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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
What is with people adding a "u" to Lois's name? lol

I'll never know. Seems to be something that's happening more and more lately lol

I'm sure it was just a typo in this case.


Saw the film this morning.

I guess I just like Clark Kent more than I like Superman. Too much CG WHOOSH POW BAM that could be from any superhero film and never feels real in any way, not enough human interaction for me (although what was there was actually not too bad).

My favourite scene of the whole film was the very last one. I hope we get more of that in the sequel.
The chemistry between Lois and Clark was dead on.


I cringed every time they were on screen together.
Cinemascore which gauges the multiple viewing potential of movies

man of steel: A-

For refererence

Iron man 3 : A
Tdkr : A
inception: B+
IMDB is the best site to know general audience's pulse. My personal rating almost match with IMDB's. They are not too critical yet not too liberal. MOS is at 8.4 currently. It will end up around 7.5 i guess which is the apt score for this movie IMO.
Saw the film this morning.

I guess I just like Clark Kent more than I like Superman. Too much CG WHOOSH POW BAM that could be from any superhero film and never feels real in any way, not enough human interaction for me (although what was there was actually not too bad).

My favourite scene of the whole film was the very last one. I hope we get more of that in the sequel.

This is a legit issue and it seems will be addressed as an 'obvious' in sequel and people will say oh they fixed it even tho it was their intent all along


Man of Steel made $44M domestically on Friday. Weekend number will likely be in the $105-115M range (not counting the extra $12M made from the Walmart preview night on Thursday).
Cinemascore which gauges the multiple viewing potential of movies

man of steel: A-

For refererence

Iron man 3 : A
Tdkr : A
inception: B+
Transformers 3: A
Green Lantern: B
After Earth: A-

If things blow up, the general audience will enjoy it. Cinemascore's not really the best way to judge a film's quality.


when will people understand that nolan had like zero creative input in this movie, it's all goyer/snyder. all nolan did was pitch the idea to wb.

Honestly find this very hard to believe. The editing and exposition are both classic Nolan. This is Superman Nolanized but with action sequences Nolan could only dream of


This was 3 out of 5 for me. I get the complaint of too much action scenes, wish they had spend more time on developing the characters and their relationships. It's fine if they keep Snyder for the sequel just get a better script writer next time.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'd like to know what other movies are this divisive between the critics and the readers who rank movies on those sites.



Honesty, I think part of the hate comes from the fact that it is a Zack Snyder film and people love to shit on him for some reason. They'll take real criticisms and completely over blow it, meanwhile ignoring similar issues in films from other directors.


This was 3 out of 5 for me. I get the complaint of too much action scenes, which they had spend more time on developing the characters and their relationships. It's fine if they keep Snyder for the sequel just get a better script writer next time.
Yeap, but too bad Goyer is back on board to write the script for the sequel. :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Is kalboa still alive?

Asked to be temp banned for various reasons. I'll be shocked if he liked the movie (if he saw it) and with his love of Returns... he might go ape shit in here when he comes back lol Think he was overwhelmed with either school or work though. Can't recall.


I'm gonna disagree on Snyder's culpability, mostly because I feel whatever emotion the movie earned, it earned because he managed to wring it out of a script/story that simply WAS NOT HAVING IT.

Goyer can't do fun, and he can't do heartfelt. He can't. Look at his filmography. He can do tortured, he can do sad, he can do mean-spirited and he can do smartassed, but he can't do fun, good-natured, or heartfelt.

So the fact the movie managed any of those emotions on a perceptible level (and it DOES happen) is probably more Snyder than anything.

But if you look at Snyder's filmography, he can't do narrative. He doesn't understand it. He can put together a handful of amazing sequences here and there - which makes sense, given his background in music videos - but he has no grasp on making a great, 2 hour long story.

The script is a big problem with the movie, but even if they had someone better than Goyer write the sequel, I don't really believe Snyder would actually know how to take advantage of it. I mean, look at Watchmen: I like it, and it has some wonderfully realized sequences in it, but Snyder clearly does not understand the story.

JB1981 said:
Honestly find this very hard to believe. The editing and exposition are both classic Nolan. This is Superman Nolanized but with action sequences Nolan could only dream of

Probably because they share the same writer, so of course they're going to share the same kind of dialogue, same storytelling devices, etc.


