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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Bull on a Donut
Seeing it for the second time tomorrow, cannot fucking wait! Movie is truly amazing. The superman film I've always wanted.

Can't wait to see what they do with #2 now that the origin is out of the way.


Oh and Mark Strong as Lex Luthor please. Guy is dynamite in everything he's ever done, even shitty movies are improved by the presence of Mark Strong.

He was the only good part of GL, and he didn`t even have much script to work with.


Man of Steel: Rotten Tomatoes Editor Shocked At Low Critic Rating

By: Russ Burlingame on June 14, 2013

We’ve talked a lot the last few days about the disparity between Man of Steel‘s incredible word-of-mouth, its strong audience appeal and the fairly mediocre rating it scores among critics on the popular review-aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes.

Apparently nobody was caught more off-guard by that last part than Rotten Tomatoes Senior Editor Gray Drake, who appeared on Fox Business News and called the Superman reboot “definitely the film to see, because finally Superman is back and he’s going to do big business.”

Asked why the freshness scale score was so low for that film, Drake admitted, “As much as I love and respect our critics at Rotten Tomatoes, I’ve got to say I am shocked. Listen, the movie’s not perfect but…I just cannot fathom it. It was a good movie, you guys.”

CRITICS should shoot themselves for this because they were biased against the movie and it's director. Snyder wasn't loved and some didn't like this new superman take. The problem is that critics can't be baised and a rate a movie on the grounds that it wasn't what 'they' wanted to see, they should assess it's entertainment value and rate it accordingly. The disparity between the critics score and GA ratings at metacritic and RT is crazy.. I would think the purpose of having critics is to help GA in spending their money wisely, right? Well, when GA end up loving a film critics bash, then critics are doing a disservice to the GA; they are using strong personal bias in their reveiws.


I really loved the film. The pacing/editing is a bit wonky in the first half but the more I think about it the more I appreciate it. I also think that the film made Clark/Supes really quite likable, a lot of it is down to Cavill's charisma, but he was given a good sense of humour which is quite rare in portrayals of Superman.

Jor'el was hands down the best character though. Russel Crow killed it with his performance.


CRITICS should shoot themselves for this because they were biased against the movie and it's director. Snyder wasn't loved and some didn't like this new superman take. The problem is that critics can't be baised and a rate a movie on the grounds that it wasn't what 'they' wanted to see, they should assess it's entertainment value and rate it accordingly. The disparity between the critics score and GA ratings at metacritic and RT is crazy.. I would think the purpose of having critics is to help GA in spending their money wisely, right? Well, when GA end up loving a film critics bash, then critics are doing a disservice to the GA; they are using strong personal bias in their reveiws.

Please. Just stop. This is nonsense.


He was the only good part of GL, and he didn`t even have much script to work with.

Indeed. He was a fab Sinestro. Was one of only two good things - the other being Oscar Isaac - about Robin Hood, the only likeable character in RockNRolla, held his own against some amazing actors in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and was a very good villain in Kick Ass and he'll be missed.

First thing I remember seeing him in was Body of Lies and I thought the movie was just boring, but this Dimitar Berbatov lookalike Iranian or whatever was a proper good actor and they should get him in more Hollywood stuff. Then I find out he's English loooooool.

I fucking love Mark Strong.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Went with a couple of friends to see MoS last night, and we all loved it.

Great to see Supes back on top, a massive improvement over Superman Returns.
I thought it was common knowledge that movie critics don't know WTF they are talking about most of the time?

First movie in a long time I wanna see twice.
I think people are really misunderstanding the final scene. All those buildings looked completely empty and destroyed already to me.

Yeah I think a lot of those buildings were already abandoned after the world builder started fucking up the city. Not all of them obviously, but probably a majority of them.

The destruction is just not something I can get worked up over. He was fighting other super-powered beings, shit was gonna get messy. It did when he fought Doomsday in the comics (though I don't think to the same degree).


I think it's really sad and unfortunate that there's always this mindless reactionary push when people see something they enjoy being criticized or discussed in a negative way. Things like "FUCK THE HATERS", "lol critics are all biased assholes", "who cares about what other people think", "critics have no idea WTF they're talking about", etc are shameful reductionist statements which discourage intelligent discourse and discussion in favor of mindless group cheering.

