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Manga Discussion/News Thread |OT5| We Post on Wednesdays

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Narutu: F

Goddamn this shit is stupid. You know what I was thinking about earlier? These are 5 Kage. FIVE FUCKING KAGE and this battle is nothing more than a snooze fest. Then, I was thinking about previous battles involving Kage. 4th Hokage vs Anyone? 3rd Hokage vs Orochimaru? Real5th Hokage vs Pain (I'm talking about Jiraiya, not that pussy Narutu)? We already know the first was a boss...come on.

This is five kage and the battle is this boring? This is just awful.

The sasuke shit? Awful.

The kage all had their major fight, I think it is odd to think that they wouldnt be exhausted and truly give some fight as if they had infinite chakra stores. Gaara already showed up and showed, Oonoki similar, maybe Tsunade and the fifth Mizukage could do something...but thats just really a medical jutsu specialist and a water magma fighter.

Hitman Reborn: F

This shit is SO boring. It doesn't even feel like anything is at stake. The biggest fault of Hitman Reborn is that EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is paper thin and has 0 depth. This is a big problem because on the surface, there are plenty of likable characters that Amano has created.

Im confuse here. Is depth not a quality of making a likeable character? Tsuna has depth and some of his guardians, Mukuro as well. Gokudera too.
I don't think we can scramble a three person bet right now. So for this round if you want to join in this particular one, just pick some stuff out of the four reads we are reading overall.

-Advance of the Titans
-Ubel Blatt
-Love Collage

If you have read most of them or feel like you can't put up with any, try finding one to make up for it from my list. If you then still come up empty, have survivor find you something that works. Still fail, then just do a side-bet with survivor. That will appease his inner action junkie. The goal is to equal the chapter count and length I posted so everyone is reading about the same amount. We typically have been writing a couple reviews per vols plus the final.

Alright, I'll read Mushishi but please survivor, give me a decent ~100 chapter manga because I doubt I could stomach anything else gunbo suggested :(

Edit: I've already read Advance of the Titans and most of Ubel Blatt


Does the mech have an instruction manual?
Yea but its digital only. And you have to beat every PS1/PS2 mech game in existence to unlock it. So for now it will sit like the model they have in Japan.

I heard that it has a Lambda Driver though...
Alright, I'll read Mushishi but please survivor, give me a decent ~100 chapter manga because I doubt I could stomach anything else gunbo suggested :(
See, if you read Aunt Tits then that list would be fine. Survivor will find you something good. Most of my lists is me just trolling him anyway.
Edit: I've already read Advance of the Titans and most of Ubel Blatt


Alright, I'll read Mushishi but please survivor, give me a decent ~100 chapter manga because I doubt I could stomach anything else gunbo suggested :(

Edit: I've already read Advance of the Titans and most of Ubel Blatt

Gambling Emperor Legend Zero

70 chapters but good enough

edit: or you can read the thing gunbo suggested.


Togashi's designs just keep getting stranger and stranger too. What the hell is with Beyond's group? Is that big thing a mech or some huge guy dressed as an astronaut?


Haikyuu ch1

Wait......... what?

I, uh, this isn't that bad. Maybe it's because of how long it has been since a not-terrible sports Jump manga, or maybe it's because I'm not resistant to Volleyball yet, but I kinda like this.

I mean I could probably go for a day just listing all the things not good about it but still. I kinda felt it at page 39.

That said, I saw the end coming from a mile away, them being a setter and a striker.
What I don't get is what exactly MC is taking revenge for. He totally came out better than the other guy at the match. There's no weight to saying he'll "catch up" to him. It's kinda like, sure, so you mean then next time you'll both play.

Sket Dance

Honestly, by now I've already lost track of all the pairings. At least Gintoki makes it clear he could only ever pair with prostitutes.

Togashi's designs just keep getting stranger and stranger too. What the hell is with Beyond's group? Is that big thing a mech or some huge guy dressed as an astronaut?
There were those ugly bastards that Ubo killed but yeah designs are getting really fun.

The really good people will always be classy suit mofos though. Pariston keeps it up.
Gambling Emperor Legend Zero

70 chapters but good enough

edit: or you can read the thing gunbo suggested.

Yeah, I'm reading gunbo's to get the chapter count up.

Until Death Do Us Part

witness and all that since I have some free time on my hands right now and I'd like to start UDDUP.
Minamoto-kun Monogatari 24

This Might Work could well be the most fitting chapter title ever. Other than My Aunt's Chest. And Bare Tits.

