Finally, Naruto vs Tobi has begun! Was nice getting a virtually all action chapter though I can't deny that it was a bit difficult to follow but that may be because I'm at work and am constantly paranoid while reading manga so kinda rush it a bit haha Tobi is an adept fighter and with his skillet, the coordination and strategy that will be necessary to defeat him should be pretty satisfying when it finally goes down. Originally I felt it would be Naruto and Sasuke vs Tobi and it's still possible, but with Sasuke going on some detour with Oro, who knows how long he'll be gone? Then again, if there's any fight to drag out, it's the one against the final boss. Although there's always the chance that Madara or Oro could steal that spot

Also, nice try Big One, an action chapter featuring the main fight of the endgame is the polar opposite of "nothing happened". You may not like it or like Tobi, etc. but that has nothing to do with whether something happened in the chapter or not.
Don't buy that he's dead yet. The only reason it's even a possibility is that it's the final arc but still, not buying it until further evidence is presented. Would be a meh chapter if not for the way Kenpachi showed up looking like a BOSS. That for sure is a bad ass panel that's a great way to end the chapter. Too bad it's worthless going forward because Kenpachi is going to get destroyed against Buckbeard. Should have had him fight some more underlings, especially since we didn't even get to witness him take out the three on his shoulders. Oh well, maybe he'll fight that assistant guy first and showcase his skills. Would be cool if Kenpachi one that fight and then Buckbeard takes him out afterwards. At least Kenpachi would get to look awesome for a bit before getting shut down. Or maybe Ichigo would even save him from Buckbeard with his plot armor.
One Piece
This chapter was pretty boring over all, probably the only one I've felt that to be the case for this arc. The heart scene was good, explains how Law was shut down so effortlessly and adds complexity to their predicament. Really brings up the intrigue on just what Law wants form this island that he was willing to give up his heart. That's more than curiosity for unique experiments. Outside that, I couldn't be less interested in Smiley. I hate dumb monsters for villains (outside gags where Luffy one shots them), they are so uninteresting. I hope that conflict ends quickly. I don't really care for Caesar either, he kind of annoys me.
Not a bad strategy at all by Tsuna and co. I assumed they were just going to try and gang up and overpower each member to beat them senseless but technically all they have to do right now is prevent Bermuda's team from winning and targeting the watches makes a lot more sense. Reborn has really upped it's quality this arc, most interested I've been since the Future Arc. Do you not read this anymore, Stat? Haven't seen you comment on it for a long time.
I finally marathoned the rest of the arc and am all caught up. Doesn't look like this week's chapter came out yet though. I definitely made the right choice in letting the rescue Miu arc build up, would have been painful to slowly go through the mind control fight chapters one week at a time. It was pretty sweet being able to marathon the whole master fight too. Miu has basically been given a power up and I expect her to get more action going forward and I'm intrigued about what's going on with her father and why Gramps wants it to be so hush hush.
Some how I forgot that I was a few chapters behind. They are finally going back to Claire!! Wait, who's Claire again? Oh yeah, the main character of the series that we haven't seen for a year or so!
Looks like Fairy Tail didn't come out yet either. Now I just need to marathon Soul Eater sometime soon and catch up. I think I figured out that I'm on chapter 91 so that shouldn't take long.