Prison School 208
Is Prison School the best ongoing manga?
Dicks point to yes.
Is Prison School the best ongoing manga?
Dicks point to yes.
Prison School 208
Is Prison School the best ongoing manga?
Dicks point to yes.
Tokyo Ghoul is a series I'd have kept reading if not for this thread talking like ~100 or so chapters ahead and I realized I have no fucking idea who even 1 of the named characters is and I decided "this gonna get dumb I'm out"
Yotsuba&! - 91
Thank you god for another chapter of Yotsuba
Yotsuba was a drug dealer all along? BANTHISSICKFILTH!
At first it was good because it was kinda realistic with the prison and everything,
Man, Prison School has kinda gone downhill imo. At first it was good because it was kinda realistic with the prison and everything, but ever since the USC got imprisoned it's just been getting a bit too ridiculous and I'm starting to find a lot of the jokes falling flat. Especially the whole pissing situation with Hana, that shit's just gotten so stupid. It's a shame because I really enjoyed it at first.
But I continue to read because I must know what the hell happened with the principal.
Man, Prison School has kinda gone downhill imo. At first it was good because it was kinda realistic with the prison and everything, but ever since the USC got imprisoned it's just been getting a bit too ridiculous and I'm starting to find a lot of the jokes falling flat. Especially the whole pissing situation with Hana, that shit's just gotten so stupid. It's a shame because I really enjoyed it at first.
But I continue to read because I must know what the hell happened with the principal.
UQ Holder 115
I don't think using kisses with a girl in love with you as a means to an end is really all that nice Tota.
Man, Robot Wars suddenly became a lot more one-sided.
I don't really have anything positive to say about this series. It had a handful of interesting ideas, but they were all asphyxiated by the author's inability to tell a coherent story. At least it was put out of its misery relatively quickly.Meldina Stalina, aka Mechanical Meldina, is a humanity hating machine fanatic from a renowned (and largely dead) family. She stumbles across an oversized, crab-esque machine in a junkyard (which she inspirationally names 'Machina') and begins an elongated chain of events delving into the sordid history behind her parents' deaths, their family secrets and blah blah blah.
Ontan asking the real questions here
Kinda realistic?
You know some scary ass schools.
There was a bit of a lull between arcs, I agree, but the only thing that annoys me in current Prison School is the development of Meiko, everything else is a straight 10 for me. It's just ridiculously awesome.
And nothing involving Hana was ever a let-down. The whole romance with Kyoshi is some of the best in entertainment history, pissing and all.
Man, Prison School has kinda gone downhill imo. At first it was good because it was kinda realistic with the prison and everything, but ever since the USC got imprisoned it's just been getting a bit too ridiculous and I'm starting to find a lot of the jokes falling flat. Especially the whole pissing situation with Hana, that shit's just gotten so stupid. It's a shame because I really enjoyed it at first.
But I continue to read because I must know what the hell happened with the principal.
Prison School
Hana just shot herself in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can get a boyfriend by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is to repent by kissing Chiyo's feet.
Japanese Manga Sales Feb 29 - March 6
*3. 197,737 197,737 Bleach Vol.71
*4. 189,808 189,808 Shokugeki no Souma Vol.17
*5. 156,433 156,433 World Trigger Vol.14
13. *66,675 *94,849 Nietzsche-sensei: Conveni ni, Satori Sedai no Shinjin ga Maiorita Vol.5
14. *63,352 *63,352 World Trigger Official Databook: Border Briefing File
15. *60,149 *60,149 Black Clover Vol.5
Ddddd has some nice sales going on. I sure hope Hinamatsuri get some nice boost (coughanimecough)Japanese Manga Sales Feb 29 - March 6
Cute and interesting webmanga about a dude who joins an evil organization as a part-time job in order to make money for his adopted brothers and sisters after their orphanage is destroyed. He joins the New Weapons Testing department run by the sociopathic Dr. Raika and one of the four Executives of the organization Antares, Ladywulf. This is pretty much just an excuse to have him test stupid weapons in combat against the heroes of justice, some of whom happen to be his classmates and sister. With hilarious results.
It's all comedy here folks. Even though it keeps falling into a couple tropes it sidesteps them pretty deftly almost every time. Of course Ladywulf is the beautiful senpai at school but they even sidestep silly romance stuff well. A ghost causes the MC to trip into her box of underwear when he helps her move but she doesn't react even a little and just takes a picture of him and blackmails him into eating lunch with her everyday to dissuade the idea everyone at school got that she's a Lesbian Ice Queen. Or there's a ghost in his apartment who keeps trying to scare him out but he thinks is just his tired work delusions. Or how his sister has a crush on her hero partner so the MC focuses on just him in battles.
It's surprisingly funny. And the dude who does it is on Patreon I think, which is interesting.
Have a random out of context page!
Bloody hell is the Haikyuu anime is soooooooo good
They did well to re-create those two page spread panels that occurred in the manga. Such a great adaptation (season 2 is especially hype inducing) and that soundtrack THAT soundtrack.
Wanted to spread it out a bit so that I had something to watch before the spring season but couldn't help but fully catch up.
This is a really good manga, enjoying it so far. The parts with the ghost girl are great, I wonder if he'll ever become aware of her.
Hinata as spiderman looked better in the manga imo.
One Punch Man, ONE version, chapter 106.
Well looks like we got our first good glimpse atand he looks likeBlast. This upcoming arc could be something crazy!Saitama with Hair
One Punch Man, ONE version, chapter 106.
Well looks like we got our first good glimpse atand he looks likeBlast. This upcoming arc could be something crazy!Saitama with Hair
is that Ancient Magus' Bride manga good? Should I read that
is that Ancient Magus' Bride manga good? Should I read that