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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Unless this is some type of dig at Zimmer ("I didn't hear music, I heard SHIT."), I don't understand this line. The whole part with Jor-El escaping Zod's henchmen was essentially all music.

I can't stand Zimmer but I thought his score was decent in this. The majority of it was pretty forgettable Zimmer nonsense and none of it even approaches the heights of Williams' themes (but what does?) but I felt it was strong enough to justify the clean break from Williams. It helps that while, like all Zimmer scores, it was mixed really loud, it wasn't particularly obnoxious.


Nothing really spoilerific but better safe than sorry...

Her side of the relationship is understandable as Clark is her savior. His side is a little less so as all she did was keep his secret.

I'd say she did more
than simply just keep a secret. It'd be the scoop of the century.


Except Perry already said
he wouldn't publish it, so that basically negates any meaning that decision would've had

That's before she had concrete proof or a specific person to identify with. Like Perry said, it could've all been her imagination. If you could point to a specific person? That person would be under scrutiny all over.
Note sure if this has been posted, searched and couldn't find anything:

Man of Steel: Rotten Tomatoes Editor Shocked At Low Critic Rating

By: Russ Burlingame on June 14, 2013

We’ve talked a lot the last few days about the disparity between Man of Steel‘s incredible word-of-mouth, its strong audience appeal and the fairly mediocre rating it scores among critics on the popular review-aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes.

Apparently nobody was caught more off-guard by that last part than Rotten Tomatoes Senior Editor Gray Drake, who appeared on Fox Business News and called the Superman reboot “definitely the film to see, because finally Superman is back and he’s going to do big business.”

Asked why the freshness scale score was so low for that film, Drake admitted, “As much as I love and respect our critics at Rotten Tomatoes, I’ve got to say I am shocked. Listen, the movie’s not perfect but…I just cannot fathom it. It was a good movie, you guys.”

Source: http://comicbook.com/blog/2013/06/1...tomatoes-editor-shocked-at-low-critic-rating/


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Meh, critics were wrong about The Hobbit as well. I don't listen to critics.


The movie's still hovering around 50% right. Honestly, that's to be expected. lol

It's just a polarizing movie. I enjoyed it, but I can totally see why someone else would dislike it. You're either going to go with it or not. The score to me doesn't say " critics say the movie sucks." It says, "It worked for critics almost as often as it didn't work." It is interesting to see the disconnect between critics and general audiences though.

I am hopeful for the sequel. There was a lot of good here. Hopefully, they'll look at the criticisms and use them to improve. Or maybe they just say "Lol we got paid!" and I'll hate the next one cause none of my concerns were addressed.

Kinda ot, but it is nice to see people excited about Superman again. It's been fun.


Then critics shouldn't compare it to the original, otherwise we'd be stuck at one small change at a time and probably another trilogy until we get to Man of Steel. Which while flawed, has tremendous potential in the sequels.


Just got back and really liked it. This was the first comic book movie in a while which had a really well thought out villain IMO. Since the villain is the primary driver of the plot in these type of movies, with the hero mostly reactionary, it was nice to see a villain with motives that make sense who takes logical steps to achieve those goals. The Dark Knight Rises (and Skyfall, though it is not a comic movie) could take some notes.


Without going into every single thing I didn't like about this, what made this movie really fail for me is that it made me want to see the entire movie be about Jor-El instead of Kal. Supes is a total bore in this.

I thought Russell Crowe was the best thing in this film. The whole sequence at the start with him putting on his armour, beating Zod and talking in his Maximus voice was great.


Unconfirmed Member
That entire ending sets up
Luthor perfectly for the sequel. He can totally play off the "world savior" role without having to waste any of the movie building it up. "How can you trust an alien that destroyed half the city and was willing to kill one of his own people?"

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Critics have more incentives than to just watch a film to be entertained by it. How can they ever be in a position to represent the general audience?


I will say I was disappointed by Zod. I wanted him to be crazy and menacing and he just...wasn't.

