Jesus, I've been watching anime that finished up last season and everything's been absolutely terrible so far. Far worse than usual, whats with the influx of all the magic related series?
Jesus, I've been watching anime that finished up last season and everything's been absolutely terrible so far. Far worse than usual, whats with the influx of all the magic related series?
Is this choof choof worthy? huh? tell me guys, tell me.
And why did panda sent an email to Amazon anyway when he could've sent it to google? Doesn't he know that google knows everything and would've let Obama know?
More like I'll get lazy/busy, and not be able to fit a schedule at the redrawers get lazy and just say fuck it.
You know there are like two movies about him?Dragon Ball Minus - The Departure of the Fated Child
Didnt expect Mr. Burdock to look exactly like Goku except with a scar. At least his personality was certainly an improvement, should have showed up in the canon series.
Do you only come around for Aunt Tits, now? I think we need to find you something new. Let's see... you liked KNIM, so maybe you should start reading Fuuka for more endless torture? If you want any recommendations, we can surely give you some. Or, are you satisfied with Western comics only?Aunt Tits 121
can this not be a thing
I hope you watched (and loved) Golden Time.
Noragami was legit good. You can also read the manga if you prefer.
Black Bullet 2
I like this girl.
She will satisfy my best girl needs for now.
get your body ready for the real best girl.
Asuka no Show
Is this Kyou no Asuka Show? Just read it all. 'Twas a fun read.
adorable ecchi, best kind of ecchi
my heart
I realized since SDBurton doesn't post in the mango thread I don't read quality yuri manga.
Recommendations plz.
Prism (unofficially axed however)
Like is much too positive a word for how I feel about KNIM. I haven't even read the last 10 or so chapters yet.More like I'll get lazy/busy, and not be able to fit a schedule at all.
You know there are like two movies about him?
Do you only come around for Aunt Tits, now? I think we need to find you something new. Let's see... you liked KNIM, so maybe you should start reading Fuuka for more endless torture? If you want any recommendations, we can surely give you some. Or, are you satisfied with Western comics only?
Wait... you're probably not going to read this if you only come to post about Aunt Tits.
Shin getting that recognition! Crazy that so many rankers in his army are militia, even now.
I'm not really that interested in Kyoukai's story. She needs to hurry back so I can get Shin & Kyoukai vs Houken Round 2.
Apocalypse no Toride 23
Well, that's definitely a way to kill off nearly the entire cast...
Majo Houki no megane 20-21
I am really liking shoujo ai nowadays. I think GAF corrupted me.
Our protagonist, ladies and gentlemen.