Krypton to 2 minutes, cut the oil rig scene. That saves 20 minutes.

Use an extra 10 minutes to nicely fit the 'flashbacks' together into a childhood. Use an extra 10 minutes to show more with putting on the suit and developing powers (rather than two big jumps into the sky).

I think that is easily doable whilst maintaining a similar length.
You could also play around with the Lois bit in antarctica, scrapping that in favour of a meeting which involves the Daily Planet to better establish the characters there so that we actually care about them.

Though, I would be interested if anyone would ever be bold enough to do an origin story without a big villain. Could you not make an awesome film about growing up and developing powers, without actually facing a massive villain at the end? It would allow much more depth and time to be devoted...

great point, MOS could've just been a great origin story without a big villain. They could've spent time on krypton; spent more time going over Clark's boyhood and developing the Kent's more; then focused on the period where he's a drifter, trying to figure things out and then lastly, the discovery of fortress and him becoming superman! They could've used this origin story to really develop the Kent's, Jor-El, Lois and everyone else focusing just on Clark's internal struggles and how humanity deals with him. A villain? no need for one, MAYBE Lex convincing military that superman is dangerous. I guess they could've just introduced Zod in Krypton, setting things up for a sequel. Action? just military vs superman until in the end, they realize he's a friend not foe. I think this could've been done really well.. develop all characters, build superman for sequels with badass villains! I really think the screenplay tried to fit in way too much...
great point, MOS could've just been a great origin story without a big villain. They could've spent time on krypton; spent more time going over Clark's boyhood and developing the Kent's more; then focused on the period where he's a drifter, trying to figure things out and then lastly, the discovery of fortress and him becoming superman! They could've used this origin story to really develop the Kent's, Jor-El, Lois and everyone else focusing just on Clark's internal struggles and how humanity deals with him. A villain? no need for one, MAYBE Lex convincing military that superman is dangerous. I guess they could've just introduced Zod in Krypton, setting things up for a sequel. Action? just military vs superman until in the end, they realize he's a friend not foe. I think this could've been done really well.. develop all characters, build superman for sequels with badass villains! I really think the screenplay tried to fit in way too much...

We need that 3:30 minute cut from Snyder


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
GamerXXX, have you seen the movie yet? I haven't seen your own impressions or review. I might have missed them, but if you haven't... you sure are over analyzing everything about the film you haven't seen yet based on others opinions.


Maybe I need to rewatch Begins, but I thought this was easily on part with the characterization in Begins. Overall it was Begins but with much better action obviously.

I pretty much said this in my review, this is Begins but with a good second half.



Wow I had no idea.

Me neither, that's why I had to look it up.

Best scene was the fight scene between Faora and Superman at the diner, she was telling Clark that she is a soldier as she continues to lay the smack down on him. Really though any scene with Faora is the best, they should just make a movie between her and Superman with an added love interest twist. Remember when Faora and Superman first met? Faora looked down to up, she was totally checking him out! I bet Fiora used X-ray vision on Clark and I am sure he did the same on her too!


Honesty, I think part of the hate comes from the fact that it is a Zack Snyder film and people love to shit on him for some reason. They'll take real criticisms and completely over blow it, meanwhile ignoring similar issues in films from other directors.

definitely think this is a factor, MOS is taking a bashing for Snyder/Nolan not delivering a technically flawless movie but Snyder had GA in mind, screw critics. I see there's a recent movie in RT with a score of 100 ('A hijiacking') but how much will this gross? granted, not WB behind it but the point is, Snyder was set on making a money maker and i think he has succeeded; we'll see what end $$ is but looks like worldwide, at least 600mm...

I also think Snyder has this thing of putting together misleading trailers and prob taking a hit here too.. plus high expections leading to letdowns which have resuled in harsher reviews than would otherwise be the case


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Guys, please spoiler tags or spoiler thread. Again not everyone has seen it yet, it just came out.


Honesty, I think part of the hate comes from the fact that it is a Zack Snyder film and people love to shit on him for some reason. They'll take real criticisms and completely over blow it, meanwhile ignoring similar issues in films from other directors.