I wish Faora was the main general. lol


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
No doubt its going to make more than enough money. I'm interested to see if they pull a TDK and fix the problems with the first movie and really score a home run.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I will say I was disappointed by Zod. I wanted him to be crazy and menacing and he just...wasn't.

I wish Faora was the main general. lol

I agree!
Faora was the best.
There is hope Her death was a bit ambiguous. She must come back


At least now I won't ridiculously hype for the next one.


Until they reveal Luthor anyway. Then...then I probably won't be able to contain myself. (I have a sickness.)

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Compared with the superman from Man of Steel, Batman is the boy scout. I am pretty sure the deathtoll as a direct result of his actions number in the millions.
He also doesn't hesitate, at least as much as batman, to kill. Whereas Batman makes a huge fuss about it.


I wouldn't say he doesn't hesitate. He was clearly pained and disturbed by having to kill Zod. I think he's just very thoughtless in how he fights.

Man, Cavill was wasted. He tried so hard to bring Clark's personality out, but Synder/Goyer wouldn't let him. I think he succeeded in the end, but not enough.

Would they use Darkseid in a sequel? Or save him for the eventual JL movie?
Darkseid has to be in Justice League. DC's gone out of their way building him up as the villain. His last appearance in the comics it took the entire League just to match him. Just having him face Supes would feel weird at this point. lol

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Would they use Darkseid in a sequel? Or save him for the eventual JL movie?

Why can't we have both? Darkseid defeats Batman Empire Strikes Back style. Superman comes back with his friends, Flash, Future Batman (Terry McGinnis), Martian, Wonder Woman and GL.

I wouldn't say he doesn't hesitate. He was clearly pained and disturbed by having to kill Zod. I think he's just very thoughtless in how he fights.

Man, Cavill was wasted. He tried so hard to bring Clark's personality out, but Synder/Goyer wouldn't let him. I think he succeeded in the end, but not enough.

True. I think that was especially hard for him since
Zod was the last of his race
In general,this Superman feels a lot like a normal guy who discovered he has these amazing superpowers, and he's still learning what to do with them. But he's not as self-righteous as Batman.


I stand by my earlier assessment that the film should have ended with clark being told to get a report done on LexCorp. It would have been the perfect setup, just like the joker card at the end of Begins.


I think that's why I liked Clark in this so much. He really is just a normal guy who just happens to have extraordinary abilities. It really humanizes him, as they say.

I will say the way this movie shakes out, there is no way they can't do Lex. I know people say they're tired of him, but man: it's just such a natural next step. Just like the Joker was for TDK.
I wouldn't say he doesn't hesitate. He was clearly pained and disturbed by having to kill Zod. I think he's just very thoughtless in how he fights.

Man, Cavill was wasted. He tried so hard to bring Clark's personality out, but Synder/Goyer wouldn't let him. I think he succeeded in the end, but not enough.

Darkseid has to be in Justice League. DC's gone out of their way building him up as the villain. His last appearance in the comics it took the entire League just to match him. Just having him face Supes would feel weird at this point. lol

Oh yea, when you put it that way, Darkseid would only be fitting for a JL movie.

As for Luthor...it wouldn't feel like a Superman film if Luthor didn't show up eventually. It's Lex, he has to be in there sooner or later.
Just got back.

That. Was. Fantastic. I loved it. While there were a few pacing problems in the middle, I easily overlooked them and you know what... I fucking love the movie.

- Great cast. Cavill was great as Superman, Shannon was great as Zod, who is more anti-hero than villain. Antje, goddamn. Crowe was great too.

- Great action. Best superhero fights ever.

- Great music.

Man, just... this movie was so good. The crowd loved it, everyone applauded at the ending (and yelled when the credits finished, haha).

I wanna watch it again. I like this version of Superman.


Saw it again today. In some way I liked it more, but the bad parts bother me even more now too.

