i cant help it when people have bad taste in manga like rockturtle with love junkies!
oh snap its getting real
bu.. bu... butWho are those people though?
i usually laugh at Toriko and SJ since it got that big push and it didn't do much at all.
also add other series with 1/10 of that push fucking curb stomping it makes it funnier as well. And if you want to go there also add the supposed rejection of SnK at some point in time as well.
I didn't like Komatsu too at first he is slowly maturing though and this past arc has him knocked outI also like Toriko, but am I the only one who hates Komatsu a whole lot. Like for some reason I just detest that annoying shit.
\Sorry I went there.
Boy Skirt 01
Guy discovers the girl who sits in front of him in class is actually a guy. He finds out he dresses as a girl in order to help her twin sister overcome her fear of guys. But then he tells our main character a secret. And a whole new world opens.
Amusing, definitely interested in seeing where this goes.
bu.. bu... but
Kokou no Hito 113-170 END
I cried. A beautiful ending to such a raw and powerful series.
honestly its just very disappointing so i usually rib on it and laugh at SJ.
as said before it could actually explode one day but for now that expectation is basically near the bottom.
Also i'm not ribbing the content since it sounds interesting but i do have to wonder why enough people aren't biting and could that be on the manga at that point (art, characters, story, etc) or are people just plainly not as interested or willing to give it a shot.
Its definitely aTL manga
I'm dropping it cus I get the heeby jeebys
realistic series are nice... it is great to take a break from all the over the top drama and over teasing found in typical shojo
Maybe less teasing, but I think the over the top drama is still really abundant in josei I think?
Heh, depends.Maybe less teasing, but I think the over the top drama is still really abundant in josei I think?
is it?
I sometimes see realistic series that have romance in it as a side thing as more pleasant
I don't fully read pure josei though
Its definitely aTL manga
I'm dropping it cus I get the heeby jeebys
bu.. bu... but
Hey guys if you could choose one type of really specific manga genre that you could only read what would it be
I prefer those old school manly action series like Jojo or FoTNS
Toriko and Kingdom have some hints of this therefore explaining my love for these series
Plus some series occasionally have those tough dudes (even though a majority of them die) which also explains my interest for those series
My second favourite genre is old school scifi... the avi explains it
but If I would choose one it would be the former seeing as those series tend to have out of this world wackiness that satisfies my scifi quench a little
I guess that kinda explains why I love Toriko seeing as it has some teasing of scifi stuff plus it has some nods to the old school macho man... the thing it is missing is more emotion and serious deaths of main characters leading to character development before it can ever reach my top 5 series
I am a man of world building also so when I mangaka takes his/her time defining their world I really do appreciated..... which kinda explains my disappointment in series like Bleach but adore series like HXH and stuff
Lastly I like genres that have good writing and/or have a nice message.... like real life based series or simple town series
It's like I'm reading Punpun no.2 just that this one complements well with the subject mountain climbing
Guy couldn't catch a break with all the shit life throws at him. I like the way he remains calm and attempt to rationally solve his problems.
Hey guys if you could choose one type of really specific manga genre that you could only read what would it be
I prefer those old school manly action series like Jojo or FoTNS
Toriko and Kingdom have some hints of this therefore explaining my love for these series
Plus some series occasionally have those tough dudes (even though a majority of them die) which also explains my interest for those series
My second favourite genre is old school scifi... the avi explains it
but If I would choose one it would be the former seeing as those series tend to have out of this world wackiness that satisfies my scifi quench a little
I guess that kinda explains why I love Toriko seeing as it has some teasing of scifi stuff plus it has some nods to the old school macho man... the thing it is missing is more emotion and serious deaths of main characters leading to character development before it can ever reach my top 5 series
I am a man of world building also so when I mangaka takes his/her time defining their world I really do appreciated..... which kinda explains my disappointment in series like Bleach but adore series like HXH and stuff
Lastly I like genres that have good writing and/or have a nice message.... like real life based series or simple town series
it doesn't give off a first good impression as in a series about food hunting may make some people to not take it that seriously.... Plus like a lot of series it starts off slow which doesn't help it for people who hear all this hype for it from their friends only to not see that much hype in the first couple of chapters
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. -Monologue- 09
Was about to read this then I realized it was SNAFU.
I'm still pure so what's DTL?
Dedication Through Light, the person.
It's written by the Author of Tokyo Ghoul and his first series.
Yeah it's pretty much about a dude with a penis looking head.
How can you say no to Saika.
counts what you find tolerantHeh, depends.
I'm reading Umimachi Diary, Chihayafuru, Princess Jellyfish... and they don't have a lot of it. Or maybe I'm just too tolerant and just don't notice it.
smut.... realistic?I guess it depends on what they're going for. The good is stuff like Nodame Cantabile or Chihayafuru.
The bad can get very smut-like I hear lol.
Bro you know whats up *fistbumpI'm still pure so what's DTL?
Hamtaro is the bees knees.
Also, should I read Arigatou? I don't wanna feel today.
I'd have to say Tragedy in Seinen manga. Like for example one of the reasons I love Tokyo Ghoul is for the suffering. Seeing Kaneki's suffering was one heck of a ride. It made me really sad just seeing how tragic of a character he is with his multiple personality disorder.
Also Berserk is another good example. Just seeing Gutts tragic life helped define his character and made me love his character so much. Fuck just seeing his childhood really killed me inside.
I don't know but tragedies just have something special about them. I guess it has to do with being emotionally attached to the protagonist and it also helps if has quality writing. I also love anti-heroes a lot more than your traditional justice seeking heroes.
Slice of life series our great if they're handled well... I tend to feel relaxed when I read someSlice of life.
I really like 4 koma manga like Kariage-kun, Kobo-chan. Never got bored by it.
Its definitely aTL manga
I'm dropping it cus I get the heeby jeebys
Boy Skirt 01
Google sensei always knows. Im so glad the two bros could finally move their relationship forward a bit. Really hilarious chapter due to all his inner turmoil. Comedy is really her strong point in writing this that it made me feel immensely fun and memorable.
It's basically Prunus Girl expect they go yes, it's a guy at the very start.![]()
I kind of remember this. Did they ever go anywhere with it? Like the boy and and the crossdresser start dating was he trans, gay?
Reading Koe no Katachi on crunchyroll.
Perhaps I'm a bit ignorant, but why does Nishimiya wear hearing aids if her deafness is so severe that she doesn't seem to be able to hear even with them in?