Real talk. I read a friend's review last night. He didn't like the film, with most of his complaints clearly were related to the script, and he still found some way to blame Synder.

I don't get what people's issues with Synder are. I mean, dude definitely has weaknesses as a film maker, and Sucker Punch was shit, but people act like he's one of the worst filmmakers out there.


i usually use reviews to push me over the edge if i'm on the fence about a movie...

and i already spoke to some people who aren't interested in the movie anymore becaue of a <60% RT score. I really thought it wouldve stayed in the mid to low 70s range, so I was very shocked at how low the score is.

Regardless, seems like audiences are mostly enjoying it, and even the critics reviews seem very polarizing. My hype is definitely deflated but I still can't wait to check it out! (maybe in a week or 2)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Saw it
Loved it


Would remove some parts of the movie, and Cavill is not as good as Reeve or even Routh, but I'll take it

Will rewatch today

This might be the first time I have seen anyone write this anywhere on the net and love the movie lol


Real talk. I read a friend's review last night. He didn't like the film, with most of his complaints clearly were related to the script, and he still found some way to blame Synder.

I don't get what people's issues with Synder are. I mean, dude definitely has weaknesses as a film maker, and Sucker Punch was shit, but people act like he's one of the worst filmmakers out there.

Because he's the director.

There's no anti-Snyder conspiracy. At this point it's pretty well known that his films are heavy on flash and light on narrative. You could levy a lot of Man of Steel's issues at Goyer, but Snyder's other films all had that same problem and Goyer didn't write any of those. So if Snyder's new movie comes along and shares a lot of the same problems as his old ones, then I think it's fair to criticize Snyder then, right?

Goyer also wrote Batman Begins and yet that's a vastly better movie. The key difference between the two being the director.
Because he's the director.

There's no anti-Snyder conspiracy. At this point it's pretty well known that his films are heavy on flash and light on narrative. You could levy a lot of Man of Steel's issues at Goyer, but Snyder's other films all had that same problem and Goyer didn't write any of those. So if Snyder's new movie comes along and shares a lot of the same problems as his old ones, then I think it's fair to criticize Snyder then, right?

Goyer also wrote Batman Begins and yet that's a vastly better movie. The key difference between the two being the director.

Begins also had nolan as a co writer


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I blame the script rather than the actor

Weird cause Returns script made Routh's Superman boring as shit, plus he was just cosplaying Reeve. Routh had nothing to work with in Returns either thanks to Singer.

Oh wait his name is Ralph around here now lol forgot we don't call him Routh anymore.

Wow Kevin Smith called MOS the Batman Begins of Superman films. I might die in my seat out of joy if true.


Weird cause Returns script made Routh's Superman boring as shit, plus he was just cosplaying Reeve. Routh had nothing to work with in Returns either thanks to Singer.

Oh wait his name is Ralph around here now lol forgot we don't call him Routh anymore.

Wow Kevin Smith called MOS the Batman Begins of Superman films. I might die in my seat out of joy if true.

Why haven't you seen this yet?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Why haven't you seen this yet?

Waiting for meds to kick in for my colon disorder, I have IBD. Plus my dad wants to see it, so I'm treating him next Thursday even if I'm sick. Got my tickets booked for a non 3d IMAX showing.

I would have been there at midnight if I was well.


Because he's the director.

There's no anti-Snyder conspiracy. At this point it's pretty well known that his films are heavy on flash and light on narrative. You could levy a lot of Man of Steel's issues at Goyer, but Snyder's other films all had that same problem and Goyer didn't write any of those. So if Snyder's new movie comes along and shares a lot of the same problems as his old ones, then I think it's fair to criticize Snyder then, right?

Goyer also wrote Batman Begins and yet that's a vastly better movie. The key difference between the two being the director.

If there problems are with the script, then that's the fault of the person who wrote it. I'm not saying Synder is beyond criticism, but to say "such and such about the writing is off" and then turn around and say "but that's not the fault of the person who wrote it" strikes me as trying too hard to lay all the blame at Synder's feet.

Goyer also didn't write Batman Begins's screenplay alone like he did here. That's important to note as well.
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