Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari is the actual name.
WTF does the title translate to?
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari is the actual name.
WTF does the title translate to?
More Shieldbro spoilers
The forced name change is so amazing I explode with joy everytime I read their names.
Wolfsmund Vol. 1 Ch. 1
Great first chapter but dat ending...T.T
Really liking the book so far and the 'generic' style isn't irritating.
You didn't perchance get to see/read much of the AKB49 musical posted prior?
AKB49 214 RAW
Lol. The musical's going to Nagoya in March 3/14 and 3/15 with cast from SKE TBC whom.
And the BD/DVD for the below is out on 2/11. Direct link to shop is here. Mouse hovering on buy...
discovered Too Much Pain in the rawlands
yeah.. its got NTR written all over it
strangely compelled to check it out further though
So is that one of your hidden fetishes?
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - "Be Mine, Hero!" "I Refuse!" 35
Yo dat Lily Brigade commander.
Central tortured a guy for his gun blueprints, makes a shit tonne of them, distributes them to soldiers and brainwashes them with religious cult crap and prepares to send them to fight the South and all you can say is check that Lily Brigade commander?
She fine though don't get me wrong
Nobunaga no Chef vol.3
Totally forgot that part when Nobunaga slashes Ken. Goddamn dude, get a grip.
It's been a while since I've stopped reading the scans so it's a real pleasure to rediscover this fantastic manga.
Shieldbro up to 102
Probably biased but shieldbro's way of fighting definitely the best.
Also dat obliviousness.
I'm hereby announcing the koe no katachi doujin has been translated
I repeat, the koe no katachi doujin has been translated.
That is all
I'm hereby announcing the koe no katachi doujin has been translated
I repeat, the koe no katachi doujin has been translated.
That is all
I'm hereby announcing the koe no katachi doujin has been translated
I repeat, the koe no katachi doujin has been translated.
That is all
I'm hereby announcing the koe no katachi doujin has been translated
I repeat, the koe no katachi doujin has been translated.
That is all
Man where is nana, hxh, d gray man, highschool of the dead and other shit i totally forgot about
I swear by the time they resume i already know nippons glorious moon runes and thats saying a lot
But the previous one still hasn't been translated. I demand translations for the previous one.
Tokyo Ghoul:re 13 Spoilers!The conversation between Shirazu and Haise is making me believe that something is gonna occurr down the line. Especially when Shirazu asked Haise if he would leave CCG if he were to regain his memories. But fuck it made me depressed when Haise wondered if his Haise personality would die if he did regain his memories.
School Rumble Z ( Ended )
More than a decade since I started reading School Rumble and more than 5 years since I finished it. Took me a while to remember all the names.
I guess this is as close as it gets!
Nukoduke! ch50
Nukos seem to be really effective in instilling some crazy in people.
So have any of you guys read the manga Yesterday wo Utatte? I don't know much about it, but I started reading it recently and I like it a lot. I also drew this sketch of Haru on her scooter (it's like the first non-lewd thing I've drawn in ages).
Domestic no Kanojo 1-8
Manga by the same author of Good Ending.
i really really really should have learned my lesson from reading GE. I must be a masochist.
it feels good reading manga in the middle of 3 am like this
i miss this lifestyle
Yeah, his was actually pretty solidIt's a pretty sweet one as well. This is now canon.
If the mangaka is going based off of real human psychology, there's a a good chance he will maintain his memories. His personality at the moment has always been Kaneki, before he went clinically insane. He'll be in the same state as the chick who he got the ghoul organ from once he remembers everything. Its almost like witnessing multiple massacres involving loved ones in a matter of 3 minutes, which no normal human would be able to handle, especially with how fragile Haise is now with no mellowed out Kaneki persona.
Yeah, his was actually pretty solid
Zweizer-senpai, should I give this a chance?
Yeah he's pretty much fucked. Just imagine how insane he'll become from all those memories.
I really want to know how this Auction Arc is gonna go down. It seems it's setting up to be something really big and because I saw chapter 14 spoilers.
Of course you should!
Unless you have diabetes.
Screw it, read this even if you have diabetes.
The manga contains a lifetime supply of sweetnessalso, what does diabetes have to do with this?
It's a pretty sweet one as well. This is now canon.
Akame ga Kill 56
Well... I guess that's close to what we were expecting out of all of this. So many deaths in this series, but it's getting a little boring now.
Truly a great ending. Mine ending up being the only survivor lulz.Akame ga Kill 56
This just reinforces that Mine will survive the series, now she's out of danger and out of commission, she'll be in a coma until the very end and then after everything is said and done she'll wake up, probably to find that everyone else is dead.
More Shieldbro spoilers
The forced name change is so amazing I explode with joy everytime I read their names.
More stuff: All this divine retribution makes me feel like i'm just reading justiceporn