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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Amy Adams is no Erica Durance. Durance made lois, Lois.

She's a great tv Lois. Obviously she looks the part the best (drool) and ended up being the best character on Smallville in the last couple of seasons, but we have no clue how she would be in a huge film or with pressure on her, even if the script it weak. She's my favorite Lois of all time, but she's been in two movies I think and she was awful in both of them.

She was asked to play Lois a certain way on Smallville and nailed it. I haven't seen MOS yet, but this is a different take and she could have been as bad as Bosworth, just hotter.

I don't even need to see MOS to know Adams is better than Bosworth. She's the Dean Cain of Lois Lanes.


I don't have any bias against anyone involved in the movie and was actually hoping to see a great movie, but I ended up extremely disappointed. I think Cavill is cool as Superman, but everything else around him, other than the kryptonians is pretty shit. The amount of time spent on the military, FBI or shitty Daily Planet characters really brought it down for me. The movie just seemed to focus on all the crappy things and push the cool ones to the side really quickly.

Oh well, hopefully they can get it right next time.

Costner and Lane were great as Jonathan and Martha Kent while Amy Adams did a fine job as Lois. I don't recall that much time being spent on the FBI at all.


Smallvile was shot in my town. Seeing main street fucking wrecked by sups and Faora was so damn awesome. Everyone in the theater was giddy lol


Costner and Lane were great as Jonathan and Martha Kent while Amy Adams did a fine job as Lois. I don't recall that much time being spent on the FBI at all.

Fishburne was good as well. Jenny Olsen was wack though. The focus on the Army makes sense not only in context but in establishing Superman's relationship to them moving forward--i.e. that they have to trust each other to make it work.
So this made $113 million OW without walmart numbers (including walmart numbers its $125 million) included thus becoming the biggest June opener ever beating Toy Story which made $110 million


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
So this made $113 million OW without walmart numbers (including walmart numbers its $125 million) included thus becoming the biggest June opener ever beating Toy Story which made $110 million

Superman > Buzz Lightyear
Actually, I do.


Amy Adams is no Erica Durance. Durance made lois, Lois.

Durance was fantastic as Lois. And so damn gorgeous.


Just came out of the cinema and I've absolutely no idea what I just saw.explosions upon explosions and absolutely no idea what was going on. Truly shockingly mindnumbing tedium. Just everything thats wrong with Hollywood movies these days. 90% of the budget on effects and everything else just an afterthought.
Just came out of the cinema and I've absolutely no idea what I just saw.explosions upon explosions and absolutely no idea what was going on. Truly shockingly mindnumbing tedium. Just everything thats wrong with Hollywood movies these days. 90% of the budget on effects and everything else just an afterthought.

this is my beef with neo-CG movies who just throw at you ALL the possible CG shit they can just because they can

it's over-kill
But here’s the rub: the five-day Wed-Sun debut of Superman Returns, which was $83 million back in July, 2006, would be around $103 million today adjusted for inflation and about $118 million adjusted for a normal 3D/IMAX bump. As such, the much-anticipated, heavily-marketed, etc. etc. Man Of Steel sold just over 15 million tickets, or just a bit more than the 13 million tickets that Superman Returns sold in its official debut weekend. So what seems like a massive improvement on its face is partially merely seven years of inflation and the aforementioned 3D/IMAX advantage. Truth be told, it’s not a slam on Man Of Steel (because a $125 million debut is an unmitigated triumph for pretty much anything outside of a The Avengers 2 or Avatar 2) but just reinforces that Superman Returns, which earned $200 million domestic and $395 million worldwide, wasn’t so much a bomb as a massively over-budgeted tent-pole which couldn’t deliver record-breaking numbers to justify its $270 million budget.



Just came out of the cinema and I've absolutely no idea what I just saw.explosions upon explosions and absolutely no idea what was going on. Truly shockingly mindnumbing tedium. Just everything thats wrong with Hollywood movies these days. 90% of the budget on effects and everything else just an afterthought.

Really not accurate at all. Maybe if you are describing the final act of the movie. The plot was also not confusing
I love the serious tone of the movie compared to IM3 shitty jokes, I know many people didn't like the movie but seeing a different take on the character is refreshing...
Saw this last night. I thought it was okay. Dumb to me that no one recognized him at the Daily Planet since they were literally the closest people to seeing him other than army man. Also, shouldn't everyone technically know who he is now that they fought in Smallville? Is it just assumed that that IHOP manager is going to keep his mouth shut? Is it just assumed that all the army guys who he walked right next to don't see what he looks like or ask anyone who he is? I mean, they fought in a town where he came from and everyone knew him as a weird kid anyways? No alarm bells?

His awful "secret" identity only worked in comics, sad they put it here.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Superman Returns budget was 270 millions?? Wtf??? How can you waste so much money on such an uninteresting movie?? Damn. No wonder it almost killed the franchise.


Lastly, this movie sets a tone for this franchise that i'm worried about. Where do we go from here? More intergalactic adventuring? I worry that such a grand scope in story telling will take away from the down to earth moments. They have to find a way to make the supporting cast relevant and real.

While I disagree with just about everything you posted, I just have to say that they set up the "where do we go from here" part right at the very end. The Daily Planet regulars will get their chance for relevancy as a result. If anything, that hints at less intergalactic adventuring (though there was NONE for Supes in this movie) and more for the moments you want more of.


Superman Returns budget was 270 millions?? Wtf??? How can you waste so much money on such an uninteresting movie?? Damn. No wonder it almost killed the franchise.

