Guess no one posted this guest art yet?
Seems less racist than normal.
Guess no one posted this guest art yet?
Even if Ishida and Nishimaya kissed or had babies or whatever (I think there's supposed to be a subtle thing about them holding hands when that's how they communicate) it still isn't satisfying because of the way everything was resolved, especially in regards to the side characters. Alone, it's a fine ending, but when looking at all the other problems that plagued the second half it's pretty bad.
yeah no shit.
One Piece
A tiny bit of progress since the flashback happened at least but I really want to see some focus on the fights in the immediate chapters. Look forward to the Pica, Diamante and Doflamingo fights. I really wish Franky's fight would just end already. I was kind of hoping he would fight a 'stronger' opponent. Go Bartolmeo!
The Tower of Mysterion 01
A trio of friends, with the quiet guy, his childhood friend and a popular guy as they enjoy their everyday lives. That changes when quiet guy gets asked out by childhood friend's best friend.
Before the end of the chapter, I just assumed this was going to be another childhood loses terribly for chapters upon chapters but then oh boy, that last page.
re: Koe no Katachi End
Yeah not sure where the Ueno x Sahara assumption came from. That would be way out of left field and horribly explained.
You wanted this right?
You wanted this right?
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You wanted this right?
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Koe no Katachi
Okay, here's the thing. I don't know if its a cultural thing, but I've noticed most series that aren't explicitly about pairing characters seem to have a penchant for only vaguely alluding to what is actually happening in the end. I don't know if its just us western readers that actually expect to see the kiss or the babies or whatever since it was pretty clearly implied. The overall effect is that it seems obnoxiously incomplete.
Also, Ueno wasn't lesbian with Sahara, you guys are dumb and can't read. She was trying to make Ishida jealous.
Wait, they have RPGs in AoT?
You wanted this right?
More at and
Ad far as Ueno goes, its more about taking something fun out of the ending than really think she went lesbian. But she totally did.
I think they're taking a lot of liberties... haha
Lots of new characters, too.
so busy lately I haven't had time to read/do anything manga related, but stopped by to say the KnK ending was a little disappointing but I don't think it was as bad as most of you think.
I'm gonna have a lot of catching up to do when I have time.
final year of college sucks
(also thank you to those who are wearing their punishments and sorry for going AWOL. I feel shitty but I'm up to my eyes these days. When I'm back I'll sort out banner things, promise)
Himouto! Umaru-chan 82
Umaru crying was the cutest thing ever. Se need more of that.
One Piece
Love how Senor Pink protected the kitten in the middle of the fight.
Yoruichi has a sister?
He's introducing her this late in the game?
And she pretty much looks the same?
The fuck?
Doesn't Kubo make new characters on the fly when he runs out of ideas?
The Naruto thread is STILL arguing about shipping, but couching it in a way that they're making fun of it even though they are clearly just arguing about shipping.
One Piece
Love how Senor Pink protected the kitten in the middle of the fight.
Didn't the train already crash?
The Tower of Mysterion 01
A trio of friends, with the quiet guy, his childhood friend and a popular guy as they enjoy their everyday lives. That changes when quiet guy gets asked out by childhood friend's best friend.
Before the end of the chapter, I just assumed this was going to be another childhood loses terribly for chapters upon chapters but then oh boy, that last page.
Toriko 302
One thing stood out to me here. The Wolf King is known as Guiness. Jirou has a move called Guiness Punch. His name also used be Jirou for second wolf.
Long been speculated but yeah there is a connection between Jirou and the Battlewolf king. (Note the author also kind of foreshadowed this showing the battlewolf right after the Ashurasaurus)
What utility bows can have on Titans?...
The Naruto thread is STILL arguing about shipping, but couching it in a way that they're making fun of it even though they are clearly just arguing about shipping.
The Naruto thread is STILL arguing about shipping, but couching it in a way that they're making fun of it even though they are clearly just arguing about shipping.
nah it's just frog-fu trying is hardest to shit up the thread