Passive Assassin
Gintama 563
damn... that zura backstory.
damn... that zura backstory.
Shokugeki no Soma
Eh to be honest with you this chapter made me lose the point of all of this. Like guy, you wanna be a jerk for no reason, go knock yourself out, but I don't really feel anything about that.
"want to break soma" made me just go "oh whatever dude"
I really really need to know what's going on with Kuga and Isshiki
Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! ch198
Everybody wants a piece of Misuzu~
Except Jun
Man, Platinum End's delivery of the MC's backstory was like the most inorganic shit ever. Like wouldn't everything have more impact if the first half was just following a typical day for him and we get to witness first hand the abuse he suffers all building up to his attempted suicide? Y'know rather than a character fucking explaining it to us through dialogue and no the accompanying illustrations don't make it less hamfisted. Other than that it's pretty much Mirai Nikki but with better art and probably incredibly long monologues.
One Piece
Haha what, licking and biting Luffy all the time. Now I really hope they get a girl mink on board.
Man waiting for the next Prison School chapter to come out kinda sucks after going through the entire series in a few days. Although it's refreshing to be following a series that isn't Berserk or HxH lol.
Why draw and tell us a story we've heard in media many times already?
Shokugeki no Soma
Eh to be honest with you this chapter made me lose the point of all of this. Like guy, you wanna be a jerk for no reason, go knock yourself out, but I don't really feel anything about that.
"want to break soma" made me just go "oh whatever dude"
I really really need to know what's going on with Kuga and Isshiki
Paging Dedication Through Light
Although, according to bigkrev Sonna Me De Mite Kure is pretty good BL? Give it a shot.
So anyone got a list of BL? Just cute stuff.
So anyone got a list of BL? Just cute stuff.
A spooky shoujo story about two twins who glue themselves together (figuratively) to repel spirits they unwittingly attract. Came for the ghosts, stayed for the healthy sibling relationship and slightly morbid humour. I'm heartbroken by how short this was, since the setup was right up my alley, and it could've enjoyed a long lifespan by splicing the episodic ghost encounters with developments in the pair's relationship. Still, even with its premature burial it's further evidence that I can really enjoy shoujo
Gintama 563
backstory and an awesome one liner?
AKB49 253 (Raw)
My eyes are a little wet. *sniff*
He basically laid it out there for all of them, especially for Hiroko. I really liked that the character's were responding to the contents of the letter as they were running around. I also how the author set up the scene in the next chapter. Only those two would know this and it totally makes sense.
I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Soma 142
Ugh I hate this arc.
Wish the shokugeki end soon and eizan finally shut up.
Also the new principal is ridiculous. Wouldn't what he's doing ruin the notoriety of the school? Can't the students leave and the school has no meaning at all and the principal is just ruling empty buildings?
It's time for Soma to win against a elite ten too. So he's finally seen as a threat to the director.