I'm excited to see it, but I think I'll subconsciously walk in expecting it to suck now.
The Superman in this movie is all self-doubts and weaknesses. Just because he got thrown through a couple buildings doesn't negate that.
He's not invincible at all.
and complaining about CGI in a superhero movie by 2013 is just cheapshot bullshit. Of course they're CGI buildings. What are you even complaining about at that point.
The Superman in this movie is all self-doubts and weaknesses. Just because he got thrown through a couple buildings doesn't negate that.
He's not invincible at all.
and complaining about CGI in a superhero movie by 2013 is just cheapshot bullshit. Of course they're CGI buildings. What are you even complaining about at that point.
The trailer suggests we are going to focus on Superman as a real character with real weaknesses. Instead I got an invincible, boring superman slamming into cgi buildings for 40 minutes.
I'm back. I'll post more detailed impressions later and talk about what I felt worked and what didn't, but in general I was disappointed. The movie turned out to be everything I feared from the initial trailers and director/writer choices. The positive vibes I felt from the more recently promotional material turned out to be huge red herrings. Meh.
On a lighter note, it was hilarious to see how much of the Jon Peters crap Kevin Smith mentioned years ago was in the film:
- Polar bears
- Cute robot sidekick
- Doors opening like King Kong
- Eyes of a violent caged animal, a fucking killer
- Giant fucking spider
I'm gonna disagree on Snyder's culpability, mostly because I feel whatever emotion the movie earned, it earned because he managed to wring it out of a script/story that simply WAS NOT HAVING IT.
Goyer can't do fun, and he can't do heartfelt. He can't. Look at his filmography. He can do tortured, he can do sad, he can do mean-spirited and he can do smartassed, but he can't do fun, good-natured, or heartfelt.
So the fact the movie managed any of those emotions on a perceptible level (and it DOES happen) is probably more Snyder than anything.
Now duckroll has written it, he's gonna spend time justifying it even though he's wrong about the spoiled part.
Now duckroll has written it, he's gonna spend time justifying it even though he's wrong about the spoiled part.
Do you have anything worthwhile to say other than making cheap shots at people? If you disagree with something, you can discuss it. Trying to make it a cheap personal attack serves no purpose and is rude.
Snyder's blame is not that he couldn't get emotion out of characters, it was that he didn't know how to assemble the movie to its full potential. There is a TON of potential completely squandered because of the way stuff was edited, or how the film was paced to begin with. I think Snyder did do a lot of good as well, like I said, he tried his best. Goyer on the other hand, should never fucking write again after the Blade crap, the 3 Batman movies, and now this. He is the weak link in comic book adaptations.![]()
Snyder's blame is not that he couldn't get emotion out of characters, it was that he didn't know how to assemble the movie to its full potential. There is a TON of potential completely squandered because of the way stuff was edited, or how the film was paced to begin with. I think Snyder did do a lot of good as well, like I said, he tried his best. Goyer on the other hand, should never fucking write again after the Blade crap, the 3 Batman movies, and now this. He is the weak link in comic book adaptations.![]()
But doesnt the blame fall on Nolan then? He should've been able to fix the editing / pacing issues rather easily. (Still havent seen the film, it opens on the 20th here).
Do you have anything worthwhile to say other than making cheap shots at people? If you disagree with something, you can discuss it. Trying to make it a cheap personal attack serves no purpose and is rude.
I'll give the movie 6.5/10 maybe, and only because I feel bad for Snyder that he failed because of his shortcomings and not because of actual poor decisions. His heart was in the right place, he just lacked the skill and experience for it.
Why would Nolan "fix" the editing and pacing for a film he's not directing.
Well you do have the spoiler portion wrong:
zod is frustated and exhausted in the end and superman has him nearly pinned down, it is a rare 1-1 moment which is not filled with mayhem for that moment when zod does try to fry some folks, it is this private moment with supes which causes supes to panic and the only thing he can think of when having him pinned down and to stop him is to break his neck. It is the human response of panic that gave supes in in the end
I'll post more detailed thoughts later, but Jesus, what a disappointment. A very pretty, well shot disappointment.
Bad script, some awful editing choices, really poorly cast leads (Cavill is a beautiful man, but wasn't right for this role and Amy Adams was abysmal). Ugh.
I think you're entitled to that interpretation, and if it works for you, cool. My issue is with the need for such a scene to begin with though, and how it was executed. It felt unnatural and contrived. I also respect people who actually take the time to respond to stuff if they disagree, it makes a discussion enjoyable.
Disagree about the casting. I thought the casting in the movie was phenomenal. Amy Adams was kinda whatever, but she didn't have much material to work with either.
when will people understand that nolan had like zero creative input in this movie, it's all goyer/snyder. all nolan did was pitch the idea to wb.
Come on duckroll, this was better than any Transformers movie.
And yeah I will always go there, still dont understand how you liked those films.
Just got back from the movie, and knowing all the negativity going around, I had to stop by here and post.
All I have to say to all the negative reviews is a big WTF. This movie was AWESOME. I hate to say it but my wife and I enjoyed the entire thing through and through, so much so that I'm giving it a 10/10. Yes, a 10/10. MAYBE a 9/10 if I have to really nitpick.
The script was awesome, and I actually LOVED the pacing of the movie. Whereas most people say the action was the best part of the film, I actually thought it was just 'good enough'...and the last fight sequence didn't feel that long at all like everyone is claiming.
I also loved the acting so I have no idea why people think it was bad. The chemistry between Lois and Clark was dead on. Jonathan, Martha, Perry White and Jor El were all phenomenal.
I honestly DON'T GET why almost everyone hated it. I guess there must be something wrong with me :\
If there is one thing that I wish could've been even better in this film is the action. I guess after everyone hyping up the action I expected A LOT.
Anyway, again, 10/10.
You're not alone, most of the people I saw it with and myself would give it a 10/10, it was phenomenal in my eyes. Most of the user reviews seem to be hovering around an 8-8.5 out of 10 average, so overall, most people enjoyed the film. Very polarizing film I guess.
Just got back from the movie, and knowing all the negativity going around, I had to stop by here and post.
All I have to say to all the negative reviews is a big WTF. This movie was AWESOME. I hate to say it but my wife and I enjoyed the entire thing through and through, so much so that I'm giving it a 10/10. Yes, a 10/10. MAYBE a 9/10 if I have to really nitpick.
The script was awesome, and I actually LOVED the pacing of the movie. Whereas most people say the action was the best part of the film, I actually thought it was just 'good enough'...and the last fight sequence didn't feel that long at all like everyone is claiming.
I also loved the acting so I have no idea why people think it was bad. The chemistry between Lois and Clark was dead on. Jonathan, Martha, Perry White and Jor El were all phenomenal.
I honestly DON'T GET why almost everyone hated it. I guess there must be something wrong with me :
If there is one thing that I wish could've been even better in this film is the action. I guess after everyone hyping up the action I expected A LOT.
Anyway, again, 10/10.
I agree. I wouldn't give it a 10, maybe an 8-8.5/10, but I enjoyed it thoroughly regardless. Had a blast and can't wait for a sequel.
Time to post more detailed thoughts:
But in the end, I think what left the worst taste in my mouth was how the final fight ended. I can't really discuss it without spoiling so....------- "WOW IT WOULD BE SO DARK AND EDGY IF THAT HAPPENED------.
Yeah, I agree they could have found a better. Hell, they shoulda just made Faora the main villain <3.
I think Shannon was pretty good, just some of his facial movements were way too hammy.