If there are specific disagreements to points raised by someone else, such things can be brought up and discussed. If there are criticisms to someone's criticism, that can also be discussed. In the end the goal would not be for everyone to agree, but to generate viewpoints which can expand the perspective any given person has on how others interpret something.

It is unlikely that every single person disliked the movie or parts of the movie for the exact same reasons, or that everyone who dislikes it has an agenda, or even the same agenda if there is indeed one. It is also clear that not everyone dislikes the movie. So simply lashing out because a movie you enjoyed is not getting a unanimously positive reaction is childish and stupid.

I want this sort of behavior to stop because it is anti-intellectual, it is disrespectful, and reflects poorly on the maturity level of those who engage in such behavior.


Speaking of identity, sorry if anyone's asked this before, but how come people can't put 2 and 2 together? You have this kid with super strength and strange powers and then you hear about some dude named Superman bouncing around with superpowers? Does no one have a memory? What about that bully kid on the bus? Wouldn't he know? Or all the other kids on that bus for that matter. "Hey! I remember this one kid that pulled an entire bus up from underwater! I think his name was Clark Kent!"


Liked the movie, but the ending almost ruined it for me.

You're trying to make a realistic Superman movie, yet you keep the whole "glasses = secret identity" thing. It was the one thing I was hoping that they would change in the movie, but they didn't. Hell, he didn't even change his hair. Fucking stupid. At least put on a wig or something.

I was under the impression
The main people at the Daily Planet were also in on the ruse this time. Which would make a lot more sense.
Speaking of identity, sorry if anyone's asked this before, but how come people can't put 2 and 2 together? You have this kid with super strength and strange powers and then you hear about some dude named Superman bouncing around with superpowers? Does no one have a memory? What about that bully kid on the bus? Wouldn't he know? Or all the other kids on that bus for that matter. "Hey! I remember this one kid that pulled an entire bus up from underwater! I think his name was Clark Kent!"

Lois did, that's how she discovered his identity. By the end of the movie all the people that do know have a great incentive not to come out and say it. Lois being kidnapped by aliens, getting involved in a conflict with superhumans etc.


Speaking of identity, sorry if anyone's asked this before, but how come people can't put 2 and 2 together? You have this kid with super strength and strange powers and then you hear about some dude named Superman bouncing around with superpowers? Does no one have a memory? What about that bully kid on the bus? Wouldn't he know? Or all the other kids on that bus for that matter. "Hey! I remember this one kid that pulled an entire bus up from underwater! I think his name was Clark Kent!"

The bully kid on the bus was shown several times in the film as an adult, and he clearly knew who Superman was, but he was keeping the secret.
I was under the impression
The main people at the Daily Planet were also in on the ruse this time. Which would make a lot more sense.

That's how I saw it. Lois, Jenny, Perry and the other guy know and the introduction is just to save face. The are a safety net of people to cover for Clark. I wanted/predicted that would happen. I like what has been set up here.


The bully kid on the bus was shown several times in the film as an adult, and he clearly knew who Superman was, but he was keeping the secret.

Well, yeah that's exactly why I mentioned him. But there must be a crap ton of other people that saw him do 'weird' things too.


The destruction of Metropolis could help set up Lex Luthor as a rebuilder of the city and foe to Superman.

Exactly. Just imagine how he can paint Superman as the destroyer of the city, costing lives and insane amounts of money. This can help push Lex to be seen as a hero because he can be responsible for putting the city back together and helping people get their lives back together. The possibilities of how they can run with it are fantastic.


I think it's really sad and unfortunate that there's always this mindless reactionary push when people see something they enjoy being criticized or discussed in a negative way. Things like "FUCK THE HATERS", "lol critics are all biased assholes", "who cares about what other people think", "critics have no idea WTF they're talking about", etc are shameful reductionist statements which discourage intelligent discourse and discussion in favor of mindless group cheering.

If there are specific disagreements to points raised by someone else, such things can be brought up and discussed. If there are criticisms to someone's criticism, that can also be discussed. In the end the goal would not be for everyone to agree, but to generate viewpoints which can expand the perspective any given person has on how others interpret something.

It is unlikely that every single person disliked the movie or parts of the movie for the exact same reasons, or that everyone who dislikes it has an agenda, or even the same agenda if there is indeed one. It is also clear that not everyone dislikes the movie. So simply lashing out because a movie you enjoyed is not getting a unanimously positive reaction is childish and stupid.