Idol Pretender
Even more genderbent bisexual crossdressing harem hijinks. So business as usual for Idol Pretender, basically.

I can't be the only one reading this, right?
You're not, but it's on the list of things I'd never admit I'm reading along with Minamoto-kun Monogatari.

Wait. Shit.


sealed with a kiss
well, you can make an attempt to shove it down everyones throats, but it probably wont take.

heh heh heh....wait what?
That's too bad, it has nice art and subverts some typical tropes of the harem genre.

And is filled with lots and lots of fanservice of all varieties.
Minamoto-kun Monogatari 24

This Might Work could well be the most fitting chapter title ever. Other than My Aunt's Chest. And Bare Tits.

You're not, but it's on the list of things I'd never admit I'm reading along with Minamoto-kun Monogatari.

Wait. Shit.



black lagoon,
Guns based action shows bore me.

my problem with it, is it wasn't a very good one and the main character rock is incredibly annoying with his constant retarded preaching of idiotic ideals that even a child would face palm at the retarded shit that coming out of his mouth (his a grown man for god sake) and when he isn't preaching or boring to the point he fades to the background, his getting his companies in trouble in contrived dumb herpa derp ways(oh am going to take the young prince who the terminator maid has come to save with us to....derp ...protect him from..?...and put our lives in danger while we try our best escape from her while she chases us herpa derp)

What broke my suspension of disbelief wasn’t the terminator maid driving a car on top of houses but how this guy running his mouth off preaching nonsense to bunch of mafias& killers and has not gotten his head blown off already.

After black lagoon I can never complain about talk no jutsu again, naruto words are like those of a wise prophet by comparison.

oh yeah revi sucks next to any of the other girls in bl, balalaika's the best.
Advance of the Titans [Shingeki no Kyojin] (ch31)
Übel Blatt [Evil Blade] (ch102)

Negative Happy Chain Saw Edge (ch8)
Love Collage (ch119)
Karin (v14)
Threads of Time (ch46)
Id (v25)
Mushishi (ch35)

-I think that is a pretty good spread. See if you can match up to my chapter count and/or length.
-Pick your poisons and Infinite Justice witness.
-3 week deadline I think makes sense for this.

Yeah, I'm reading gunbo's to get the chapter count up.

Until Death Do Us Part

witness and all that since I have some free time on my hands right now and I'd like to start UDDUP.

Mushishi is 10 volumes and Love Collage is 12 volumes so that's roughly the same amount of reading you will be doing.

i dont remember seeing survivor's answer so i'll wait for that well in that case witnessed

Don't need no stinkin' manual Mr. Cooridinator

But Amuro and (IIRC)Kira did :(

Coordinator Infinite Justice is on strike hanging with the A-laws.

whoops i'm back now, that Bushido guy is pretty crazy


Minamoto Incest Time being so widely read here makes me giddy. I'm probably a terrible person.

@Black Lagoon / Rock: I actually liked his preaching since it made it all the better as he started to realize that he is pretty dumb for it.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
The kage all had their major fight, I think it is odd to think that they wouldnt be exhausted and truly give some fight as if they had infinite chakra stores. Gaara already showed up and showed, Oonoki similar, maybe Tsunade and the fifth Mizukage could do something...but thats just really a medical jutsu specialist and a water magma fighter.
Look, DTL, you are a Naruto enthusiast and you're having a hard time coming up with why all of the kages should have awesome and relevant screentime. These are the kages, they're supposed to be the top 5 ninja in the entire narutoverse (excluding protagonist, protagonists' lover, and supervillains). They're clowns. Plain and simple.


Im confuse here. Is depth not a quality of making a likeable character? Tsuna has depth and some of his guardians, Mukuro as well. Gokudera too.
Character depth is something that makes an already likable character even more likable. I like some characters right off the bat. But when they're the exact same character in chapter 300 that they are in chapter 3, then there's a huge problem. Especially when those characters have actually gone through shit.

If only I had your willpower. :(
Read Bleach. It'll heal your pain. It'll bleach your soul.


HxH. Well it had to happen at some point. Another break. However at least the arc is finished. The way the latest chapter ended though was somewhat trollish. The new arc looks so interesting but now we have to wait and who knows how long. Ugh. Why this guy refuses to employ artist, even students just looking for experience without pay is crazy.
Buster Keel

Bone seems like a cool guy. We all know skeletons on the team are always a plus.

