massive villain at the end? It would allow much more depth and time to be devoted...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Taking off to do some shit before the movie. See you in 6-7 hours, GAF!

Hope you enjoy it! but lol at the 1% chance of that happening.

Just for the love of god don't bring up Returns!


I have joined you all in the sun and finally saw Man of Steel.

I loved it, but I had a couple of issues:

Michael Shannon wasn't as great as I thought he'd be. But he's not bad. There were moments where he seems to be pulling some hammy acting, but he has his menacing stature coming through, as well.

The entire movie blew by pretty fast. Some scenes could have gone a bit longer, or edited in a better fashion.

Cast was great, and special nod to Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent. At the time of the casting, he seemed like the best choice available for the role, and he did a great job.
Just wished he was in the movie more, though.

I'm 100% on the Faora bandwagon. God damn, she was stunning.


looks like Faora stole the show... They should've had some sexual tension between Faora and Superman instead of any Louis - Superman romance


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
looks like Faora stole the show... They should've had some sexual tension between Faora and Superman instead of any Louis - Superman romance

Well Superman never has any romance with "Louis"
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