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Manga News/Discussion |OTC| Delicious cooking not in thread.

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Kingdom 470

Ah, so this is the start of Shin, the leader o manly men.

Dungeom Meshi 23

The look on the dwarfs eyes.... Totes dorbz
I-- what? There are surely better artists out there but it's hardly ugly.
That still pales in comparison to early Yu Yu Hakusho Togashi tho. Dude can be among the best in the (shonen) industry when he feels motivated.


I finished my partial re-reading of Hunter X Hunter (skipped the middle of chimera arc because i remembered it clearly enough) and i'm still of the opinion that given author's consistency and the ability to overlook some boring/useless parts of Greed Island this is the best shonen available right now and surely the best i've ever read.

There are lots of characters and most of them have quite peculiar characterizations, the abilities can be both super simple as they can be complex and the fights share these qualities too. The story and scenario are always filled with minutiae that most of the times feel relevant to what's happening and keep the interest up especially now that it seems that we are going to open a whole new can of worms.
Albeit inconsistent if read from WSJ and subjective the art also is top notch given the ability of Togashi to jump between various styles and the details given in important pages.

All in all after reading the last 9-10 chapters i'm glad that Togashi decided to continue the manga given that just recently he had the chance to give it an abrupt though kind of fair ending and if to get 5-15 chapters i have to wait roughly a year then so be it as long as it keeps these high levels of quality.
Hunter x Hunter is king IMO. The only one I would put up there with it is JoJo's, which is inconsistent as well and its best arc isn't even Shonen. One Piece and Dragon Ball are pretty high up there as well.

For general character writing Togashi destroys though
HXH is indeed one of the top dogs for (on going) Shonen if not the top dog

but then there a ton of gold tier old Shonen that are up there as well so.....
Hunter x Hunter is without a doubt the gold standard in the genre of battle shounen. That's not to say that it is without flaws, but it is the best the genre has to offer.

A good part of this comes down to Togashi's own understandings of the genre, as well as his experiences from working on Yu Yu Hakusho. Togashi, more than any other writer in the genre, I believe both understands everything that makes battle shounen series enjoyable, as well as has a desire to challenge the standards and conventions of the genre. There are a lot of people who try to do subversions of typical shounen stories, but they usually wind up failing. Togashi is able to weave these elements in, but he threads them together with a genuine love of the genre and its style and flair. He also likes to do a lot of these things subtly, so that you only notice them when you step back and think about them some more. The understanding about what makes shounen battle series work also helps with the pacing of the series and creating a genuinely fun to read battle manga even for the reader who isn't as interested in seeing things being subverted.

I think it also helps to look at Togashi's full development from the beginning of Yu Yu Hakusho up through Hunter x Hunter. Yu Yu Hakusho starts out with fairly standard small scale villains, pretty evil characters who exist just to get taken down. The series then branches out into a fighting tournament, which was and still is a pretty typical thing for such a manga to do, except with a bit of a twist. The Dark Tournament is anything but the fair sort of martial arts showdown that people would expect coming from the Tenkaichi Budokai in Dragon Ball or other similar things. It's a nasty and brutal tournament where most of the competitors are vicious killers, murder and blood sport are not only accepted but encouraged, and the tournament organizers are the most corrupt lot with an active interest in rigging the proceedings. In other words, it's a much more accurate look at what a fighting tournament between super powered beings would probably wind up being. And from there we then move on to the Sensui arc, a story that after spending the whole series up to that point showing the conflict between humans and demons, shifts to exploring the inherent evils of humanity, and creating antagonists who, while their actions are deplorable, are understandable villains motivated largely by feelings that come from a sense of wanting to do good. This would become the key thing for Togashi over the rest of his career (and really started slightly before this with the revelation of Toguro's true intentions, but Sensui is the place where Togashi really commits fully to it). After that, Togashi had nowhere left to go except to explore the idea that the "heroes", having fought and fought endlessly up to this point, had no place left in polite society and could really only exist to keep fighting, even if they had to go out looking for fights rather than having things come to them. (As a sidenote, this is why people who complain that Togashi shafted Kuwabara miss the point entirely. He was honoring Kuwabara. He was the only one who actually fit in society and had a future. It wasn't about him not being good enough to keep up with the power levels. It was about him being too good to need to)