Tattoo and Bumper make good allies. I wonder if they'll join too.
Look, DTL, you are a Naruto enthusiast and you're having a hard time coming up with why all of the kages should have awesome and relevant screentime. These are the kages, they're supposed to be the top 5 ninja in the entire narutoverse (excluding protagonist, protagonists' lover, and supervillains). They're clowns. Plain and simple.


Well that is true, it took me quite a long time to even come up with the thinking that they just have to be exhausted or something, hopefully Kishimoto surprises or even I willl start to cast some doubts.

Big One

Look, DTL, you are a Naruto enthusiast and you're having a hard time coming up with why all of the kages should have awesome and relevant screentime. These are the kages, they're supposed to be the top 5 ninja in the entire narutoverse (excluding protagonist, protagonists' lover, and supervillains). They're clowns. Plain and simple.

Yeah but two of them have dem tittaes while Sasuke has like a baby bare chest. No thanks, Stat Flow, but I'll go with dem tittaes.


Minamoto-kun Monogatari 24

This Might Work could well be the most fitting chapter title ever. Other than My Aunt's Chest. And Bare Tits.

You're not, but it's on the list of things I'd never admit I'm reading along with Minamoto-kun Monogatari.

Wait. Shit.

More like 17 noes + 1 yes = yes
Until Death Do Us Part Vol. 1

The first half of this volume wasn't that bad actually. (Almost) blind dude with ultra-sharp sword saving precog girl. Nice. Cornrows has a kinda stupid character-design but I don't mind.

Then came chapter 5 and blind dude deflected bullets with his sword.

Then came chapter 6 and I saw a picture of the girl sitting next to blind dude only wearing a shirt. That's when I knew this was a gunbo manga.

It's decent enough but I don't particularily like the characters. We'll see how it unfolds but I don't really have much to say about it except...

The bonus manga at the end was hilarious! I'd rather read a manga about the mangaka. Oh well.


Crystal Bearer
Medaka Box 138

Zenkichi with his new skill is not a plus or a minus... he's a zero... or whatever that is...


Until Death Do Us Part Vol. 1

Then came chapter 6 and I saw a picture of the girl sitting next to blind dude only wearing a shirt. That's when I knew this was a gunbo manga.
Damnit, I guess it is way to late to change my rep. Oh well...

Nah dude, I thought about your reading preference when I recommended it. Just keep going and the "gunbo manga" stuff will go away. It's just a silly backdrop.
Haha I was just joking. As I said, it's decent, it just usually takes more than 8 chapters for me to get into a manga. Blind guy isn't overdone so that's definitely a big plus in my book.
Until Death Do Us Part Vol. 1

The first half of this volume wasn't that bad actually. (Almost) blind dude with ultra-sharp sword saving precog girl. Nice. Cornrows has a kinda stupid character-design but I don't mind.

Then came chapter 5 and blind dude deflected bullets with his sword.

Then came chapter 6 and I saw a picture of the girl sitting next to blind dude only wearing a shirt. That's when I knew this was a gunbo manga.

It's decent enough but I don't particularily like the characters. We'll see how it unfolds but I don't really have much to say about it except...

The bonus manga at the end was hilarious! I'd rather read a manga about the mangaka. Oh well.

It's funny since i've always said that i would read this but i never got the time.


It funny since i've always said that i would read this but i never got the time.
It's not the greatest action manga ever. The characters sort of bleed together and it progresses to over the top crazy. Like chess games with assassins, jungle warfare, fighting flying robotic killing machines, etc... But it is good for that. It is definitely a manga "worth reading."
Woah woah woah, hold on... there are mangas that aren't jump?



That's what I thought. Silly Envelope.

Shingeki no... just no

I only managed another 4 chapters and I think I need to take another break, this manga is just heartless. Even when it looks like they have a new way to win it's all "lol nope, gonna eat some more dudes".

Azure J

Kagari, I just read your spoiler. Holy shit I called that shit MONTHS ago, why didn't I make any bets? :lol

That being said BRB, reading chapter now.

Does the mech have an instruction manual?

Nah, but using "anime tier skills" you can totally hotwire it with a Dualshock and some Gameboys. Same shit. [/MegasXLR]


Currently bidding on Battle Royale vol 1-6 on eBay. It sucks that I can't seem to find them new, I prefer to support the writers when I can.
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