NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
You have seen nothing.
I'd go as far as to say its worse and not as good as Prison School.
You have seen nothing.
I'd go as far as to say its worse and not as good as Prison School.
Thats why its top class. S2 when?Prison School's a lot different from most ecchi manga and it has no loli shit
Tsugumomo 9-10
I see now. More problematic then Nisemonogatari.
Tejina is all like I love it.Tejina Senpai 29
Assistant-kun x puppet is the manga's new OTP. RIP senpai.
Jojolion 58
Just when I thought Joshuu couldn't be any worse, he abuses his mom and tries to suck on her breasts.
I don't think he was seriously trying to.
Viz didn't pick up red sprite thats disappointing
Viz didn't pick up red sprite thats disappointing
"Not one, but two new series will be joining our regular line up starting in next weeks issue- RED SPRITE and LOVE RUSH!"
Neat. Wish they would have actually got something good like Haikyuu instead of Love Rush though.
The prey is alone.
*Cue Hungry Eyes*
That manga seems like what nekopara would have beeen if it wasnt trash.Nukoduke! ch84-85
Nukos make for the best helpers.
To this day I still wonder what kind of heartless monster could have abandoned them.
Ok i need to do some research, jojo cannot be topped in bizarre. It must first top it in out of context panels.Mysterious Girlfriend X 22
Ear licking, so lewd.
Riki-oh 1-8
Its like someone looked at JoJo and said "this is nowhere near manly or weird enough".
I'm totally in favour of zombie mono-eyes. Also if I found princess Miia in a dungeon I'm pretty sure I'd just leave her there. It's too early to make any kind of judgment call on matango girl yet.
No we must immediately escalate to fungusgirl.Monster Musume 45
bring back the bee girl