Suddenly I remember one of the greatest mysteries of Toriko; very unfortunate that this is how they (were possibly forced) to reveal it. I imagine had the whole 'is it the child!?' thing could have been a very good plotline that would have created actual conflict for Midora.
My Hero Academia
This was a great chapter, don't get me wrong, but I did have a problem with one particular bit. Early in the chapter, earplug girl sets off an earthquake using her powers to combat attacks being sent from underground. Cut to later, and the new super powerful character's ability is... earthquakes. Except obviously he's way stronger because plot reasons, despite the concept behind the initial attack being much cooler than just "I can shake the ground!'. Maybe after this initial reveal we'll get him applying his ability in cooler ways, but as it stands it was pretty lame to do this in the same god damn chapter.
One Piece
I love this. My worst fear was the Yonkou encounters just being like any old arc in terms of strategy and combat, and so far its looking good. I just hope Cracker isn't out for the count and actually puts up a Doflamingo-sized fight, although the more likely idea is that they retreat for now. Nice seeing the Red Hats in the title card too.