Alright nvm this is getting too confusing, Imma just read a gender bender hentai
it is very less about tittilation that you may think
it is basically less horny, less fight-y Fairy Tail
Alright nvm this is getting too confusing, Imma just read a gender bender hentai
Why Rindou keep proving herself as the the bestgirlsenpai?
It seems a secret message from Oda to Shimabukuro (Toriko's author) is hidden behind the cover page.
Toriko's final chapter is included in the same issue.
The message is "Thank you Shimabukuro for Toriko!!"
- Striped Pig
It represents "Shima-Boo", known as a nickname for Shimabukuro.
"Shima" means stripe and "Boo" is an onomatopoeia for pig's cry in Japanese.
- 39
39 represents "Thank you".
3 and 9 are pronounced as San (さんand Kyu (きゅー
in Japanese.
3 (さん San) 9(きゅー Kyu)=さんきゅー(Sankyu)
"Thank you" is written as さんきゅー(サンキューin Japanese..
- 5 Birds
They represent "Toriko".
Bird is called 鳥(Tori) in Japanese.
5 is pronounced as Go in Japanese.
Tori 5= Toriko (Torigo)
Credits to Sandman
Kimi ni Todoke 71 YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally shouted in joy at my roof and my neighbors shouted at me to shut up but god damn them because that was the best.
Nice one Oda
"It's fine" and "it's nothing" have an extensive history of signifying the opposite of what they actually mean, and this case is no different. I'm unsure whether to support Asakura in his pursuit of black hair. Probably not since he's seemingly an obstacle to a yuri ending.
Monster Lizard (One-shot) by Yamamoto Souichirou
Somewhere, Oni just had an orgasm.
I don't think Mimisaka is a realistic candidate to beat an Elite 10 member since he doesn't even have his own style. And Rindou will switch to whatever side is funnier. They also have both Isshiki and Kuga on their side and we don't really know anything about Megishima other than he's a third-year who voted against Azami.Where's Mimisaka anyway? I bet he's going to help them get absolute majority. Or maybe Rindou will switch at the last second for shits and giggles. Based Rindou.
Why Rindou keep proving herself as the the bestgirlsenpai?
The concept of Tadokoro getting an Elite 10 seat is funnier to me than it should be.
Rindou is the ultimate troll character and the author knows it.
Rindou's avoided cooking since her first appearance and she once at a dish that defeated an Elite 10 member and didn't have her clothes explode like everyone else did. The authors clearly know she's very popular.
She's TadokoroWhats wrong with Tadokoro?
Yeah, pretty sure the eventual reveal is that she's the best cook in the whole school.
What's the best guess for how much longer Gintama might go on? Think it'll last through next summer?
So how gay we talking here?
Where in the scale between Will and Grace and hardcore Yaoi would this content of the manga fit?
Asking for a friend.
Whats wrong with Tadokoro?
What's the best guess for how much longer Gintama might go on? Think it'll last through next summer?
One third she's so timid that unlike everyone else who was pumped to fight an Elite 10, she was more reserved (terrified) about it
One third the gag of her being so scared she might keel over if you look at her funny
One third her being an seen as an underdog compared to everyone else
So the idea of her actually managing to be a seated member seems so amusing, even if it's basically the Soma match set up just without a plot armour as thick.
I think it's funnier that Aldini is is also set up to go against one of the current Elite 10, since compared to Tadokoro, his onscreen win record is worse than her's, and he had more devastating losses.
Kurokiba and Alice were robbed
Helck 78
Name changes never feel good. Don't think I've liked any name change that has happened a decent way in.
[Stuff about video games]
The concept of Tadokoro getting an Elite 10 seat is funnier to me than it should be.
There's the Steam Community threads too.I can't gush enough about this game and y'all gonna have to put up with it here because it's an older game and the thread's dead so there's nowhere else to post.