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Manga News/Discussion |OT13| Don't bite the dog that feeds the hand.

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I lied guys. I did some trans work after all

LIttLE13 is 7/56 done. First page is cover page and is also included because reasons

At this pace only a week more to go


Prison School 120


Hanayashiki no Juunintachi ch10-13

Caught up with this. Looking back at the first chapter, it's kind of jarring how quickly it plunged into relationship and family drama. Not bad, but I feel I've been cheated out of a comedy.


How I Became a Pokemon Card ch1

Not... quite what I expected, but pretty sweet story I guess. My 7-year old self would have loved this.


the holder of the trombone
Which is why I don't bother. I just read everything (except the ones I don't have time for)

Trying to finish page 11. These dialects aren't helping

Except that I want to remember what I've read. :p Might as well do things properly since I started it.

Besides, right now it's fun to wrack my brain trying to remember what I read. Getting strangely nostalgic when I come across something I haven't read in awhile.


panda i need some help


I translated to

Since you need money, if we stop funding you your family will suffer

たてつく means to oppose, and I had to make a leap of faith and assume that to mean funding, otherwise the damn sentence doesn't make sense. How do you deprive someone of money just by opposing them?

edit: also will you proofread for me after I'm done?


How I Became a Pokemon Card ch2

Bahahaha that's a kid's manga alright.


For what is worth I pasted this into Google Translate and it vomited this:
Family see eye painful to defy within gold just because need enter

I think I get it.


the holder of the trombone
Show me some lists then! :p

Honestly it all started when alabastre's list and realised just how bad I am at remembering names.


たてつく means to oppose, and I had to make a leap of faith and assume that to mean funding, otherwise the damn sentence doesn't make sense. How do you deprive someone of money just by opposing them?
Don't know the context, but I'd go with "you may need the money, but oppose us and your family will suffer the consequences."


Don't know the context, but I'd go with "you may need the money, but oppose us and your family will suffer the consequences."

They were arguing over a dead dog, so I don't even know how money is involved unless they are funding them in the first place. (the money is supposed to be used for building extension)

金が要るからって "Since you need the money"

うちにたてつくと "if we oppose you"

家族が痛い目見るよ "you'll see your family suffer"

but "oppose" doesn't make sense

Also the hell kinda name is カショウ (kashou)


How I Became a Pokemon Card ch17

Pretty nice story about the friendship between a young boy and a wounded Persian.

Persian was boss during the RBY era due to the crits.


How I Became a Pokemon Card ch17

Pretty nice story about the friendship between a young boy and a wounded Persian.

Persian was boss during the RBY era due to the crits.

I always used dugtrio. Dig, earthquake, slash (for extra crits) and probably cut mule


How I Became a Pokemon Card ch38

Never saw that card before. Pikachu OP as always due to mascot status.

I always used dugtrio. Dig, earthquake, slash (for extra crits) and probably cut mule

Well, Dugtrio is the third fastest of that generation I think but it had worse coverage than Persian and Normal was pretty decent at that time. It did make the third gym a piece of cake if you got one in the tunnel.


Well, Dugtrio is the third fastest of that generation I think but it had worse coverage than Persian and Normal was pretty decent at that time.

That's usually what it comes down to anyway. If I remember right, Persian could do a Slash/Hyper Beam/Bubble Beam/TBolt sort of setup for a generic covers most bases. Though, not that big of a deal for just playing the game, I guess :x


They were arguing over a dead dog, so I don't even know how money is involved unless they are funding them in the first place. (the money is supposed to be used for building extension)
Could you be a bit more precise about who those characters are and what's up with that money and building extension?

金が要るからって "Since you need the money"
I wouldn't say "since".
The way I see it, "because I need the money" would the (stated or supposed) motivation of the interlocutor, and whoever is talking is going to explain why that (needing the money) is not a good enough reason for... well, whatever it is the interlocutor is doing or thinking of doing.

うちにたてつくと "if we oppose you"
That would be the other way around ("uchi" = "us").

