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Manga Discussion/News Thread |OT5| We Post on Wednesdays

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Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I'm going to have to get used to this Community business.

We should definitely have something we do as a community on Tuesdays/Wednesdays and also Fridays/Saturdays since we all follow some type of shit.

COMIC? POLLS on Chapters? Community Big-3-Predictions on Tuesdays?

Also, we all need to read at least one of the same smut manga that comes out regularly on weekends with no end in sight. Consistency would be nice and if everyone read it, conversation (and its ability to spread) would be abundant. The more people seeing other people talking about it increases likelihood that they will pick it up.

So, which one should it be? I don't read any, but we should come to a consensus on the best/most consistent and I will pick it up, and hopefully more people (whoever doesn't read it will).
Good Ending 107

Haha wow. They sure like to shit on Oonuma in this. Like its almost comical how much she has gotten shat on at this point.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Wait, can a Magi have more than one candidate?


Voynich Hotel is really, really good. Reminds me of Suda 51's Flower, Sun and Rain (which I might be one of the only fans of)

Good Ending 107

Haha wow. They sure like to shit on Oonuma in this. Like its almost comical how much she has gotten shat on at this point.

Yeah, I actually feel really bad for her almost any time she's shown. I really hope something goes her way by the end or I might die.


Voynich Hotel is really, really good. Reminds me of Suda 51's Flower, Sun and Rain (which I might be one of the only fans of)

I have Flower, Sun and Rain, but I only played it for about 5 minutes. I still have no idea what kind of game it is. You're making me want to give it another shot, but my DS is busted and the game is halfway across the world.


Yeah, I actually feel really bad for her almost any time she's shown. I really hope something goes her way by the end or I might die.
This current arc is the best chance for that to happen, I guess. I wonder if Kei Sasuga intends to resolve all the side characters' stories before resuming things with Utsumi/Shou/Yuki.


I have Flower, Sun and Rain, but I only played it for about 5 minutes. I still have no idea what kind of game it is. You're making me want to give it another shot, but my DS is busted and the game is halfway across the world.

If you ever get the chance again, I'd definitely give it another shot. Admittedly, it's not very fun to play but the story is so bizarre and out there that it makes the whole experience worth it.

This current arc is the best chance for that to happen, I guess. I wonder if Kei Sasuga intends to resolve all the side characters' stories before resuming things with Utsumi/Shou/Yuki.
The latest chapter seems to be a set up for her getting her life together.

It definitely seems like that's what's going to happen. Then we'll get that Touru arc, where Yuki gets all her shit resolved and then the manga ends
with Utsumi x Shou 'cause fuck Yuki

PK Gaming

I'm going to have to get used to this Community business.

You and me both

We should definitely have something we do as a community on Tuesdays/Wednesdays and also Fridays/Saturdays since we all follow some type of shit.

COMIC? POLLS on Chapters? Community Big-3-Predictions on Tuesdays?

That sounds good to me, when do we start?

Also, we all need to read at least one of the same smut manga that comes out regularly on weekends with no end in sight. Consistency would be nice and if everyone read it, conversation (and its ability to spread) would be abundant. The more people seeing other people talking about it increases likelihood that they will pick it up.


So, which one should it be? I don't read any, but we should come to a consensus on the best/most consistent and I will pick it up, and hopefully more people (whoever doesn't read it will).

FUCK no.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm pretty sure whichever it is, Aladdin knows the answer.

If he can, then I think that both candidates are destined to be kings and it won't be either or.
I am thinking more along the lines of Candidate NTR.


It definitely seems like that's what's going to happen. Then we'll get that Touru arc, where Yuki gets all her shit resolved and then the manga ends
with Utsumi x Shou 'cause fuck Yuki

If this doesn't happen... I'm holding you accountable.


Uchu Kyodai vol 11

There are a couple things about this volume.
First, is that I've had this for two months, and only yesterday read it.
The second is that as I started reading it, I realized that probably I mustn't have read volume 10 yet, and finding it in the pile of stuff is going to be tricky.
The third thing is, it was great.