-The alien-invasion/sci-fi angle - Now I understand this perspective a little more. Yes it was there, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. A different take on how to introduce Superman is cool. The early scenes on Krypton were great. Some people complain about the length of the prologue but I felt it could have been an hour long and I would have been fine with that. Most interesting characters (including Zod + team) in the whole movie.
-Action/fights/special effects - You can really tell that Warner spent a lot of money to put this together. I'm glad they were willing to spend money and that we got to see Superman fight other super beings (even if they did end up going overboard). I really got to appreciate some of the action scenes a little more.
-Flashbacks - The best scenes in the movie really and there should have been more. Didn't care for any of the adults on Earth, but these poor kids I wanted to see more of.

-Lois Lane - Did she need to be in the movie at all? Miscast, misplaced, and I didn't care at all for her character. If they'd cut out her character the movie might have flowed better. The romance seemed really forced and awkward.
-Story/Script/Dialogue - Some of the lines were groan-inducing and didn't seem to fit. At one point it seemed Perry White was gonna be the hero - really!? Who cares about all these secondary characters? The movie couldn't decide what to give screen time too.
-Editing/Pacing - So bad on so many levels. While the special effects were great, sometimes the action went on for too long or was edited in such a way that you couldn't really appreciate what was going on because there was so much of it. Maybe it was the camera angles? I got a better sense of it during my second viewing, but the movie seems to cluttered with no sense of awe or tension. Basically just non-stop bullets and punches sometimes (which makes or great scenes but not necessarily a good movie). As a whole the movie just didn't flow too well.
-Tornado Scene - Don't want to spoil anything but basically it was really hard to buy.
-Superman/Clark Kent Identity - So does everyone on Earth know who Superman is or just a handful? On the one hand the film shows a scene where no one seems to know, on the other hand it implies that the number of people who do know number in the hundreds if not thousands (at which point is it really a secret)?

As a Superman fan, I liked this interpretation just for the special effects and would recommend it to comic book and action fans on that basis. As a general movie, not that great but serviceable. I can see why a lot of older people might not enjoy it as much. We have an ADHD culture today that texts and facebooks every minute of every day and I think pacing of the movie really appeals to that. I think the filmmakers were afraid that if they added a little build-up, suspense, and genuine romance the audience would get bored.


Without going into every single thing I didn't like about this, what made this movie really fail for me is that it made me want to see the entire movie be about Jor-El instead of Kal. Supes is a total bore in this.

I seriously would have enjoyed a 2-hour Krypton story ending in the launching of the ship to Earth and the destruction of Krypton more than I enjoyed this movie. The only characters I really cared about were in the prologue. I wanted more details about the civilization and what extreme measures (if any) were being taken by refugees to leave (if any).


I liked it a lot, but god the shaky cam and random zoom-in/zoom-out moments really annoyed the hell out of me and almost took me out of the experience. And I don't think the Louis Lane relationship was handled very well, felt kinda forced.
I watched this movie and I loved it. Great piece of film and the critics got it wrong.

This is the superman movie I wanted to see. Crowe was great as Jor El, Lara was good. I felt her anguish as a mother sending her son out to the unknown, just to have a chance at life. I also loved the actions taken by Jor El to give his son the chance to be whatever he decided to be.

I liked the way the story was told, when he started to fly, heck I was grinning like a little kid the whole movie. The action sets the bar for Superheroes movies going forward, eat your heart out avengers. The music.....Damn Zimmer nailed it. The Lex corp easter eggs, great.

The drab looking color palette is intentional, it's used to convey that Superman (Bold Colors, blue/red) represents hope in this cynical gray looking world.

Is the movie perfect? no, but I've never seen a perfect movie yet, critics should zip it, this is the best whole package superheroe movie put on screen, and it's an origin story, a sequel would knock my pants out.

Can't wait to watch it again. Give it a 10/10 for giving me one of the most pleasurable experiences of the movies I watched in the theater. I had this joy with me after the movie ended. Thank you Snyder/WB, you delivered the goods.


Just got back.