So, coming off of Yu Yu Hakusho, when Togashi started Hunter x Hunter he had a big advantage over his first series. He had written a long running shounen before, so he knew how it worked and could start from a more experienced place, and he had found out slowly and surely what ideas he wanted to explore. So while it took him years to really iron down how he wanted to portray his antagonists in Yu Yu Hakusho, he could craft interesting and sympathetic antagonists right from the get go. Antagonists who weren't necessarily nice guys, but who you could understand. And he was prepared from the start to explore the ideas of the toll that the constant fighting takes on the heroes, of the darker elements to society that must exist even in these super powered worlds, and more. The York Shin city arc is far and beyond the Dark Tournament, but Togashi couldn't have gotten the underworld elements there so right if he hadn't written the Black Book Club first and figured out what worked and what didn't. And Mereum's journey and story might go beyond Sensui's, but he needed the journeys of Toguro and Sensui to get to the point where he could write Mereum.

Coupled with all of that, Togashi has a strong sense of characterization, and just as importantly, a good feel for how to sketch out the basics of a character quickly. This is evident in how quickly Togashi can get you to understand a character after their introduction. The flip side to this is that he can sometimes introduce a frustratingly large glut of characters and then do almost nothing with most of them, but the handling of most of the characters is strong enough to mitigate that factor, and the emotional journeys that many characters have gone on is beyond what most other titles in the genre are ever even attempting. The world building in the series is also quite strong, and much deeper than almost any other shounen manga.


The Ging stuff might have been hit and miss, but thankfully the Kurapika and Kakin's plot threads were excellent from the get go


It's still a little odd how far Kurapika had managed to climb up the chain of command for a mere hired help to the boss of the Nostrade family, but I guess a lot happens in a year and a half. I still wonder what ever happened to Neon and her father, given the last time we seen him in particular he was too busy shitting his pants over Neon's stolen power, while Neon was confused about what was going on.

I guess we will find out eventually, though I hope it won't take us years to get there lol

In any case, this is pretty much the end of Kurapika's journey in trying to reclaim his brethrens remains. He had already listed all the unseen targets he hunted down to get back the Scarlet Eyes, which sounds pretty much what you'd expect when think about who would gain a weird and grotesque type of "item" from the black market such as human organs, though it was a little shocking seeing how Kurapika referred to each one as a monster. I mean, in a sense, they are for having bought the eyes, but I would've thought his view harsh view would be limited towards the Phantom Troupe.

But I guess his comment about how he kept on losing something every time he managed to get the eyes back would make sense then. Kurapika is findin himself at the end of his path, and there is nothing left for him to do once he's done. He has no home, no family, and no one to welcome him back. Glad to know he's as foolish as ever in that regard, since he does have his friends who would welcome him with open arms, but that for the future I suppose.

Kurapika being Parriston's replacement in the Zodiac is an interesting position for him to be in, in particular because it allows him even greater influence in the story going forward but also because it is a nice change for his character. Kurapika had always been tied to the events in Yorkshin, because it was where his arc and character truly took off, but because we hadn't seen him for such a long time it was important to have him change locations else wise it would have been more of the same.

I hope he does remain in the Zodiac even at the end of this arc and gets to be more of a player going forward, even though I suspect that once he manages to get to Tserriednich he'll then bail out the first moment he can. Shame, since I think I really like his interactions with the Zodiac's and Mizaistom. They make a really great detective team.

That said I doubt it will go as smoothly as Kurapika is thinking. I'm sure he's done some stuff that is ethically questionable and at times reprehensible, but the 4th Prince of Kakin is on a different level.

I think that the set up of a war of succession happening on board this cruise towards Unknown Lands to be the best part of this, primarily because it is the biggest question mark on what will happen in that plot thread.

The Dark Continent plot is simple enough for as grandiose as its scale. They will get there, but won't be able to explore it fully given just how huge its size and dangerous it can be. There will be twist and turns I'm sure, but we won't be uncovering all of these mysteries from the get go, and not from this single trip after how big of a deal it's been made just how wild and unconcerned Mother Nature is with mankinds attempts to explore the continent.

The princes plot on the other hand is much smaller in scale, but harder to predict in what will happen by the end. The plan is that 14 younglings are going in, and 13 of which is going to die. Given how absolutely gruesome the Chimera Ant Arc was at its start, it suspect that a lot of the kids will be meeting a very terrible fate, and that the top 4 princes each will be dead when all is said and done. Benjamin and his brother are each as monstrous as Chimera Ants in their own way, and I don't think they will manage to survive when their so gung ho about murdering every member of their extended family.