I want this sort of behavior to stop because it is anti-intellectual, it is disrespectful, and reflects poorly on the maturity level of those who engage in such behavior.

actually, i find this intellectually dishonest. First and foremost, you are bashing someone else's opinion because you disagree; who makes you the voice of reason?

now let's get to the heart of the matter.

What is the purpose of critics? what are they here for? Is it simply to voice their personal biases, like preaching personal religious beliefs? or is it to help the general audience in spending their money wisely? I would think the latter right? I would compare this to being a stock analyst, which investors rely on or follow to gauge the soundness in buying a stock. Well, i feel critics should really serve the same purpose, for the general audience. Now let's look at how MOS is holding up so far (still early i guess).

Metacritics: Critics: 55/100 (47 reviews), GA: 8.6/10 (498 voters)
RT: Critics: 56/100 (215 reviews), GA: 82/100 (81,600 voters)
IMDB: GA: 8.3/10 (49,600 voters)

So, here's the deal. I can't remember a movie with such disparity and i know some may say 'still early' but those are many general audience votes already tallied up! Seems like at least 82% of GA enjoyed the movie and thought it was worth their money, meanwhile roughly 55% of critics thought it was worthwhile. Now how can we explain this? GA is dumb? and intelectually shallow? and critics are intelectuals who really try and assess a movie's worth not only for it's entertainment value but also for the quality of it's screenplay, story and directing? I guess so but in my opinion, critics are not reviewing a movie for the general audience, they are reviewing it for themselves or for Hollywood directors, screen writers and producers. I don't get the point of not having the general audience in mind. Surely, these critics convinced some not to go see it, which i feel is a disservice because clearly GA seemed to like it. Now maybe i am wrong on what critics' role is but something is off here, this disparity is realy big.


Well, anywayz I liked the movie a lot, but the superman lore really bothers me like his secret identity and how can he fly? I'm guessing gravity, but then how does he stay in mid air!? Doh whatever. He just doesn't seem quite as well explained as other super heroes, not that that's saying much but, eh.


actually, i find this intellectually dishonest. First and foremost, you are bashing someone else's opinion because you disagree; who makes you the voice of reason?

now let's get to the heart of the matter.

What is the purpose of critics? what are they here for? Is it simply to voice their personal biases, like preaching personal religious beliefs? or is it to help the general audience in spending their money wisely? I would think the latter right? I would compare this to being a stock analyst, which investors rely on or follow to gauge the soundness in buying a stock. Well, i feel critics should really serve the same purpose, for the general audience.

No let me stop you right there. Film critics exist to voice their personal opinions on film and to dissect and analysis the artistic integrity of the parts and wholes of films. They do not exist to help audiences in spending their money wisely. They provide information which people take and use as they decide to see fit. They're not here to tell people to agree. You have misrepresented the purpose of film critics.

I am not bashing anyone's opinion on the matter, I am telling people to stop shitting up the thread with comments like "fuck the haters" and "fuck the critics" and so on. These are stupid reductionist comments which have no place on this forum. While sometimes it is tolerated, it is never encouraged. If you disagree with something, discuss it. Don't try to shut it down with a generalized statement. If you cannot do that, then don't post.


Any international numbers/estimates available?
Deadline Hollywood said:
Internationally, Warner Bros says Man Of Steel is ranking #1 everywhere with a gross of $17.6M from 9,710 screens in the 24 overseas markets in release. The running cume from abroad is now $25.9M. Key markets that opened this weekend were the UK, Korea, and Mexico. The UK pulled in £3.3M ($5.2M) from 574 situations, dominating the market with a 70% share and ranking as the biggest opening day in 2013 – +11% bigger even than Iron Man 3. Mexico grossed an estimated Ps. 35.7M ($2.8M) from 2,600 screens, and, like the UK, garnered a 70% share of the market. Its Friday opening ranks as the 3rd biggest opening for a WB film. Korea continues to rank #1 with a 50% share of the Top 5 films nationwide and KRW 1.8M ($1.6M) from 990 screens, bringing the two-day tally to KRW 3.2M ($2.8M). Other notable cumes are The Philippines $2.9M (had biggest all-time industry opening day), Taiwan $1.5M (had biggest WB opening day ever), UAE $1.3M, Malaysia $1.3M.


