I recommend Hime no Dameshi if you want more. There's only 1 chapter of it though.
I'm reading it! It's just in the 83.6% of stuff I read but rarely/never post about. Not because it's bad (it's one of the better ongoing series I'm following), but just because.
Next week: And so Chitoge came back to us
Chitoge "Hey guys.... Hi Raku meet my future husband and lover I met in country X"
but seriously dropping out of Highschool? you only have a few months left
Odds are that someone is already making an NTR hentai based on Chitoge leaving this chapter.
I mean, you can probably assume they get it on at some point in in the interim because I doubt Chitoge's job training involves her literally never seeing her boyfriend as though he lives on Mars or something.
The realization that "Deicide" was a real word is my best memory of Bleach
In honor (?) of Bleach ending, I have compiled together a list of the best chapter names - because in these times, it would be good for us to remember that Kubo was always crazy you wouldn't be remiss for thinking he was making Dance Dance Revolution songs instead of manga chapters. I'm not even gonna front, half of these would make excellent band names. I claim Tug Your God Out.
Chapter number pls. I refuse to believe it.
Well shit. I totally missed that a new Berserk came out yesterday.
Stupid being an adult and having a job
Sums up the problem with Bleach. There's just a severe lack of story or motivation behind the battles that are happening on the screen. All the matchups are random.The saddest thing about Bleach ending is the last arc started 4 or 5 years ago and the ending is still gonna be rush because Kubo spent a years worth of chapters on giant luchadors, zombies and imagination battles
I forgot about his existence but i guess that makes a bit of sense.573.
Kenpachi is in it. This probably doesn't surprise you.
It turns into to straight up smut, right? I watched the OVAs and hated it. I should have researched it further, but I was interested after seeing that it was a slice of life show. The only episode I liked was the anime one, but only slightly.
They're great at being terrible.they arent shitty theyre great
CmonThat list of shitty Bleach names is TREMENDOUS
Never has a chapter name so perfectly summed up my feelings on a series. Also I reread it and remembered Quincy zombies and that cockroach/quincy girl-who-might-have-a-penis-wait-a-minute-that-was-never-cleared-up-was-it were a thing which promptly caused me to say "what the hell" out loud. It was a good chapter and by good I mean in the sense that it didn't have a cowboy quincy go-go-boy turn into a Salvador Dali flamingo only to be killed by that guy with the weird haircut and the square sword that makes things weight more whose name I don't even care about enough to google.
My only problem with the Ichigo 100% ending is that I legit do not fucking remember who was the girl the guy hooked up with.I remember when this happened in Ichigo 100%.
Still the greatest love triangle OF ALL TIME.
I mean, Raku's family is super rich and so its Chitoge's and they don't even explain what in the fuck this job is, nor why it would be even vaguely desirable for Chitoge to have a job like her mom's when its pretty apparent her mom is a shitty mom, a shitty person, and is perpetually absent from the life of her family.
I mean, as far as MY PLANET NEEDS ME exits go, this one is pretty out of left field even if its obvious its just the Toradora plot device.
Oh yeah, now I remember getting pissy that the ponytail chick didn't win
My first experience in "losing"
]These comically evil instructors in Soma are pretty dumb. They go out of their way to cheat and make them fail but the dishes tasting good is too much to handle[/B]? Can't they just lie about it tasting good and fail them anyways? You know, like what Erina did in the first chapter.
Wait what? It was an actual vote?It's extra salt-inducing cause you lost to a character poll!
Mangaka choose the winner through the manga's character polls.Wait what? It was an actual vote?
Mangaka choose the winner through the manga's character polls.
I hope Komi is setting up for one final troll, but I suspect he's just gonna ride the cliche wave right to the bitter end no matter what.
Nah the MY PLANET NEEDS ME plot device was used and abused long before Toradora was ever a thing. Heck, the novel kind of subverted it when you think about it cause it was all set up to play it straight except it turned out she wasn't even gone for two months!
Of course JC Staff did their own thing so there's that.
It's extra salt-inducing cause you lost to a character poll!
I wasn't suggesting Toradora invented it (it certainly didn't) its just the most obvious example to anime fans, I imagine (since Toradora was really popular). Lots and lots of series do it; they did the same shit in Ichigo 100.
Shokugeki no Souma 177
That Erina with a plate armour. Damn. I want a figure out of that.