The thing that adds the most to the succession plot is the Guardian Beasts. The idea that the Nen urn that was made by the first King to insure his eventual heir to be the strongest vessel is a really cool idea for some mythos, and also gives a lot of creativity when it comes to how Nen works when there aren't exactly any one of the princes experienced in the art or given an absolute advantage in battle like it was thus far post Hunter Exam.

I won't post the picture of the King's spider titty monster, but it is as ridiculous as I remember it. It makes sense given that the way the best is meant to portray and be influenced by the vessel, and we know that the King is someone who is very much lustful and likes boobs, but it makes me shudder to think about what sort of Nen beast Tserriednich is going to get then given Togashi's tastes and what we had seen from the guy who loves skinning women alive because of his sick twisted form of art.

Having re-read these chapters, I feel I'm ready for the new one now. I already know from the impressions that it's going to be lengthy and wordy, but I just hope it remains interesting.

--Edit so not to double post

Coupled with all of that, Togashi has a strong sense of characterization, and just as importantly, a good feel for how to sketch out the basics of a character quickly. This is evident in how quickly Togashi can get you to understand a character after their introduction. The flip side to this is that he can sometimes introduce a frustratingly large glut of characters and then do almost nothing with most of them, but the handling of most of the characters is strong enough to mitigate that factor, and the emotional journeys that many characters have gone on is beyond what most other titles in the genre are ever even attempting. The world building in the series is also quite strong, and much deeper than almost any other shounen manga.

The comment you wrote about Kuwabara is some beautiful stuff, but to keep it on Hunter X Hunter, I'll say that I can agree on this point.

I wouldn't go so far as to call HxH the gold standard since I do think there are chunks in the story where it's not that great, even as a whole it is a very great series and a lot of thought has gone into creating and writing it (a given, since it takes years at a time for the story to move haha). But I do think so far as action Shonen manga go, it is a cut above the rest.

The issue is that Hunter X Hunter exemplifies how much of a double edged sword having such a brilliant creator at the helm of a series. Togashi does whatever he likes, and that works because what he does ends up working out by the end wonderfully and gives out a poignant message for each arc. But because of his tendency to do whatever he feels like, it can cause a lot of the focus and at time even type of series to change drastically and leave a lot of what were interesting aspects and characters on the back burner for years without doing anything with them.

It's frustrating, because he is really great about what he finds interesting to work on, but once he loses interest he'll just move on without looking back lol. The Hunter exam sort of became a cliff note at this point, while Greed Island's conclusion just showed how much he lost motivation to work on that concept any longer because he wanted to do the Chimera ants for example.
The comment you wrote about Kuwabara is some beautiful stuff, but to keep it on Hunter X Hunter, I'll say that I can agree on this point.

I wouldn't go so far as to call HxH the gold standard since I do think there are chunks in the story where it's not that great, even as a whole it is a very great series and a lot of thought has gone into creating and writing it (a given, since it takes years at a time for the story to move haha). But I do think so far as action Shonen manga go, it is a cut above the rest.

The issue is that Hunter X Hunter exemplifies how much of a double edged sword having such a brilliant creator at the helm of a series. Togashi does whatever he likes, and that works because what he does ends up working out by the end wonderfully and gives out a poignant message for each arc. But because of his tendency to do whatever he feels like, it can cause a lot of the focus and at time even type of series to change drastically and leave a lot of what were interesting aspects and characters on the back burner for years without doing anything with them.

It's frustrating, because he is really great about what he finds interesting to work on, but once he loses interest he'll just move on without looking back lol. The Hunter exam sort of became a cliff note at this point, while Greed Island's conclusion just showed how much he lost motivation to work on that concept any longer because he wanted to do the Chimera ants for example.

Fair points for sure. I think a lot of this ties into the same aspect as him introducing scores of characters and then doing nothing with them. Togashi definitely seems to have a constant stream of ideas, but then loses interest in some of them.

Although, whether its by accident or design, I think this winds up helping the series as much or more than it hurts it. It gives Hunter x Hunter this sort of feeling that your following the lives of the characters more than anything else. Folks filter in and out of their lives, and things that were important at one stage in your life might not even register in the next.

