Something happened in the latest chapter evidently that I'm unaware of.
Now I'm afraid.
Something happened in the latest chapter evidently that I'm unaware of.
Now I'm afraid.
Only true Soma waifu
Good, less Yukino for you terrible people and Soma, more Yukino for me.You are doomed to disappointment.
Good, less Yukino for you terrible people and Soma, more Yukino for me.
Spoilers for WSJ manga have hit.
Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken.
For the past couple of weeks, we've been getting panels and pages of the upcoming chapters directly from WSJ as part of some kind of promotion. The first three pages of a bunch of WSJ series were released.How? It's too early. Spoilers usually only show up on Tuesday, and most of the time it's just One Piece that gets spoiled (because 2ch doesn't care about Naruto and Bleach).
How? It's too early. Spoilers usually only show up on Tuesday, and most of the time it's just One Piece that gets spoiled (because 2ch doesn't care about Naruto and Bleach).
My enjoyment then will be watching you reacting to Soma's decision to pick the worst girl aka Erina.
For the past couple of weeks, we've been getting panels and pages of the upcoming chapters directly from WSJ as part of some kind of promotion. The first three pages of a bunch of WSJ series were released.
We were getting them on Sunday. This week, we got 'em even earlier.
Probably fake. It wouldn't be the first time, remember the Sharingan Tank?
It's sad when fake spoilers wind up better than the actual chapters.
My enjoyment then will be watching you reacting to Soma's decision to pick the worst girl aka Erina.
I already know best girl isn't going to get picked so I'm honestly cool with whatever.
Best girl being Hinako of course.
There is no way she will win.There is no way Tadokoro will not win. So it's all fine.
Who the fuck is Ryoko??
Tadokoro's shitty friend #1
Busty redhead who you refer to as "Tadakoro's shitty friend"
There's an alternate universe where this is real, and Naruto is a better series for it.
Probably fake. It wouldn't be the first time, remember the Sharingan Tank?
It's sad when fake spoilers wind up better than the actual chapters.
I like you.Erina winning will be so boring and those who support it are boring.
*Raises Anti-Erina-Fan Shield*
I already know best girl isn't going to get picked so I'm honestly cool with whatever.
Best girl being Hinako of course.
nekogurui minako san -
A manga about a woman and her cat, eh? Sounds cute.
what the fuck
Just wow.
Erina winning will be so boring and those who support it are boring.
*Raises Anti-Erina-Fan Shield*
Probably fake. It wouldn't be the first time, remember the Sharingan Tank?
It's sad when fake spoilers wind up better than the actual chapters.