Animal Kingdom vol. 7-8
Wow, the tragic stuff that happen...
feel sad![]()
The world is what's wrong!
He can draw very emotionally intense scenes that are fitting to the genre, particularly the adrenaline rush and/or sad moments.
Animal Kingdom vol. 7-8
Wow, the tragic stuff that happen...
feel sad![]()
Don't sweat it, it's fine to feel passionate about something it's just best not to overdo it!
btw it sounds like you'd love 7 Seeds so you should check that out asap
mods pls ban
Soma story will pick up when the shady organization in cooking industry finally appear.In all honesty. Who here watch soma for story? Story wise. It standard cooking Shonen manga. So far I didn't find anything special about it.
Nah, soma probably use surprisingly new ingredients instead fighting with superior ingredients
The world is what's wrong!
He can draw very emotionally intense scenes that are fitting to the genre, particularly the adrenaline rush and/or sad moments.
guys we should live in harmony
Yeah, Makoto Raiku art not exactly the prettiest art, but damn the way he draw all that emotion. This and Gash Bell is really great!
Hi Score Girl 19
Got rekt without the punch button, get good kid.
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka 17
She's such a thief.
Then he will truly taste exotic food and exotic waifus
Aww, you read Gash Bell too? I think you would recognize some of his clear note final form syndromes in really grotesque-looking chimeras later on.
It's a little over designed.
Same trick just like in one shot then, where he use cheap egg since it made the spice flavor become more prominent.
It always been Soma strength. Since he been experimenting many random ingredients combination. He always find a new way to cook
"While pretending to be a lesbian, I'll go after her through physical intimacy!"
Sure. Why not? What could possibly go wrong...? ¬_¬
Legend of Zelda 4 koma by Oyster
I haven't play the game,all joke about the game mechanic fly over my head.
The artwork is pleasant though, and i get some of the joke. One of these days, i need to buy 3DS and play this.
I don't think you thought this plan through.
It was like when Vegeta went up against Freeza and got massacred.
Oh right, it's not available in 3ds, only the sequel <_<
I was thinking of the other zelda game that got ported to 3DS...
Oh well.
Meat lol
I don't know why but I read that as "Got Married"
Vegeta/Bulma on the mind
When will Soma ever do a team battle? 1 vs 1 fights will get boring sooner or later.
When will Soma ever do a team battle? 1 vs 1 fights will get boring sooner or later.
Koe de Oshigoto! 1
Why are all eroge gaming companies in manga filled with female workers?
Is that wishful thinking or an accurate representation of the eroge industry?
Probably wishful thinking. There is a sizable amount of female workers in the eroge industry, but not to that extent.
The stamen joke makes my eyes roll.
Seems to a a dumb comedy with some yuri ecchi. Amusing enough for now, I suppose I will tire of the same joke later (or maybe no who knows).
Precise cropping:
The stamen joke makes my eyes roll.
When will Soma ever do a team battle? 1 vs 1 fights will get boring sooner or later.
So what, now he's going to prove Nico wrong? That he can turn his suffering into music?
Last week I joked that he's going to wind up the front man of an emo rock band. Now I'm not so sure he won't.
As always I blame panda.
Didn't know Hajime Isayama drew Erza
Oh good, it looks like that started the process of snapping him out of it. I know it's not something you just get over, but this is why you usually get time skips after tragedies. Watching people be depressed isn't fun.
So what, now he's going to prove Nico wrong? That he can turn his suffering into music?
Last week I joked that he's going to wind up the front man of an emo rock band. Now I'm not so sure he won't.