i liked strange and norrel well enough but I dunno if I want to read something like it again really...
Jump International Impressions
World Trigger
These are looking like two fodder teams. I don't see them really putting up that much of a fight.
Nisekoi spoilers are out, and it went as everyone expected. It is almost over.
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 31
:lol :lol :lol
Thats some top tier trolling.
Nisekoi spoilers are out, and it went as everyone expected. It is almost over.
WELL THENWould love to see more of this, though I know it's a pipe dream and the afterword basically cements that.
Enjoy the ride.Seishun Pop 1-7
So far typical ecchi comedy stuff...I've heard it changes later on though.
i spent most of today composing thank you notes and getting them checked on lang-8
i can't write in japanese for shit apparently![]()
You'll get there someday!
One of the basic advices is read/watch stuff as much as you can. There's not a single day where I'm not reading/listening to Japanese.
I was thinking of watching the 2min anime Yama no Susume again, watching each episode once, taking out every single thing that's said, breaking it down, writing it down and then trying to watch it while shadowing. Think that's a good idea?
I'm watching a lot more things that I can understand with subs but it tends to veer into zones where I can't follow then I get lost. But something that's 2min sounds like I could spend, like, 10-15 min transcripting it and then watching it again understanding everything that's being said.
(I don't want to go into the jpn learning thread because I don't really feel comfortable there)
the thing is i hate japanese television :T
if only i could find jsubs for wakazoke-san
Watch 家、ついて行ってイイですか?, I showed that to a few people and they loved it.
Best "variety" show right now. Real people talking about their life, no talento overload and shit like that. I'm sure you can enjoy it.