The movie sucked shit.

Story and pacing were off. I didn't connect with any of the characters and the movie seemed to move at such a blistering pace that it almost felt like a clip reel of story segments you would see while waiting in line for the official theme park roller coaster ride.

You can follow what's going on, but there's never enough resonance with anything or anyone to make you care. So by the time you get to the crazy action you don't give a shit about the stakes involved. Ihops and Sears stores are blowing up and there's no reason to care.

This doesn't feel like Superman. It feels like a disaster flick War Against the Worlds.

The fucking camera is always shaking for no reason and its disorienting.

The alien set pieces look like a joke. When the silver head thing formed out of the floating ball shit and started talking I cracked up.

My biggest problem is it tries to be serious like Begins, but it doesn't feel epic like the former because the dialogue sucks and the plot is incoherent and moves too fast.

I walked out shortly after the earth ray bullshit. I had to piss and lost the will to walk back in.

Dick Donner must be disgusted. As boring as Superman Returns was, it was better. Routh was a way better Clark and more like able Superman.

Neither hold a candle to Reeve, and neither film come remotely close to the original Donner vision. Despite the camp, it captured the essence of who Superman should be.


I went for my second viewing yesterday, watched it back to back on two continous days on opening weekend. Havent done that for ANY movie yet, not even the Batman films ..

With that said, I'll raise my score from 7 to 8 on my second viewing. The things that bothered me in the first watch, didnt the second time. I also saw some finer touches and was really able to appreciate what they pulled off with this movie. This movie is ambitious and the scale is probably never ever seen before on film. Well done Snyder.


No let me stop you right there. Film critics exist to voice their personal opinions on film and to dissect and analysis the artistic integrity of the parts and wholes of films. They do not exist to help audiences in spending their money wisely. They provide information which people take and use as they decide to see fit. They're not here to tell people to agree. You have misrepresented the purpose of film critics.

I am not bashing anyone's opinion on the matter, I am telling people to stop shitting up the thread with comments like "fuck the haters" and "fuck the critics" and so on. These are stupid reductionist comments which have no place on this forum. While sometimes it is tolerated, it is never encouraged. If you disagree with something, discuss it. Don't try to shut it down with a generalized statement. If you cannot do that, then don't post.

no dude, you are the one that needs to stop this right now, you don't tell people what to post or what not to post. If people want to go after critics, they have the right to do so and should not be reprimanded. WTF..

on critics, so they get paid just to provide their personal opinions and not to help guide movie goers? really? I think the latter is in fact, one of their roles cause who reads the critic reviews? audience.. and for what? to see if it's worth seeing. Again the disparity between GA reaction and critic reaction is shocking



I think that is just for Friday.

The overseas weekend won't be huge because this wasn't a worldwide day and date release. UK, Mexico and South Korea were the only major territories. Mostly South East Asian and Latin American (minus Brazil) openings this weekend. Most of Europe, Australia, Brazil, Russia, China and Japan come later.
Wow, duck just unleashed his heat vision on that guy.



I tried to be reasonable. I just want people to focus the discussion on the right things. :(

The movie is certainly divisive, and that's cool. We can talk about that without suggesting that "critics" should shoot themselves though, I think.
I don't have any bias against anyone involved in the movie and was actually hoping to see a great movie, but I ended up extremely disappointed. I think Cavill is cool as Superman, but everything else around him, other than the kryptonians is pretty shit. The amount of time spent on the military, FBI or shitty Daily Planet characters really brought it down for me. The movie just seemed to focus on all the crappy things and push the cool ones to the side really quickly.

Oh well, hopefully they can get it right next time.


I was definitely disappointed with the Lois Lane character. But maybe that's because I can't get over Margot Kidder.

I loved Kidder as well but Adams was very solid to me. She got the spunky, stubborn pain-in-the-ass all-up-in-everything aspect of Lois down relatively well. She wasn't as firm and sure of herself as Kidder's Lane but it's a good start.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'd like to thank Duckroll for banning him, seriously. He was so odd if you look through all his posts in here and then telling critics to shoot themselves over a movie of all things lol

I can't stand Returns, but I would never tell anyone to go off themselves for liking or loving it.

Plus the dude kept calling Lois... "Louis" annoying as hell.
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