Amon vol.5 - 6 END
Well, this is it. Everything has built up to this point. It started with Akira losing control of Amon and these final two volumes serve as a reimagining of the last half of Devilman, following Zenon's declaration of war against humanity, and shows more in detail what led to the start of this manga in the first place.
Since this is before humanity's completely wiped itself out, Ryo is still around as is Miki Makimura and all the other delinquents that are willing to fight alongside Akira. But a new character's introduced in the form of Cadney, a devilman who is actually working with the ADSC to study and experiment on demons while trying to keep his demonic powers a secret for obvious reasons. As it turns out, he's the one that proposes the theory in the original manga that says every human as the potential for demonic transformation, but more importantly, he was one of the hippies that survived the sabbath that Ryo had Akira take part in to fuse with Amon. As for who Cadney fused with,'s not easy to say. This is where things start to get confusing in that regard, but Cadney is basically a psychological antagonist for Akira as Cadney tries to prove he's more human than Devilman is. This leads to Akira having nightmares about horrific murders committed by "someone" believing it to be him and possibly loosing control Amon.
This leads right into the final volume where the majority of it is an almost beat for beat recreation of the final chapters in the original manga. Ryo exposing Akira as Devilman, Miki's parents being captured and brutally killed, Devilman's assault on the ADSC headquarters, and while the most terrifying scene of this ordeal was not recreated, the aftermath was shown, right after a successful mission and Akira starts to regain hope for the future. Miki's death crushed him. And what follows, leads right back to the start of the manga.
Best moments I felt out of this final volume both had to do with Ryo Asuka, the first being what tips him over into exposing Devilman to the public. When Akira's struggling to contain Amon inside of him, Miki arrives and is the one person that is able to help calm him down. Something that Ryo, who is of course Satan and loves Akira more than anyone, cannot stand. Everything that follows is him willing to go to such lengths to have everyone around him killed so he has no one else to rely on, even with it extending to the entire human race (which is what Zenon and all demon kind wants anyway). Even with that being the ultimate goal for all demons, Satan still acknowledges his own irrational behavior for wanting Akira to live, prompting a flash back to when he pulled a goddamn gun on Dosuroku and co so they'd lay off of him.
The great demon lord Satan is a yandere for a single human being. "That's right, I'm crazy" is the best way he could go about describing himself. No fucking wonder I feel such sympathy for a character that is based off of the devil in Christianity. But considering I felt bad for Silene's mother and what she went through, goes to show just how powerful this series can be sometimes.
I'm so glad I was able to find this. It ends in a more abstract place with Akira struggling as much as he can to control Amon and Satan reflecting on what's taken place, so it's not as depressing on a huge scale like the original manga. But I enjoy a good in media res structure for a story, and only after the fourth volume did the start of the manga become clear regarding its place in the timeline. Everything's not going extinct yet, but it still manages to end on a depressing note because you know what's going to happen and its unavoidable. In a lot of ways, similar to the fate God placed on the universe in the series. Always ending in suffering.
Though now because of that final volume, I almost wish there was an entire remake of the original manga with Yu Kinutami doing all the art. Strange Days was interesting though except for a brief cameo from Akira, the entire cast was new so it felt, well, "strange" so to speak. Seeing the classic cast redone in this detailed art style was such a wonderful treat. Even with them looking more realistic they still evoked the same style as Go Nagai's designs way back in the seventies. A really good team up between Kinutami and Nagai.
Alright! That diversion is done. Now to go back to reading the usual on going manga series.
Hope Cyborg 009 vs Devilman kicks ass...