The start with that thing about
shooting stars being "living rocks" and the whole stuff about Nitta's brother made was pretty cool, and in a certain way reminds of Hibito/Mutta.
The best part though was certainly in the later part of the volume, when the group gets to
build that device and Mutta brings out one of his weird ideas, with which he's able to even get Pico to care.
Maybe the way they linked Mutta to
Pico and Vince's dead friend with that same phrase and way of thinking in regards to failures
could be seen as heavyhanded, but fuck if I didn't enjoy it. Mutta is great, after all, and the more people notice it, the better.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
You and me both

That sounds good to me, when do we start?
Well, since we're already into Tuesday and spoilers should be out in less than 24 hours, now is probably too soon. Not to mention it sucks ass but OP doesn't hit this week so it will not be a wholesome big 3 experience (lol)... Maybe by next week's chapters we can see if we can get something organized. Not to mention we'll get to see how the turnout is on Wendesday now that we're in Community.
PK Gaming said:

FUCK no.


Aunt tits ch 27

Well that wasn't the punishment I was expecting and looks like we'll meet the second target soon. I was expecting the cousin to last a little while longer.
Hayate x Blade 1-53 (all that is in English so far, of this ongoing 95-chapter series)

I like this series a lot, and really want to know what happens next... it's right in the middle of a bunch of important stuff here, but the wait for the next chapters will probably be so long... argh.

Apart from that though, yeah, this series is good. Hayate x Blade is a seinen manga about a somewhat crazy girls' boarding jr. high and highschool, where some students are normal students, but all of the ones who matter (who have names, are shown, etc.), in addition to doing schoolwork, also have this kendo-like tournament thing. Basically, all of the (wooden) sword weilding girls pair up, and fight duels at times chosen by the student council for stars. The duels are won by hitting a star hard enough to make it register the hit. Each pair is made up of a "heaven sword" and an "earth sword"; the duel is won when the heaven sword, who has their star on their shoulder, loses. The earth swords, who have their star around their waist, can protect their heaven sword, but defeating the other one doesn't end the match. Yeah, it's kind of odd. Also, there are double-points days, etc. And the students have ranks based on the number of stars they have, so they go from D rank up to S rank.

Also making this school ... unique ... is that there isn't really much in the way of adult administration. Instead, the president of the student council, who is also the strongest swordfighter (because the way to turn her out of office is to beat her in one of the fights, a nearly impossible task, not to win an election), is pretty much in charge of the school. There are some adults working for the school, as a secretary, judges for the matches, or of course the almost never seen teachers, but there's no adult administration. So yeah, it's one of those all-powerful student council series. :)

The series has a large cast, with over 20 major cast members. One pair, Hayate and Ayana, are the main characters, with Hayate in the lead, but all of the characters get some amount of attention here and there, and some get chapters focusing on them; it often feels like an ensemble series, not one just focused on the main pair. And yes, I do find it hard to remember who is who. I can recognize most of them based on looks by now, but don't ask me what most of their names are, I have no idea for a lot of them. :p Offhand, I remember Hayate, Ayana, Jun, and Yuho, and probably a few more, but I'm not sure about most of their names. Oh well, that's just me.

In addition to the cast being large, as I suggested above, it's all female. Males are very rarely seen in this series, and even more rarely does one get a speaking role, much less a name. Most of the series is set on the large campus of this school, and if there are male teachers, well... teachers aren't generally seen anyway, this series isn't about classtime. And of course, there are no administrators, and even if the judges and medical staff (and secretary) are employees, they're all female. So yeah, unlike the vaguely comparable series Bamboo Blade, don't expect any male characters of note. I think it works fine. The student council/school president's pretty amusing too. She bends the rules all the time if she thinks something will be funny or entertaining...

So, the series mostly divides its focus between several major subjects, including comedy, drama, and action. It definitely has some of each. Oh, and while I think it runs in a yuri magazine, there are no romantic relationships between the girls here; it's all either jokes, or partnerships (sword-sisters) which are just partnerships, not romantic couples. The series also has virtually no fanservice -- there are no pantyshots or bath scenes to be found in the series. There was one volume where most of the girls were wearing maid uniforms (yes, for a whole volume), but despite a tease of sexy maid costumes, they ended up pretty modest.

So what makes the series good? Well, primarily it's the drama and comedy. The action is done well enough, but it's somewhat generic "people can talk paragraphs during pages that should last seconds" stuff that is ... not exactly realistic, to say the least. In addition, while the setting is mostly vaguely real-world, there are some random actual magical powers that some characters have, so it's not entirely grounded in reality (not that that's bad, but it's kind of odd when it's a few characters with those powers, and not anyone else). And anyway, action like this is rarely the main draw for me. The drama and comedy are both done quite well, and the cast is as likable as it is large; I definitely want to know what happens next...

