Historie 1-10
Finally managed to put a dent into this. It's still clearly in the early setup phase, explaining Eumenes' background and showing off the realities off ancient Greece. So far, Eumens is a fairly likeable lead if a bit too perfect. Not sure if this will lead quickly into Alexander's voyage or whether or whether it will spend more time on the period before that. The worst part is that I see it's awfully slow to release and with only ~90 chapters released. It probably won't be finished anytime soon. ;_;Coming off Innocent, the art is unfortunately a pretty big stepdown, though I imagine my personal dislike of Iwaaki's artstyle and chara design plays a role here.
Tsugumomo 17
Storywise this is not very enticing so far. The entire premise "Guy gets a talking weapon and has to fight demons" has been done to death and mangaka here offers little to shake up the basic formula. Thankfully, being heavily slanted towards comedic side of things it at least manages to be pretty consistently funny, even if a lot of it is low-brow humour. The dating sim chapters in particular were great in this regard. THe mangaka's notes at the end of the volumes too had me rolling: "I draw everything on computer so it looks shit on paper", "This story is already veering of its course", "There is going to be more straight up porn from now on, please look forward to it."
Berserk 339
Would pay a hefty price to see next 50 chapters being devoted solely to Rickert's journey.