So it's mostly an issue of smallers publishers overstretching themselves? Or is it the market that's shriking?
I feel like it's a bit of both. The market has been shrinking over the years and some publishers tried to become bigger too fast.
Though while overstretching was definitely a thing in regards to the Kodansha block last month for Edizioni BD (supposedly, the contract Grani & Partners had with Kodansha required a certain amount of licenses bought each year, which was sustainable by G&P -they are big- but not by Edizioni BD -they're not as big- so their plan to buy GP Manga -G&P new manga publishing business- to get the Kodansha titles and contacts when G&P decided to sell the manga business ended up backfiring) I can't fully understand this new one.
The Shueisha titles frozen for Flashbook are... 4, 2 of which could be considered half frozen in Japan too (Returners, Forget Me Not), 1 coming out really slowly (Stand Up!) and 1 finished (Daytime Shooting Star, of which we were only missing the extra volume).
2 new titles, a one shot and a miniseries in 2 volumes (Houkago x Ponytail and Unubore Heart's Cry -I love Ayuko so this blows-) were supposed to start releasing this month but have been scrapped (which is what started the news) supposedly because not enough preorders (by bookstores? the reason feels... weird).
At least they claim they're gonna release the new Five Star Stories book soon.
My shojo intake took a blow though.