Now, while the series has no real yuri, it does have lots of yuri humor. That is, to be specific, Hayate and Jun constantly make yuri-themed jokes, for which unimpressed Ayana beats them up. This never leads to anything, just more of the same -- but apart from the overdone violence, it is somewhat amusing. Jun's a pretty funny character, I can see why she wins all of the character polls. :lol But because of the zero-fanservice policy, even though Jun constantly jokes about wanting to see pantyshots, or oggle the other girls in the bath, the audience never sees any of it. That's okay though, it works fine as written humor.

As for the drama, the series definitely has a serious side, and most characters have some element of trauma in their past. That does kind of make sense though, really... I mean, they are at a boarding school in junior high (Hayate's a first year junior high student, Ayana third year, the others scattered around jr. high and highschool), which is a pretty young age to be doing that. often people would have reasons for it. For Hayate her trauma involves her twin sister, though I don't know the details of it because that story arc comes next and isn't translated yet of course. They seem to have some serious issues though, and now that her sister's attending the academy too. For Ayana, it's about her grandfather. Both Ayana and Hayate rarely, if ever, contact their family, too -- they stay at school for breaks, and apparently never call home. There is an orphan place, or daycare center, or something that Hayate does care a lot about protecting, though. For Yuho, it's about her tragic illness that might kill her. For one other girl, it's about an arranged marriage with a guy who seems to be a jerk (again, this doesn't resolve until later). Some don't have any stated problems though, and are just there, but many of the more important characters do have issues. The most important characters who don't have any major issues I know of are the school president and her sword-sister, but who knows, maybe they have something which'll happen sometime.

... On the note of Yuho, she has a particularly bizarre case of anime illness disease. On the one hand, as usual, no illness is named; she's very sick and often in the hospital, but what she's sick with isn't stated. That's of course the norm, sick anime girls rarely have named illnesses. But... well, she doesn't have a named disease, but some details ARE said which rule out almost everything. Specifically, she has a disease which can go into remission and which can be helped with a bone marrow transplant. Um... why say those things, but not just name it? It's kind of absurd! Oh well... (I hope she makes it, Yuho is awesome.)

I could continue, but I don't want to go through the whole series' story, it'd take way too long. I will say though, even though it's really important -- the last arc I've been reading, from chapters 44 to ~53 or so (and I think it continues through 57 or 58 or something), is central to the plot for both of the main characters. It's a major confrontation between them and Ayana's old nemesises, the ones who fought her the time she injured her old partner and then separated with her, staying alone until Hayate bugged her enough to give in and try again. However, while it is important, the series had not previously spent so long on one arc, so I do find the suddenly much slower pace somewhat frustrating. I've never been a fan of overly long fights, even if they are important, and this one has like eight chapters of buildup and training, and then a four chapter long fight... hopefully the pace gets back to something a bit more like what it used to be later on, but who knows.

So yeah, overall, I like this series a lot. I've heard complaints that it's not really yuri, and it's not, but it's pretty good at what it does do. I just want to be able to read the rest of it much sooner than I will. Oh well, at least there's something. It's got action, drama, and comedy, all done fairly well, with a good cast and writing. Finally, that I wrote this much about the seties, but feel like I could write twice as much, easily, says something about how much I liked it... :)


Argh I tried 3 browsers already, I'm not downloading firefox! Lemme just try later.

Kiwaguro no Brynhildr




(mc is such a boss though)



Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle

Oh great, now we get Aloof/Cool guy getting paired up with Depressed/Suicidal girl.

Expect flowers and rainbows, everyone.


Well now...... what a surprise.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Oh great, now we get Aloof/Cool guy getting paired up with Depressed/Suicidal girl.

Expect flowers and rainbows, everyone.


Well now...... what a surprise.
At this rate the only one who will end up alone is Shou. I think we all know he's going to get back with Yuki eventually, and presumably baseball guy is going to nail Eri
I'd rather be reading more Hayate x Blade. :(

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia 32

That grandmother of hers needs to be stopped! Trying to tear down the old club building just because she can only see Dark Yuuko and not the good Yuko? That's not right... :( I'm looking forward to the soon-to-begin anime of this series for sure, because it's a good series, but I do wonder how it'll end, given that the manga isn't over...

Parabellum 1-4

Pretty dumb and generic harem action stuff so far. Might drop. You've got your usual idiot main character who learns he's super important, girls fighting over him with deadly weapons but somehow managing to not kill eachohter, etc etc. It tries to be like everything else in this overcrowded genre, but the pacing is way off -- it's far too fast and confusing -- and it just isn't nearly as good as any but the most mediocre of them.

