Keijo has become so over the top lately.
I am speechless.
I initially had this marked down as an average magical girl fest that I'd read just because of its grittier elements, but these last 2 chapters give me hope that it could actually be more than that. At the very least, the world/cast development = interest++.
Keijo has become so over the top lately.
I am speechless.
Edit: Holy shit it gets better.
im noticing a lot of manwahs deal with dudes whose dick stops working and only gets up for a specific girl...
oh and the plethora of netorare
forgive me padre
Yo, we need more cool lizards in manga.
Yo, we need a cool lizard manga.
You knew all this already, you've read Centaur's Worries!Overlord 17
Yo, those lizards are cute.
Yo, these lizards are super cool characters.
Yo, we need more cool lizards in manga.
Yo, we need a cool lizard manga.
Baby's first cannibalism manga. The premise is silly (a generic MC becomes a servant for a household of demented cannibals). The characters are sillier, with basically everyone outside of the lead pairing being either borderline or certifiably insane. The ending is silliest of all, and might retroactively ruin any enjoyment that a normal person would derive from the story. Fortunately I'm not a normal person, or at least I'm not after reading and liking this. It was rushed, poorly written and generally riddled with flaws, but watching a cast of crazies flail around for 2 volumes was surprisingly entertaining. The frequent feeding frenzies from best girl didn't hurt either. Well, providing you weren't on the receiving end.