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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Super Member

@ Lex suggestions

What do you guys think of Clancy Brown? Do you think he could make TAS Lex would work in MoS's world?

They needed to crib one scene and scene alone from Birthright

Have Clarke travel in some war torn african country, camera in hand just seeing shit go down. I just wanted more time spent with Clarke in his travels in his adult years.
Yeah there really just needed to be a 2nd Act. Right after he flies for the first time and before Zod reenters the story.

Flying around, solving petty injustices, helping people in general, [attempts] reversing natural disasters, etc.

I'm conflicting on him witnessing a warzone though. He's tempted to intervene; and there's drama there. Couldn't it be seen as patronizing if the movie only spent a little time there?
Yeah, that part was puzzling. No reason why his super son shouldn't have grabbed the dog, if they wanted to save it that bad.

Still ridiculous. In that circumstance, it's ok to have a dozen people witness what you do when it's between that or your fucking father dying...

The intention is clearly that Pa Kent wanted his son to live a normal human life in order to give him the benefit of having grown up with that worldview. In that respect it makes total sense that he would want his son to experience Human loss. Its weird to say it but he did what he did for Clarke.

I keep seeing people bring up the "he didn't want Clarke to reveal his powers yet" angle, but I think the overarching goal of Jonathan Kent was to make sure Clarke grew up a normal and grounded life in order to prepare him for the decisions he would have to make later on. He knew what he would become and he knew what his heritage was, which is why it was important he experienced human life as a human, without "cheating"

Not saying this isn't true but these were his exact words from the movie.

Clark - "My father believed if the world found out who I really was, it would reject me. He was convinced that the world wasn't ready."

I think few scenes in the film do back it up.


The intention is clearly that Pa Kent wanted his son to live a normal human life in order to give him the benefit of having grown up with that worldview. In that respect it makes total sense that he would want his son to experience Human loss. Its weird to say it but he did what he did for Clarke.

I keep seeing people bring up the "he didn't want Clarke to reveal his powers yet" angle, but I think the overarching goal of Jonathan Kent was to make sure Clarke grew up a normal and grounded life in order to prepare him for the decisions he would have to make later on. He knew what he would become and he knew what his heritage was, which is why it was important he experienced human life as a human, without "cheating"

This is absolutely spot-on. Its why Pa Kent hesitates when
young Clark asks him if he should have let his friends on the bus die.

Great observation and one I hope people realize.


They needed to crib one scene and scene alone from Birthright

Have Clarke travel in some war torn african country, camera in hand just seeing shit go down. I just wanted more time spent with Clarke in his travels in his adult years.

What's weird is that I could have sworn that description was part of the logline like two years ago?

Hopefully we'll get a little bit of that in the sequel, Clark's dialogue at the end certainly alluded to it iirc.


well not really...yet
What's weird is that I could have sworn that description was part of the logline like two years ago?

Hopefully we'll get a little bit of that in the sequel, Clark's dialogue at the end certainly alluded to it iirc.
Now that you mention it I do think I remember that.

Even if there aren't scenes lifted word for word from that book, I do think Birthright is probably the single biggest influence on this movie, as it follows a pretty similar structure, right down to the major city invasion/destruction in the final act.


Great movie, Henry Cahill is just amazing. Bit corny at times, specially in all the Lois Lane scenes, I don't see how its better than the Dark Knight or even Watchmen, but its up there. The fight sequences were fantastic.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Did anyone else notice some Battlestar Galactica actors in the movie? Helo and Gaeta.


Need a gif of Fishburn's face when he's running away. Hilarious look.

I wonder how Alexander Skarsgard looks like with a bald head. He'd be a fun villain.


Unconfirmed Member
Just got back from watching the movie. Overall: meh

I'm a huge Superman fan but this was just too much. I felt like I was watching 5 different movies at once... and how many buildings do I need to watch collapse before I stop giving a shit?
Just saw it. Reviews are horrible. Going to spend some time reading some rotten ones tomorrow to see why it's getting the negative scores it is.

I enjoyed the movie a lot. The only thing that annoyed me was the dialogue here and there. There were some things I could list that were nitpicky but meh. Overall I really enjoyed it.
Really didn't like this take on superman. Its not the superman I know and love. He's a different character in this. I don't like the super seriousness of it. There was no "fun" in this movie.

I liked returns BTW but get why people dislike it.
The movie wasn't as good as all the pre-hype. The action was fantastic, but everything else was so...flat. The characters were completely uninteresting. Y'all can point and laugh, but I still say Superman Returns was the better of the two.


I saw what Clark did.