Rakka Ryuusui 16-17

Amusing, but generic, group-of-girls comedy series. It's entertaining, but absolutely nothing special. The setting could be different -- I don't know of many mangas with "traditional Japanese archery club" settings -- but it doesn't do much with it that all the other group-of-girls-comedy series don't. In these chapters, the girls enjoy cute antics. Um, in specific, the melon-bread stuff in ch. 17 was amusing... :)

Allison 1-9

Shorter but probably better version of the story from Allison & Lillia, up through the discovery in the cave. I wonder if there's a Lillia manga too... could it make that part of the story actually good, unlike the anime? Probably not, I know... but at least there's this good version the best parts of the series!

Girls of the Wild's 32

Those jerks of Goo Ra High really need to go down. They just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into a hole, but at least they aren't profiting much from it!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Girls of the Wild's 32

Those jerks of Goo Ra High really need to go down. They just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into a hole, but at least they aren't profiting much from it!

Never thought I would see someone who read this here, pretty nice webcomic.

double up my friends! its about time someone else picked this up.

this series is killing me. its nice seeing the mc man the fuck up after so many chapters of him being bitchmade, but they need to drop dude into a training arc asap. and we also need more of gun toting driver. that dude is one of the biggest bosses in comics
Never thought I would see someone who read this here, pretty nice webcomic.

Yeah, it's decent. Like most of these Korean webcomics it goes slowly (with that big, vertical strip of panels style), but the color is nice, and the story, while not especially original, is decent.

It's a more traditional series (not Korean webcomic style, that is) I think one of the more entertaining Korean series is Need a Girl... :lol, that series...

double up my friends! its about time someone else picked this up.

this series is killing me. its nice seeing the mc man the fuck up after so many chapters of him being bitchmade, but they need to drop dude into a training arc asap. and we also need more of gun toting driver. that dude is one of the biggest bosses in comics
In my opinion, I think the more important decision is his to not just take their beatings anymore, but to do something to stop it, not about whether he gets strong enough to beat them all up on his own... with how strong the girls are that isn't necessary in order to beat these guys, certainly. Also, would beating them up make him feel better, or is just standing up to them enough? Well, he has done the latter, and is training now, so we'll see. Given what happened in ch. 30-31 though, presuming that it wasn't an accident, he certainly has even more motivation now to want to see them lose.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Yeah, it's decent. Like most of these Korean webcomics it goes slowly (with that big, vertical strip of panels style), but the color is nice, and the story, while not especially original, is decent.

It's a more traditional series (not Korean webcomic style, that is) I think one of the more entertaining Korean series is Need a Girl... :lol, that series...

In my opinion, I think the more important decision is his to not just take their beatings anymore, but to do something to stop it, not about whether he gets strong enough to beat them all up on his own... with how strong the girls are that isn't necessary in order to beat these guys, certainly. Also, would beating them up make him feel better, or is just standing up to them enough? Well, he has done the latter, and is training now, so we'll see. Given what happened in ch. 30-31 though, presuming that it wasn't an accident, he certainly has even more motivation now to want to see them lose.

him getting stronger isnt just so he can beat up the dudes that accosted him, but for future protection. queen didnt do him any favors dropping him in the seed because strong fighters are gonna come looking for him. and standing up to someone means nothing if you cant back up your words. theres also the problem that we dont know what schools exist outside of goo ra high. theres a lot of problems that exist for this guy or will be coming for him, and it seems strength is the only real way to overcome them(that includes him being lusted after by some of the strongest chicks at his school.)

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
At this rate the only one who will end up alone is Shou. I think we all know he's going to get back with Yuki eventually, and presumably baseball guy is going to nail Eri

God I really wish he will stay with Shou. Logically speaking it seems like the best way for him to enjoy a healthy relationship. I hope the author has the balls to pull off an Ichigo 100% with this one.

I am not confident about Shou's chances though. Expecting "my true love is Yuki" bullshit or the author made Shou doing something to justify the MC going back to Yuki like her cheating on him with her old sempai or something.

And then like KNIM everyone will be all just happy and rainbow with few tears and "heartfelt" words (God I hate that manga)


The way you say that feels like you've never read Say I Love You.

I've never really considered that one smut, but maybe it gets a whole lot rauchier past where I read.

Of course, because I don't read shoujo.

So are you saying its good?

Shoujo has the most hilariously bad best smut though. So much incest/NTR/teacherXstudent relationships. The male orientented stuff is lightweight by comparison because shit actually happens in shoujo instead of endless teasing BS.
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