I was originally going to say Tharja, but I thought that since you love Farnese that Noire would be more appropriate.
No U. Cordelia is cold hearted and doesn't have a romantic bone in her body. Donnel decides to spend every day list 10 good qualities Cordelia has to cheer her. Nautrally, before long he runs out of things to say (because really, I can't think of anything other than "she gets Galeforce" and "Severa is her daughter") and her idea of returning the favour is to compile a list of all of Donnel's faults.
Stahl is just boring. He even says so himself. He was the only person I didn't soft reset to save on my first playthrough because I simply didn't care enough about him. Hell, if it had been any other character, I would have reset in a heartbeat.