I liked it. The action is really crazy and the style is incredible. It has me nothing but excited to see what the rest of the new DC film universe looks like. Cavill was a solid Superman, though I wish the script rounded him out more. It has a generally strong supporting cast.

But the pacing is kinda weird. I was onboard at the start with the flashes back and forth, and that was cool. But the second Lois Lane comes in, the pacing just starts getting really weird, and there are some generally awkward choices made. Some of the dialogue just didn't work, and whatever romance angle there was just seemingly comes almost out of nowhere.

All in all though, I think this is some generally solid footing for future movies. Now here's hoping the next movie is World's Finest with Supes/Bats vs. Lex/Metallo. That honestly feels like the way to go with this.
Loved it! Some parts were tense as shiiiiii!

I loved the beginning, second act dragged a bit but things picked up when Zod makes his appearance.

Only disappointing issue was no Elysium trailer at my theater.

Left before the credits ended what happened?


I watched this movie and I loved it. Great piece of film and the critics got it wrong.

This is the superman movie I wanted to see. Crowe was great as Jor El, Lara was good. I felt her anguish as a mother sending her son out to the unknown, just to have a chance at life. I also loved the actions taken by Jor El to give his son the chance to be whatever he decided to be.

I liked the way the story was told, when he started to fly, heck I was grinning like a little kid the whole movie. The action sets the bar for Superheroes movies going forward, eat your heart out avengers. The music.....Damn Zimmer nailed it. The Lex corp easter eggs, great.

The drab looking color palette is intentional, it's used to convey that Superman (Bold Colors, blue/red) represents hope in this cynical gray looking world.

Is the movie perfect? no, but I've never seen a perfect movie yet, critics should zip it, this is the best whole package superheroe movie put on screen, and it's an origin story, a sequel would knock my pants out.

Can't wait to watch it again. Give it a 10/10 for giving me one of the most pleasurable experiences of the movies I watched in the theater. I had this joy with me after the movie ended. Thank you Snyder/WB, you delivered the goods.


Trojan X

(Spoiler alert post)

-Superman/Clark Kent Identity - So does everyone on Earth know who Superman is or just a handful? On the one hand the film shows a scene where no one seems to know, on the other hand it implies that the number of people who do know number in the hundreds if not thousands (at which point is it really a secret)?

Only Lois knows hence why she is in the position to protect his identity.
I enjoyed the film a lot, but I can see why critics were a bit harsh on it. It's definitely a very different sort of film than the original.

what does the original have to do with this one? maybe they should stop being critics if they can't review something properly.

Wait the screenwriter of that ratchet After Earth is criticizing another movie?


This is a good summer movie peoples. Dunno why this is being held to an absurd standard.

Whitta also thinks that half og GAF are idiots and he has to withhold his amazing brain back so as to not insult us plebes.


After a stellar Thursday night of $21 million, including $12 million from Thursday 7pm screenings and $9 million from midnights, Warner Bros. Pictures' Man of Steel soared to $44.1 million on Friday (including those $9 million midnights) and has already reached $56.1 million total domestically. The Superman movie looks to heading passed the $130 million mark by the end of the weekend, which is definitely beyond the studio's expectations.

The sun is so hot.


Whitta also thinks that half og GAF are idiots and he has to withhold his amazing brain back so as to not insult us plebes.

That is probably true though. Happy for this to do well. Despite its flaws, it is all fixable and can make for a good series. If it flopped, we probably wouldn't had seen supes for another decade, which would be a shame.

I do wish they weren't rushing the sequel out though. Forward planning never seems to be WB's strong suit, even Batman suffers from inconsistencies.


Seeing it today. Still pretty excited. If I leave the cinema and feel I was suitably entertained I'll be happy; I don't have a connection to Superman like a lot of you do, so I just want a good time.

7 hours until I sun bathe or whatever you fucking clowns say #BatGAF4lyf


Oh and Mark Strong as Lex Luthor please. Guy is dynamite in everything he's ever done, even shitty movies are improved by the presence of Mark Strong.
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