Some quick observation about day #3 of Comiket.
People, lots of people, too many people.
It was impossible to see things and I was gave up on checking most of the A booths due to giant queues.
Getting the first train is silly unless you want to buy things you're 90% sure will sell out. Today was by far the day with the most people, but even so I got there at 10:15 and I entered around an hour later.
My friends went there on the first train, waited some 4-5 hour and entered at around 10:15.
Jump doujins were oddly close to non-existance, even popular series like One Piece didn't even have more than 5 or so booths, compared to the several rows of booths at Boys Love day.
I think Soma was the Jump series with the most representation today.
JoJo was naturally nowhere to be seen today.
Tokyo Ghoul was also absent today (compared to yesterday where it had a fair amount of work).
There were a few Prison School stuff, but mostly Meiko (including an R18 cosplay video), I think I saw a single Hana doujin.
Some amusing stuff like manga guides to Linux kernel and Hacker guides.
Lots of games but a lot of them didn't even had screenshot, just anime girls artwork, if that much. Few had videos and even less had demos (though with the sea of people that might have been wise).
Yeah, I'd say it's better to just limit oneself to the smutty stuff, but that'd probably be frowned upon in the OT. Ah well.
Yeah, I think we'd have to cut a lot (all) of the smutty stuff.