家族が痛い目見るよ "you'll see your family suffer"
You might know this, but just in case: there's no actual "to see", there: "itai me o miru" is an expression that means "experiencing something painful" (and "kazoku" / "family" is the subject). Well, that translation works well enough either way.

Also the hell kinda name is カショウ (kashou)
There again, some context might help.


That's usually what it comes down to anyway. If I remember right, Persian could do a Slash/Hyper Beam/Bubble Beam/TBolt sort of setup for a generic covers most bases. Though, not that big of a deal for just playing the game, I guess :x

Yup, it could do that and I disagree, that's pretty useful during the main game as well, but of course you can play any way you like during the main game. But yeah, unlike Dugtrio, Persian was only good during the RBY era.


Yup, it could do that and I disagree, that's pretty useful during the main game as well, but of course you can play any way you like during the main game. But yeah, unlike Dugtrio, Persian was only good during the RBY era.

I more meant that it's not really necessary for the main game since it's not like the main game is all that hard.


Drasil Park 111

The stairs were right there!!!

You didn't have to die!

Lol at the punching attempts, and Kana's sweet legs...


the holder of the trombone
Nah it wasn't citrus.

It's about this girl who used to be an idol or something who fell in love with this girl musician and they sort out their lesbian insecurities.


I more meant that it's not really necessary for the main game since it's not like the main game is all that hard.

Eh, I disagree, RBY was pretty tricky in how absolutely obscure everything was, not to mention the broken mechanics, but of course if you got a handle of them then it becomes much easier.


Anyone remember that super angsty lesbian manga?

I feel sad that my initial thought was "All of them?"


Eh, I disagree, RBY was pretty tricky in how absolutely obscure everything was, not to mention the broken mechanics, but of course if you got a handle of them then it becomes much easier.

I guess? There was an abundance of EXP and it was fairly simple to just sweep the game with a single Pokemon. It has the most broken mechanics in general too so X-item use was above and beyond useful for that generation too (e.g., X-Accuracy Fissure), though I suppose that's another "not really necessary" option.

I dunno, I more just mean perfect movesets are nice to have but aren't required. It certainly makes some choices super awesome for the main game but you can also just use whatever you want instead and still be fine.


I feel sad that my initial thought was "All of them?"


I suggest you begin reading some more light-hearted ones, such as Yuricam, Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane, Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san, Yuri Mekuru Hibi or Ayame to Amane.

I dunno, I more just mean perfect movesets are nice to have but aren't required. It certainly makes some choices super awesome for the main game but you can also just use whatever you want instead and still be fine.

No of course there were a lot of abusable things in that gen as well but my main point is with how nondescriptive pretty much everything was it made the game extremely tricky to play and you could screw yourself over rather easily, especially due to most fights being not repeatable (meaning you could lose yourself out of money).


I know it's a bit unfair but it was basically my first thought lol

Which is sad since I read a few of the fluffier ones anyway.

I suggest you begin reading some more light-hearted ones, such as Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane, Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san, Yuri Mekuru Hibi or Ayame to Amane.

Already read / reading them.

No of course there were a lot of abusable things in that gen as well but my main point is with how nondescriptive pretty much everything was it made the game extremely tricky to play and you could screw yourself over rather easily, especially due to most fights being not repeatable (meaning you could lose yourself out of money).

Maybe I'm just forgetting my times with the game before breaking it wide open, I guess?

That said, I'm not sure how these kinds of mechanics / missables matter to Persian's extra type coverage (through use of one-time TMs at that) not really being necessary :x Most people probably didn't even know about that and it's an irrelevant thing to most normal playthroughs. That's all my point was, really. I'd apply that across the board to every super awesome sweeper movesets that probably rarely got used for the main game (e.g., Tauros Body Slam / Hyper Beam / EQ / Blizzard, Starmie Surf / Psychic / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt, etc.). Awesome to utilize if you knew about it but not something that you needed to have done.
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