Team Life vs Team Hometown?
Ooku vol 7
Damn this series, it's so good but also so heart-wrenching. I keep seeing good people meet shit ends and this time it happened to Ejima and Shingoro, all over political power wars.
Ejima acted like a damn godly honorable and respectful man until the end. He was so right that the only reason he fell in the trap was because his men and Gekkoin decided to let him spend a bit more time in the theater with Shingoro and Ejima being Ejima, all he did with Shingoro was talk. Even after being exiled he kept being such a person. Inspiring.
I felt especially bad for Shingoro, her acting career destroyed and forced to give a false testimony against Ejima under torture. It felt bad also because I liked Yoshimune when she was introduced, before this long flashback started, but now, after seeing this development, after seeing the people sacrificed to get her to become Shogun, I just... can't like her as much as before anymore.