Prison School
I finally read this thing.
I think I need three or four retries in total. The first one years ago, I dropped it after 10 chapters or so. The second maybe when you started talking a lot about it? The third when the anime started and I thought it was decent so maybe the manga was good but eh... I decided to continue just the anime. And the final one, where it finally "clicked" for me, a few days ago when I was starting to lose interest in the anime, thought I could see good moments in it like the evolution of ass-tits and the chairman.
I said before the pace of anime was a bit fast but overall fine, but now I have to correct myself. While the comedy parts are fine, the other side of Prison School is pure suspense, tension. Those parts can't be rushed, or are lost.
And it isn't only that, somehow the anime can't get to make believe the viewer that their fights are real, that their matters are of life or death, it makes the viewer see through the lie that is fiction and how nothing matters because whatever, it's all a silly comedy and the protagonists will somehow get out of their current situation or if they get out, again it doesn't matter because the story will dictate a new stupid situation for them to be involved. The manga at least from chapter 60 onwards is in better hands and the author successfully blind the reader into believing their usually moronic dramas are relevant.
So yeah, the second arc (and onwards) of the manga is better than the first arc, as people said. Better character building, better tension, some really funny scenes and others that were incredibly hot.
Which is funny. One of the problems in the beginning was the fanservice. I mean, literally you had characters that half of the time were talking vaginas. There was a dialog bubble in a vignette but the only part of the character you could see was the vagina. It was so in the face of the readers that it really seemed like a twisted parody of normal fanservice, with the author saying "I know what you want, you damn perverts, so here it is". Or the vicepres in a pool of sweat, that shit was gross.
So how did he fix it? Eliminated fanservice? Nope, it's still there, of course. But, there is a difference. It feels less gratuitous. The funny part is that if anything, there are even hotter, lewder scenes than the ones in the first chapters, that were filled with tits and asses and vaginas, but in a inconsequential way, pure filler. Now the lewdest parts are integral to the plot, or are an important part of the character relationships, they matter. Apart of course, that after 190 chapters I suppose we have taken a liking to the crazy ensemble of protagonists.
Like, I really cared for Risa when she was trying to connect with Andre, but couldn't reach him!
Mmm I get the feeling I'm forgetting to add something...
Prison School 190
"I feel like I'm not wearing anything!" Well, I guessed it...