Occasionally this gets us a misstep like Greed Island, but more often than not we wind up getting something really nice from it. I think Togashi's constantly changing interests and getting bored of his old ideas (at least seemingly) work, because it avoids the very common pitfall that many battle shounen fall into, where once you get to a certain point in the series, everything starts to feel the same. The typical arc a battle shounen follows has an interesting first couple of years, then the essential view of what the series is settles in and it all runs together as a constant slew of rescue arcs/liberating location x/tournament arcs and so on. Togashi's wanderlust keeps the story always feeling fresh.

It can definitely be frustrating when characters just disappear from the series for long stretches of time, and when an interesting story angle just disappears, but at the same time, it's really nice to see how much variety there is in each arc, and I think that one is the direct product of the other.
Togashi is almost Kubo levels of introducing new characters. Most of the zodiacs haven't had time to shine and he introduces another group of equal size (and extremely goofy designs) for Beyond.

And the Chimaera Ants, so many chimaera ants


No Scrubs
Togashi is almost Kubo levels of introducing new characters. Most of the zodiacs haven't had time to shine and he introduces another group of equal size (and extremely goofy designs) for Beyond.

And the Chimaera Ants, so many chimaera ants

Togashi keeps his casts limited to the arcs they're in though. There's not a whole lot of cross-over between arcs. The Ants aren't coming back and it's the same with a vast majority of the Greed Island players. Kubo's problem is that he never phases anyone out and it bloats the cast.


by the way

every time you guys are posting 'tomo -number-' are all ya'll seriously reacting to a single 4koma every time
Boku no hero Academia 87

Oh man i hope it ends off with this... not random surprise while stealing the kid again

glad they went in hard... no cliche friend turning to the dark side whatever silliness.... hopefully

also lol at Amazon

still the traitor or traitors have yet to act so at least they don't run away with the kid again.... likely All Might will somehow get hit


by the way

every time you guys are posting 'tomo -number-' are all ya'll seriously reacting to a single 4koma every time
i-it doesn't have to be about a single one! maybe we're posting about it once in a while. maybe we're posting about the general recent story. you never know!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
by the way

every time you guys are posting 'tomo -number-' are all ya'll seriously reacting to a single 4koma every time
Yes they are and no it's not funny or interesting.
Furumapura 5

Yeah, if you keep giving everything a 10 then eventually your scores start to lose meaning. Blushing Makoto is an 8. Irate Shiori is a 9. Kyou remains a 4.


Tomo-chan 306

Now I want a Misuzu battle shonen manga. Scary there.

Domestic Na Kanojo 82

So, it took him this long for something that was obvious 10 chapters in?
Overall, there is really nothing standing in their way, except maybe being step-siblings, but that never bothered any manga couple anyhow. Hina getting back would be totally out of character and dumb timing, Natsuo and Rui both like each other and there really is no other competition in sight.
So...why do I get the feeling that it's not gonna be easy and we'll spend another 150 chapters on cheap drama to get a good ending?


Working!! 133,160-161

Those were some sturdy glasses and wow, yamada did work
good to see the gap is being worked on too


Fairy Tail 482

What's up with all the pointless torture and little forced sexual interactions in this manga lately.
And all of it is pointless, since everything crumbles before the irrational powers of sheer willpower.


Saint Titanfall
Fairy Tail 482


Fairy is shit completely self aware shit that makes Bleach look competant, which says everything. Plot and storywise it's like everything wrong with Shounen, manga concentrated at a lethal dosage, with some mildly likeable characters to keep the whole ship running.

I can laugh at Bleach's riduclousness, more often than not I'm cringing at fairy Tails.


Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! Ch 306

Math is all about identifying the problem and applying a generic solution.
Shame no one in school actually bothers you teaching how to identify the problems and just focus on teaching you the formula.

by the way

every time you guys are posting 'tomo -number-' are all ya'll seriously reacting to a single 4koma every time

It's the only way we have of stopping Zweizer and Revo from taking over 90% of the posts.
Mononofu 13

Very strong writing and very strong chapter. The last three pages showed great development finally between Rindou and Shinobu. I reread it numerous times because it was so good, even the high emotions from Rindou too to go that far and actually make the request. Friendship stories are jumps best. I hope to own this someday.


Y'all should read more manga.

Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki ch59.5

Fujiyama be like: "scrubs".

I've been reading a fair amount of manga, just haven't found the time to sit on the PC and write about them.

Just last few weeks I went through Rin, Ressentiment, I am Hero, and Boys on the Run!

Wanted to write some thoughts about them but only got around to do so about "I am Hero" :(
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