Usagi Drop
At the age of 30 Daikichi finds himself forced to adopt a young child of a mere 6 years old, Rin, left behind by his grandfather death.
The story follows the growth of both characters, but mostly that of Daikichi and how he has to how to adapt his life to the fact that he was now a parent.
We see his social life changing, unable to meet with his coworkers after work, he finds himself seeing his social cycle replaced by other parents (such as the mother of Kouki, Rin's best friend, with whom he gets romantically interested), and through all of this he grows as a person.
Half way through the series there's a timeskip, and the story focused on Rin and Kouki teenager years, to be honest this is when the series becomes a lot less interesting, this is hardly an unusual subject in manga/anime, and even though there are still some interesting themes regarding the lack of two parents (such as Kouki mother complex), a lot of the time is spent on regular teenagers drama that you could find in any other mangas.
Towards the end there's a reveal of Rin having a father complex for Daikichi, which is understandable considering their relationship. But then we get the twist that Rin and Daikichi are unrelated (this never gets explained), and somehow this lead Daikichi to accept Rin feelings and the series ends with them being engaged and talking about having babies together.
??????? said:
This happens despite the fact that them not being blood-related is completely irrelevant, he raised her as a father for over 10 years, she barely remembers a life before him. This is essentially Daikichi dating his own daughter.
There were never any hints of Daikichi having romantic feelings for Rin, we always see him referring to her as his daughter, so not only is the ending disgusting, it's not even built up in any way and comes off as completely out of character. The ending has absolutely no redeeming qualities, outside of seeing other people react to it.
I could not even bring myself to read any of the "extra stories" that involved Rin as a child. I only managed to read the last extra chapter that takes place after the ending, only to find out that everyone seems to have just naturally accepted Daikichi being engaged with Rin.
The fact that the ending tries to normalize grooming makes this one of the most disgusting manga I've read.
????????????????????????? said:
What started as a cute series about someone learning to become an adult, somehow ends up as a grooming story.