A Huge Battleship
Madoka Magica - Ochikano (SFW doujin)
Seifuku no Vampiress Lord 5
Harem intensifies. You really need to read all the small print carefully when becoming a vampire. I suppose it's a better alternative to the traditional mindless thrall thing, but still.
Ochikano is a cooking manga. They say the way to a girl's heart is through her stomach, but it's a waste of all that gastronomic talent if you can't seal the deal afterwards. Well, Homura's tendency to choke at the final hurdle is a well-established Maitakeism by now. Still, her devilish devilness in the 2nd half was magnificent.
Seifuku no Vampiress Lord 5
Harem intensifies. You really need to read all the small print carefully when becoming a vampire. I suppose it's a better alternative to the traditional mindless thrall thing, but still.