I think a lot of that money was related to costs spent in the previous attempts to make a new Superman movie (Superman Lives mostly).


I think a lot of that money was related to costs spent in the previous attempts to make a new Superman movie (Superman Lives mostly).

To point out just how crazy the costs were for the projects before Returns came out, Nic Cage got $20 million for not playing Superman in the end, thanks to a pay-or-play clause in his contract. Burton also made out like a bandit with a similar clause, though not nearly as rich (his was around $5 million, IIRC).
Superman Returns budget was 270 millions?? Wtf??? How can you waste so much money on such an uninteresting movie?? Damn. No wonder it almost killed the franchise.

It's difficult to ascertain the actual cost of SR itself from script to production. Warner Bros reportedly had spent huge amounts of money trying to develop a Superman film since the 90s up until they hired Bryan Singer, and as such people tend to include that into SR's "budget". Singer however is quoted as to having said it cost $204m.


well not really...yet
Superman Returns was a wasteful expenditure no matter how you look at it

Singer spent $10 Million dollars on an opening sequence, that was 100% completed, CG and all, and decided to cut it from the movie at the last minute.

$10 Million down the drain


I should clarify by "intergalactic adventuring": i mean anything out of this world related. You have an alien invasion in this one, i just dont see the producers going "ok now lets bring the fight on the ground sans aliens for the next movie". They tend to have this "bigger in scope is better" mentality. This movie sets the foundation in that, at a minimum, buildings have to be destroyed or used as weapons. So if you take that destruction and expand on it, you would need to justify it by either putting a bigger threat or by taking superman away from earth. I don't know; i just do not see them toning it down.

The potential of this actually thrills me. I loved the hard sci-fi tone of this movie. Not saying that's where they're heading as setting up the Daily Planet still allows for plenty of smaller, light-hearted moments but you also have to remember one big name in keeping Supes Earth-bound for the sequel:

Lex Luthor.


I have a feeling that those who thought the action was too heavy and too much CGI was used are referring to the
world machine completely fucking up Metropolis. The fight between Supe/Zod/Faora and the final fight were very clear and really displayed the power they posses. I don't believe it was generic or too difficult to keep track of what was happening during those scenes.


I should clarify by "intergalactic adventuring": i mean anything out of this world related. You have an alien invasion in this one, i just dont see the producers going "ok now lets bring the fight on the ground sans aliens for the next movie". They tend to have this "bigger in scope is better" mentality. This movie sets the foundation in that, at a minimum, buildings have to be destroyed or used as weapons. So if you take that destruction and expand on it, you would need to justify it by either putting a bigger threat or by taking superman away from earth. I don't know; i just do not see them toning it down.

I don't agree, if anything they want to make Superman more human. Its why they spent so much time on the conflict of him wanting to be Human but wrestling with the fact he was not.

If they wanted him to adventure to the stars he would have left ala Superman Returns.

Just like how Batman Begins set the ground work for there being a Batman, MoS did the same for Superman. He exists and the public knows this, so now how does that change day to day life and do people start to challenge him (Lex Luthor) or does more from his past come to haunt him (Braniac).

I don't see them making him leave, I don't see them destroying an entire city again. They got the point across how powerful he is already. Now its time to develop the rest of him. We will probably get something closer to IM3 in terms of a sequel, more time spent on how he balances Clark and Kal-EL or how he goes on being Superman but ensuring Lois does not die in the process.


I don't agree, if anything they want to make Superman more human. Its why they spent so much time on the conflict of him wanting to be Human but wrestling with the fact he was not.

If they wanted him to adventure to the stars he would have left ala Superman Returns.

Just like how Batman Begins set the ground work for there being a Batman, MoS did the same for Superman. He exists and the public knows this, so now how does that change day to day life and do people start to challenge him (Lex Luthor) or does more from his past come to haunt him (Braniac).

I don't see them making him leave, I don't see them destroying an entire city again. They got the point across how powerful he is already. Now its time to develop the rest of him. We will probably get something closer to IM3 in terms of a sequel, more time spent on how he balances Clark and Kal-EL or how he goes on being Superman but ensuring Lois does not die in the process.

Preach it, brother!!
Superman, Jor-El, Zods group, and the Kents are all likeable.

Problem with the film is literally every scene involving anyone else besides the above seemed like a complete waste of time and energy. The force fed empathy for the military and daily planet roster was a complete joke.

Lois was a negative, but I think that's just an inherent flaw in the character. Lois Lane is basically an annoying reporter and meant to be a cliché damsel in distress/romantic interest, and neither of those is particularly interesting no matter what way you want to spin it (actress, medium, whatever).

I actually think the movie might have been much better if Lois and the Daily Planet didn't even come into the picture until the sequel. A movie full of just Zods group, the Kents, and Supes would have been much better paced.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
If Lois or the Daily Planet weren't in the movie, it would've been panned even more.

"This isn't Superman where's Lois1?!?!?!"


Gas Guzzler
I saw it in Imax 3D.

As a long time Superman fan I really liked this movie.

I think it could have used more content though. I hope there is an extended directors cut for the bluray.


Lois was a negative, but I think that's just an inherent flaw in the character. Lois Lane is basically an annoying reporter and meant to be a cliché damsel in distress/romantic interest, and neither of those is particularly interesting no matter what way you want to spin it (actress, medium, whatever).


Lois is fuckin' dope.
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