I get the mixed reviews. There was just as much to like as there was to dislike. The score, cast, the visuals and action were on point. On the flip, the pacing, editing, and script needed some work.

Overall, I enjoyed myself. Cavill managed to overcome the weak characterization and embody Superman. I loved Jor-El and the Kents. Faora was awesome. I think there's a strong base to build from as Synder and Goyer clearly understand what makes Superman work. They just needed to tighten up the script and really build on the foundation of the first half.

So, good effort and a fun time, but I did want more from it.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp

this is why there isn't really a definite version of this character, the way he describes Superman here is as if he should be perfect absolutely no flaws whatsoever in character. If that were the case what would be the point of the character in the sequels? what growth can we expect when right off the bat, the character is perfect he has no flaws. Superman wouldn't go through any arcs because what would be the point?


well not really...yet

I understand the issue people have with that...but I just can't really be assed to care strangely. Its not on top of my list of issues with the film.

The movie depicted the battlefield as mostly barren of civilians, at least to me, and 90% of the damage was inflicted by the World Engine. It didn't really come across to me that Superman's actions themselves were killing thousands of peoples. At that point, him and Zod were essentially fighting on scorched earth. I don't at all feel that it trivializes the moment that comes at the end...


I don't know, I would just assume someone would put their father's life above a belief of "choose the man you want to be".

Yeah, I REALLY hated that scene. I mean, come the FUCK on.

They needed to crib one scene and scene alone from Birthright

Have Clarke travel in some war torn african country, camera in hand just seeing shit go down. I just wanted more time spent with Clarke in his travels in his adult years.

Yes. I would have even been okay with a montage.
One should probably assume after the world engine messing stuff up, people started evacuating the city. The battle did seem to show that a lot of the sky scraper buildings were barren of of people inside, minus the last one.


I think it's fair criticism. But I am not so sure the destruction resulted in as much collateral damage as he suggests. Yes, we see buildings completely wrecked but are we to assume these buildings are all occupied by people or that they are in the vicinity of the threat ?

I'd estimate the casualties were in the thousands, rather than the millions. But still... a thousand deaths... that's quite a bit (even if not by comic book standards), especially when you consider that scene at the end.
I'd estimate the casualties were in the thousands, rather than the millions. But still... a thousand deaths... that's quite a bit (even if not by comic book standards), especially when you consider that scene at the end.

Maybe if they inserted a flashback near the end where the family was really a family Clark knew from his childhood. Like poetry.

Throws up on mouth.
I disagree with the critics on this one, I enjoyed the movie.

I watched the 3D Imax version, I don't usually like 3d but it was well done in this movie.

-The action scenes and CGI were incredible. The best super hero fights in a movie ever, and I thought avengers was great.
-The flight scenes are very impressive.
-The art style is amazing, I loved zod and crew's suits. Supe's suit is amazing.
-Some acting is superb, I really liked Clark's foster mom and Russel Crowe's performance as his real father.
-Oh my god, best heat vision ever.

-Some acting was bad or I didn't like the casting, I couldn't shake detective stabler vibe or morpheus. Sorry.
-The story's pacing is kind of awkward, lots of flashbacks and the jumps are very jarring.
-I didn't really care for Kevin Costner's performance, I felt that even Uncle Ben from the original spiderman series was more sincere, and even then I feel that wasn't great.

I personally like TDK and BB better, but MoS is easily better or on level with DKR, and the action scenes are more impressive than avengers. However Avengers flowed better.


Really liked this movie. For the first time I thought that Superman was a believable character with his powers and combat abilities, compared to the other Kryptonians. My only gripe with the movie was the Lois/Clark relationship. It felt forced and had almost no build up.
Really liked this movie. For the first time I thought that Superman was a believable character with his powers and combat abilities, compared to the other Kryptonians. My only gripe with the movie was the Lois/Clark relationship. It felt forced and had almost no build up.

Nothing really spoilerific but better safe than sorry...

Her side of the relationship is understandable as Clark is her savior. His side is a little less so as all she did was keep his secret.
I disagree with the critics on this one, I enjoyed the movie.

I've yet to see it but it seems like there's a massive disconnect between critics and audiences with this one. Earlier today on RT it was in the 50's for critics and around 85 with audiences. Same with metacritic. Looking forward to seeing it Tuesday.
I didn't like the movie.

The casting was off.
Too much military in a superhero movie again.
Zod casting was LOL the bad guy from the Bike Courier movie with Gordon-Levitt
CG shit allover the place. Hey, cannot come up with good action? just shove CG shit allover.
What is up with the robot tentacles coming of the ship thing? CG shit allover the place.

was there even a soundtrack? I didn't hear music
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