Kokou no Hito 143-145
Shit is getting real on this.
Shit is getting real on this.
Fellow K-ON fan, high five.
I agree with you on this one. Anime really constitutes different discussions though.K-On Discussion?
I have no idea why but I enjoyed the show. It was during this anime phase where I was watching a lot of SoL.I have only watched like 5 episodes of the first season long time ago
I have no idea why but I enjoyed the show. It was during this anime phase where I was watching a lot of SoL.
It is definitely a well done show, yes. People will certainly dismiss it but sometimes even content you dislike can be presented properly (not that I dislike the content). What I meant is why "I" liked it. Cause I ignored it for a good amount of time cause it isn't my thing. But I tried it and watched all of it. I enjoyed it along alongside other SoL anime I didn't think I'd like.It's a good show.
Did he finish FMA already? I didn't see anything about that
It's a crime against humanity that he finished all these manga but not FMA
I agree with you on this one. Anime really constitutes different discussions though.
Shit, Oreimo 2 K-On in Mangaf? Today just keeps getting better and better.
Community roots is finally spreading?
You guys think we should have community events?
for example we each create a 1 page comic summarizing our thoughts on the big 3 or whatever manga smutgaf happens to be pimping currently and we all vote which is the best?
it could definitely be fun.
Man really? This be ballin.We are in community now. We can talk about anything!
I tried to stop them. Honest.No.
*reads last page*
I've been reading K-On a little lately, it's pretty good. Should I just watch the anime?
Yeah, it is the greatest anime ever produced. .
Is World Embryo worth reading?
A slice of life anime?!.
My anime backlog is only matched by my manga backlog which is only matched by my gaming backlog which is only matched by Jesus.Everyone should be watching Fap/Zero anyways
Guys, keep anime discussion in the anime thread.
Damn, I thought this would be pandemonium. I was about to post pics of my faberge egg collection.Guys, keep anime discussion in the anime thread.
But both K-on and Yuru Yuri have mangas!
You know what I mean
Just because this thread is in Community now doesn't mean it won't be moderated![]()
Everyone should be watching Fap/Zero anyways
The newest chapter of TLRD is out!
I've been reading K-On a little lately, it's pretty good. Should I just watch the anime?
I kind of like it. Not amazing or anything though.
If you had the choice between a cute yandere with a 2% chance of death in sleep or a less cute tsundere that has a guy phobia, which would you choose?
Nickelodeon by Douman Seiman
A bizarre (borderline nonsensical?) and humorous collection of oneshots (some with loose continuity). I'm not sure if it's completely scanned yet, but there's a bunch translated so far. If for some reason this was ever released in English I'd definitely buy it.
Anime is good, but manga has its place. I'd finish the manga and watch the anime as well.
Yeah I've been reading this as well and it's great. Douman Seiman's stuff is always a nice blend of funny, twisted and touching. Oh and if you aren't reading Vovnich Hotel start now.
I'll check it out. Btw cosmic for you there is a series called Tokyo Ghoul that you should look into.
Cage of Eden 149
Nice plan but something always has to go wrong in this manga.
I wonder if this confirms that the girl who fell in the trap is dead, since there are other monsters down there.
Wandering Island vol 1
This was just stunningly beautiful. Kenji Tsuruta keep doing what you are doing.