why is soma serving alcohol at the age of six
Typical shonen parenting! Abandon your kid to go train/fuck women/lead the revolutionary army/be a total shitbag
why is soma serving alcohol at the age of six
Typical shonen parenting! Abandon your kid to go train/fuck women/lead the revolutionary army/be a total shitbag
why is soma serving alcohol at the age of six
Is the auction arc in Tokyo Ghoul:re finished?
Last I read was chapter 20 and was wondering if now was a good time to jump back in.
Fairy Tail 444
So that's how he's tied into this.
Yeah, it's done since a few chapters actually. Now it feels like another one of those transition phases to the next bigger arc.
Prison school 1-26
Why not just get in the van and drive away?
Who would want to stay in that school?
Prison school 1-26
Why not just get in the van and drive away?
Who would want to stay in that school?
Prison school 1-26
Why no
Who would want to stay in that school?
Isn't that kinda correct?
Santa Claus is the americanized version of Sinterklaas, or Sankt Nikolaus/San Nicola, whose initial day for giving out presents was the 6th of december. But the modern equivalent of Santa Claus would actually be the christkind/baby jesus/bambinello gesu(?) giving out stuff on the 24/25th of december. So technically, the modern picture of Santa Claus that is celebrated across the globe has no direct roots in middle Europe, I'd guess?
Isn't that kinda correct?
Santa Claus is the americanized version of Sinterklaas, or Sankt Nikolaus/San Nicola, whose initial day for giving out presents was the 6th of december. But the correct equivalent of Santa Claus would actually be the christkind/baby jesus/bambinello gesu(?) giving out stuff on the 24/25th of december. So technically, the modern image of Santa Claus that is celebrated across the globe has no direct roots in middle Europe, I'd guess?
Isn't that kinda correct?
Santa Claus is the americanized version of Sinterklaas, or Sankt Nikolaus/San Nicola, whose initial day for giving out presents was the 6th of december. But the correct equivalent of Santa Claus would actually be the christkind/baby jesus/bambinello gesu(?) giving out stuff on the 24/25th of december. So technically, the modern image of Santa Claus that is celebrated across the globe has no direct roots in middle Europe, I'd guess?
It could be a mistranslation then. Perhaps it meant that they don't know who Santa is, not actually meant that similar figure by different name didn't exist.No we have Santa, we just call him Babbo Natale (Father Christmas).
The fact that we put Gesù bambino in the nativity scene on the midnight between the 24th and the 25th is another thing.
I didn't mean it the sense that there is no Santa Claus or someone similar here in Europe, only that it is something that was introduced in the last 200 years based on similar folklore of the past, and therefore isn't really a traditional custom associated with it. I kinda thought it was similiar to Austria's relation of Nikolaus/Christkind vs. Weihnachtsmann, but reading up on it, it seems Italy has more in common with the stories of Father Christmas.
But wait, if Santa Claus is based on Saint Nikolaus, and Babbo Natale is similar to Father Christmas, wouldn't they be two different characters that are just used synonymously in modern day society?
Would want a full series but I fear the writer would be forced to get scared and instead of making a BL ending make one of the girls fall for Harui
why is soma serving alcohol at the age of six